Chapter 518 Familiar momentum

into the night.

Dark clouds cover the cold moonlight, and in the quiet night, there are occasional cicadas chirping.

A white cloud of smoke silently entered the room through the gap in the window.

The room as a whole has a cool tone, and the tables and chairs are arranged very neatly. It can be seen that the owner of the room is a very rigid and strict person who pays attention to details.

The moment the white mist entered the room, the man on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint green light flashed in the dark pupils.

Bai Wu stood beside the bed, gradually turning into the shape of a person.

"You shouldn't stay with her, you will kill her." The person in the white mist said.

Lu Si slowly sat up from the bed, even though he was wearing pajamas, his aura remained unabated when facing the white mist.

"and then?"

His voice was icy cold, with a chill that made people feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Don't you like her?" Seeing Lu Si's attitude, Bai Wu was very puzzled.

Lu Si glanced at Bai Wu lightly, and slowly rolled up the cuffs of his pajamas with his slender fingers: "What capacity do you use to say such things to me?"

When he said this, the air pressure around Lu Si suddenly dropped, and a faint green light flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

Bai Wu froze in place: "You..."

"Cen Shu..." Bai Wu paused, "She helped me before." In return, he would naturally help her too.

Lu Si got up, his aura increased sharply, and he looked at Bai Wu at the same level: "You can't take care of Shanshan's affairs."

In his previous life, it was because of such a sentence that he let Shanshan leave and went down the mountain.

But the final result?
Shanshan is still dead, where he can't see it.

"If you can just watch her die, then I have nothing to say."

Bai Wu's voice also cooled down, and the clay figurine was also somewhat angry. It was already the greatest tolerance for him to allow Lu Si to talk to him like this.

Lu Si's eyes flashed an obscure light.

"No." Lu Si said lightly.

Bai Wu glanced at Lu Si coldly, snorted softly, and disappeared into the room.

Lu Si looked at the direction where the white mist disappeared, frowning slightly.

In the darkness, Lu Si lowered his head, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly.

Outside the window, the breeze blows.

The white mist that disappeared gradually gathered again, looking at Lu Si who was sitting on the edge of the bed, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Just now, the aura exuded by Lu Si's body made him feel a little familiar, as if... somewhere before...

The next morning.

It had just rained, and there were still sporadic raindrops in the sky, making the whole sky look gray.

A three bungee 'tow toot' driving on the road full of mud.

"Little girl, why do you come to play at Yueming Mountain at this time?"

The speaker spoke with a local Xuancheng accent, was plainly dressed, and was driving a car, his body slowly shaking with the car.

"Well, I'll come if I want to." The little girl's voice was a little distant, as if she didn't want to talk.

Yueming Mountain is connected to the neighboring province in the west of Xuancheng, and a certain area has been developed into a tourist area. There are a lot of tourists every year, but most of them come to soak in the hot springs in winter.

Although this place has become a tourist area, the road is a bit bad. There is a concrete road, but it is only a self-driving tour or a tour group driving a large circle, avoiding the village and reaching the foot of the mountain.

Chen Wan's job is to pick up individual customers.

As introversion became more and more serious, most young people were under greater pressure, and there were also many people traveling alone. Chen Wan was doing business for these people.

Chen Wan was quick-tempered, and he didn't get angry when he didn't get a response, so he drove the car intently.

The place where Yueming Mountain was developed is relatively close to the village, but the people in Chenjia Village are quite xenophobic and value Fengshui very much.

When the road was built at the beginning, it was also for this reason that the road was not built into the village.

Chen Wan felt that these people were really stubborn, and he didn't care about the opinions of the people in the village, so he turned his home into a homestay to provide accommodation for tourists.

Every time the village chief came to give him advice, he always went in one ear and out the other.

After all, who has trouble with money?
What Feng Shui?
Who knows if the ancestor has time to take care of the affairs of the younger generation, he is working diligently now, raising two children with his wife, and the house is getting higher and higher, even the ancestor's cemetery is the best.

Thinking about it, I was almost at the village before I knew it.

It is very different from modern villages. From a distance, Chenjia Village seems to be surrounded by Mingyue Mountain. There is a stone at the entrance of the village that looks very old. There seems to be words on it, but the handwriting is blurred due to the wind and sun for a long time.

The word 'family village' can be vaguely seen.

There is also a huge camphor tree next to the stone.

"I heard from the old people in the village that this camphor tree seems to be hundreds of years old." Chen Wan looked in the rearview mirror and said proudly when he saw the little girl looking at the camphor tree.

Today's young people are living in reinforced concrete cities, such a hundred-year-old tree should be a rare thing for a little girl.

However, the little girl only looked at it for a while, then looked away, and then looked at the stone at the entrance of the village.

"In the past, this was the Yin Family Village?"

The little girl asked the first question along the way.

Chen Wan was stunned: "Well, but that was more than 20 years ago." The mudslide in Yinjia Village was tragic, and it can still be found on the Internet.

"I heard that there are still some Yin family members living in Chenjia Village?"

At that time, almost the entire village was submerged, only a few families living on the edge of the village survived.

"Well, yes, but I don't seem to be in Chenjiacun now..." Chen Wan was only in his 30s this year, and the Internet was not well developed at that time, and he just heard from people in the village.

However, what Chen Wan has always been puzzled about is that the village chief already knew that there would be mudslides in this place, so why did he agree to move the village?
Back then, when Chen Wan was in his teens, he suddenly heard the bad news about Yinjia Village, and he was still a little emotional, but not long after, he heard that Chenjia Village was going to be relocated, and the location was Yinjia Village.

What surprised Chen Wan the most was that there seemed to be few people in the village who disagreed.

At that time, Chen Wan also asked his parents, but they kept silent.

However, in the past 20 years, nothing has happened. Even in the rainy season, there has been no accident in Chenjia Village.

"It seems that Miss has done an investigation." Chen Wan came back from the memories.

"Well, I'm more curious."

"Does the lady want to live in a homestay?" Chen Wan rolled his eyes, "Today I'll go back and ask the old man at home."

The little girl glanced at Chen Wan lightly, with a little scrutiny in her apricot eyes, which made Chen Wan's heart tremble subconsciously.

"it is good."

The little girl withdrew her gaze and nodded slightly.

Chen Wan breathed a sigh of relief, but before the breath was completely relieved, he heard the sound of suona resounding through the sky.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes and rewards, cute!

  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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