Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 520 Have you seen it somewhere?

Chapter 520 Have you seen it somewhere?

Before Cen Shu could speak, a slightly rough voice appeared at the door.

The person who came was wearing a raincoat and dark rain boots, which were covered with mud spots.

"What? The fire in your house can't start again?"

Chen Wan said jokingly.

The visitor walked into the yard, only to see Cen Shu sitting on the stone bench, her smile slightly restrained.

"Are there any guests? Then I..."

"Brother Chang, don't leave yet, I'll ask Sun Hong to get you the fire." Chen Wan said hello to Cen Shu, and entered the room.

Cen Shu drank the water calmly, looking at the person coming from the corner of her eye.

[Host, this person...why do I feel familiar? 】Xiao Hua jumped onto Cen Shu's shoulder, looking at the person coming, always felt as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Cen Shu narrowed her eyes, [Do you still remember the couple feeding the baby talismans on the train back to Xuancheng from Feiniao Town? 】

[Aww!Host!right!That's them! 】

Xiaohua was a little excited, this is too coincidental.

By the way, there is also that He Yong, who turned out to be that deceitful magic stick in Chenjia Village. Is this world so small?

There were only Chen Chang and Cen Shu in the yard at this time. Chen Chang patted the water on his raincoat with his hands in a daze, and Yu Guang was also quietly looking at Cen Shu at this moment. Why does it look familiar?
At this time, Chen Wan came over with an iron dustpan, and there were still a few burning coals in the dustpan.

"Brother Chang, do you think these are enough?" Chen Chang quickly took them, "Enough is enough."

Chen Chang held the dustpan, but he had no intention of leaving. After thinking about it, he always felt that Cen Shu looked familiar, but he couldn't figure out where he had seen such a juicy girl.

"Girl..." Chen Chang hesitated for a few moments before asking, "Did we meet somewhere?"

Chen Wan: "..." Brother Chang, do you still remember that you have a wife?
Such an old-fashioned method of striking up a conversation has long been outdated.

However, Chen Wan didn't expect that the little girl in the city who doesn't talk much put down the water in her hand, looked up at Chen Chang, and nodded.

really know?

"Train, Fu Shui."

The short four words made Chen Chang's old face blush. He remembered that the little girl in front of him seemed to be sitting opposite them.

"Brother Chang, how did you know each other?" Seeing Chen Chang's strange expression, Chen Wan became even more curious.

Chen Chang said 'Oh,' and turned his back: "Old Wan, don't ask, it's not a big deal, it's just a coincidence."

I think that after following the police car to the police station, Chen Chang was criticized. After going through the baptism of ideological education, he lost all the remaining talismans as soon as he left the police station, and took Dabao to the hospital to see a doctor. How much it costs is much cheaper than buying talismans.

This is not something to be proud of, Chen Chang is a little embarrassed.

"I see. Is it related to that He Yong?" Chen Wan had an expression that I had already seen through.

That time Chen Chang took Dabao out to visit relatives, and when he came back, he ran to He Yong's house angrily with a shovel in his hand, trying to settle the score with He Yong.

It's a pity that He Yong was not at home at that time, and he never came back after that.

"He Yong, that bastard, don't let me catch him, or I will beat him to death!" Mentioning He Yong, Chen Chang became angry.

Not to mention the money spent, the disease still could not be cured. When they sent the package to the hospital, Dabao had already had a severe fever. The doctor said that if it was later, Dabao's life might be in danger.

"Don't talk about it, He Yong is very strange." Chen Wan chatted, and he didn't care about the presence of an outsider like Cen Shu, "Isn't Chen Li's family and other children attending funerals today? I heard that When these children got sick, they drank the talisman water given by He Yong..."

Their village is relatively closed, and when there is no development, they don't even have the Internet.

Later, when the government started development, there was a signal in the village, and there were more connections with the outside world.

But the people in the village are all old people or a group of middle-aged people who only know how to bury their heads in farming. Chen Wan is a group with more active thinking, so he knows more.

Knowing that this kind of superstition is bad, every time a child in the family gets sick, Chen Wan would drive the car all the way to the hospital to see a doctor.

"Don't tell me, it's true, especially the baby from Chen Li's family. Although she is tall, she is in poor health. Back then, I went to He Yong's to buy amulets because of Chen Li's recommendation."

Although the drowning incident was a coincidence, but this kind of strange and chaotic thing, I would rather believe it or not.

After Chen Chang finished speaking, he suddenly felt scared, but fortunately, fortunately.

The two chatted for a while, seeing that the charcoal fire was about to lose popularity, Chen Wancai urged Chen Chang to go home quickly.

"By the way, Mr. Chen is back, you can go and see him another day." Chen Chang walked to the gate of the courtyard, and only then remembered what he wanted to tell Chen Wan just now.

Chen Wan was taken aback, "You mean Chen Hao, Grandpa Chen? Didn't he go to the city to set up a stall to sell pancakes? Why did he come back suddenly?"

"Yes, I heard that I feel that my health is not very good, and I can't work anymore, so I come back to take care of myself."

"Well, okay, I'll go see him tomorrow." Chen Li said.

Seeing Chen Chang leave, Cen Shu got up and picked up the flower umbrella leaning against the stone bench.

"Miss, do you want to go back to your room to rest?"

"Well, the top floor? You are busy, I can go up by myself."

Chen Wan took out a bunch of keys from his bag, and handed one of them to Cen Shu: "Yes, the one in the innermost corridor on the top floor is." After this journey, Chen Wan also knew that Cen Shu was a quiet person. Personality, tactfully did not say anything.

Cen Shu thanked her, took it, transferred the room fee for a few days, and walked upstairs with an umbrella.

Perhaps it was Chen Wan's instructions, and Cen Shu walked all the way to the top floor, but she didn't hear the children's noise, only the crackling of raindrops hitting the canopy.

The rain curtain almost enveloped the entire village, and the sound of suona could be faintly heard coming from a distance.

Cen Shu came to the door of the innermost room. The door looked very new, and it was all anti-theft doors.

The furnishings in the room are also designed according to the hotel, but there is no private guard.

The bathroom is on the first floor.

Cen Shu only carried a bag on her back. After putting down the bag, Cen Shu came to the corridor.

Standing here, you can almost have a panoramic view of the entire Chenjia Village.

The wooden door of Chen Jia's house at the opposite door was closed, and further to the side, Chen Chang came out of the house wearing a raincoat and carrying a dustpan, as if he wanted to change it, but he was stopped by a person as soon as he went out.

The man didn't look tall, he was also wearing a dark raincoat, his back was hunched, his back was facing Cen Shu, and he couldn't see clearly.

The two were talking about something, and the man was holding a bag of things in his hand and stuffing it into Chen Chang's arms, but Chen Chang declined, not really wanting to take it.

In the end, Chen Chang compromised and accepted the thing.

Just as Cen Shu was about to look back, the hunched figure suddenly turned to look this way.

 update completed!
  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  Good night in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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