Chapter 517 It's Too Late


In the capital city, in a five-star hotel, Cen Xue finished an announcement, just returned to the hotel, and was about to rest when Wang Minhui knocked on the door of Cen Xue's room.

Wang Minhui was more haggard than before, her eyes were red, as if she had stayed up for several big nights.

Even the dress is not as refined as before.

"What's the matter? Don't think that since Li Lin became your assistant, I won't be able to take care of your announcements. Cen Xue, you are really good at it!" Wang Minhui looked at Cen Xue, who was sitting on the sofa with exquisite makeup, her eyes flickered. Passed a ray of resentment.

These days, for some reason, Liang Feng has not seen her for some reason, but after listening to the little bitch Cen Xue's pillow talk, she even agreed to Li Lin's appointment as Cen Xue's assistant.

"Sister Wang, you single-handedly pulled me up, but why can't I understand today's words?"

Cen Xue gently wiped her face with a cleansing cotton pad, her red lips curled up slightly.


Wang Minhui took a deep breath, hid the resentment in her eyes, and softened her voice: "Xue'er, I'm just a little angry, but I managed to win this announcement. Doing some public welfare publicity can also improve your public image."

After removing her makeup, Cen Xue picked up the document and read it carefully.

This is an official one-to-one support project, and asking them these stars is just a platform, and they just want to donate some money.

It is indeed a sweet pastry.


From the corner of her eye, Cen Xue glanced at Wang Minhui who was standing aside with her arms folded. How could she be so kind?
"Xue'er, I'm really doing it for your own good, and the location is still in Xuancheng, so you can go back and have a look."

Seeing that Cen Xue was still hesitating, Wang Minhui continued.

Cen Xue lowered her eyes, remembered what Cen Shu said, and nodded: "Okay, when are you leaving?"

Hearing that Cen Xue agreed, Wang Minhui breathed a sigh of relief: "Now."


Cen Xue paused when she got up, "Sister Wang, it's already early morning, the flight from Beijing to Xuancheng doesn't seem to be in the early morning, right?"

"Well, we don't take a plane, we drive there. It may take two days on the road, so we need to start now, or we will be late." A trace of impatience flashed in Wang Yinghui's eyes, and her tone became anxious.

"I don't ride in a car, I get carsick."

Wang Minhui's performance was so obvious that Cen Xue didn't fall for it. She glanced at the mobile phone she had thrown on the sofa at random, and pretended to carry something to walk towards the sofa.

Just when Cen Xue's hand was about to touch the phone, the other hand took the phone away faster than her.

Wang Minhui's face was sullen, and there was hatred in her eyes that could no longer be hidden.

"It seems that you want to toast and not eat, and you will be fined."

As soon as she finished speaking, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and three tall men in black suits walked in, with fleshy faces and ferocious faces.

Cen Xue lowered her head, pretending to be afraid: "Sister Wang, you should know that illegal imprisonment is against the law."

Wang Minhui snorted coldly, and raised her chin at the three of them.

The leading man in a suit took out his handkerchief, restrained Cen Xue like a chick, and covered Cen Xue's mouth and nose with his handkerchief.

Wang Minhui watched Cen Xue fall limply with cold eyes, put on her hat and said, "Let's go!"

The three quickly followed.

At this time, the camera on the corner of the hotel corridor flickered suddenly, and then made a "sizzling" electric sound, and finally gradually turned into darkness.

"I'll be right back, I've already entered the community."

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Liang Yue still had a little cream on her hair, hung up the call from Huang's mother, and stepped into the elevator.

Today, the classmate celebrated her birthday and invited Liang Yue. Because the place where the party was held was far away, Huang's mother was worried and asked her to go home early.

There was a slight sound of footsteps behind him.

Liang Yue subconsciously turned her head and glanced, "Chen Qiang, why are you so late?"

Originally, those people were going to sing, but Liang Yue refused, and took a taxi to go home directly. Unexpectedly, Chen Qiang was so late.

Chen Qiang put his hands in his pockets, and his peach blossom eyes glanced at Liang Yue lightly: "What? Do you care about me?"

Liang Yue walked into the elevator and snorted softly. This kid is getting more and more stinky.

"Zhao Yi's stuff..."

The two were in the elevator, and the atmosphere was a little awkward, but Liang Yue had to break the awkwardness.

What happened that day still alarmed Huang's mother, even Huang's father who was on a business trip abroad knew about it, and bought a plane ticket back to China overnight.

At this birthday party, Empress Huang was afraid, so she kept calling to ask if Liang Yue was safe.

"The police took away all his things, and the room is now empty. Why? Do you care about him?"

Chen Qiang's tone was a little cold.

Liang Yue stood in the corner, glanced at Chen Qiang, who was starting to release the air-conditioning again, and rolled his eyes angrily: "I'm just asking, how can you imagine so much, and, in fact, that day next to the public toilet of Manzhan, You should have seen Zhao Yi too, right?"

Liang Yue once fell into a dream, but the person she saw was Chen Qi'ang.

This is something she still doesn't understand.

After thinking about it, maybe the victim's young lady wanted to tell her, maybe Chen Qiang knew something.

"That guy, with such a wretched appearance, it's hard not to pay attention, okay?" Chen Qiang's tone was a bit foul.

So...he actually saw it!
Then he also moved here with Zhao Yi?
Before Liang Yue could speak, the elevator arrived, and the elevator doors slowly opened to both sides.

Liang Yue froze for a moment, said goodbye to Chen Qiang, and walked out of the elevator first.


Chen Qi'ang stepped out of the elevator and called Liang Yue to stop him.

"What's wrong?" Liang Yue turned her head to look at Chen Qiang, always feeling that Chen Qiang was a little strange today.

Chen Qiang's peach blossom eyes flashed a bit uncomfortable: "Huang Yin, I like you."

Liang Yue paused, and it took a long time to realize that she seemed to have been confessed?
"Hey, give me some reaction!"

With Liang Yue's back turned to her, Chen Qi'ang couldn't see her reaction, so he was a little uncertain, so he walked up to Liang Yue.

Liang Yue's face was a little red, and she missed his gaze.

"You, why did you suddenly..."

Chen Qiang coughed lightly, feeling a little uncomfortable: "I don't know, what about you?"

Liang Yue had lived for a hundred years, and it was the first time she was confessed by a young man. She blushed and said, "What about me? My parents are still waiting for me to come home for dinner, so I'll go back first!"

Liang Yue pushed Chen Qiang away, opened the door, and walked in quickly.

Chen Qi'ang looked at the closed door, his peach blossom eyes dimmed, and he sighed heavily in his heart.

I've been a little restless lately.

Obviously Zhao Yi has already been caught up...

There seems to be a voice in my heart all the time, if I don't do this, it will be too late.

Chen Qiang was so sudden today.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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