Chapter 521 Sudden Uneasiness
It was a man in his fifties, his eyes were extremely cloudy, and the exposed whites were bloodshot.

Wearing a black mask, you can only see the wrinkles on the forehead and the corners of the eyes that have been eroded by the years.

The man only glanced at Cen Shu, then looked away.

Then he staggered towards the hut next to Chen Chang's house.

[Host, what are you thinking? ] Xiao Hua looked at Cen Shu's side face curiously, always feeling that her host seemed to have something on her mind.

After sending Rong Meng back to the classroom, the host didn't go back to Cen's house at all, but came here directly, and even turned off his cell phone, and even left the cell phone in the drawer that he often communicated with.

There is quite a feeling of... all-or-nothing.

If this kind of feeling is placed on someone else, Xiaohua will not feel strange, but this is her own host.

A big guy!

Xiaohua felt a little uneasy for no reason.

Couldn't help but ask.

Cen Shu glanced sideways at Xiaohua, raised her hand and stroked its head, 【Thinking about... big things. 】

Little Flower:  …

This weather is perfect for sleeping.

Thinking about it, Cen Shu stretched her waist, turned and entered the room.

This time, I fell asleep until dinner.

Chen Wan's wife was very careful when she knocked on the door, for fear of disturbing Cen Shu. After all, Cen Shu is the only guest in their family now, and she is a big money without mercy.

Cen Shu simply washed up and went downstairs.

The price of the homestay includes meals.

Chen Wan was also very honest. He killed an old hen to entertain Cen Shu. The two children of Chen Wan's family watched with greedy eyes, but they didn't dare to move, they just watched eagerly.

It was Cen Shu who served the bowls to the two children, but the children didn't dare to take it. After asking Chen Wan's approval with their eyes, they took it as a thank you.

He is a child who understands etiquette.

The staple food is pancakes.

The pancakes are fried just right, the edges are burnt and crispy, but the middle is very tender, the sauce smells good too, the flavors of oil and meat are stimulated just right, and people can't help but whet their appetite.

Moreover, this fragrance seems a little familiar, as if it has been smelled somewhere.

"This pancake?" Cen Shu looked at the pancakes on the plate and paused.

Chen Wan thought that Cen Shu didn't like to eat, so he quickly explained: "This is the handicraft of an old master in the village. He gave Chen Chang a lot. When Brother Chang came to return the things just now, he brought some for me, Miss. Don't you like to eat? There is still rice cooking in the pot, let me serve it for you. "

The price Cen Shu gave has exceeded the price of accommodation and food these days, so Chen Wan must treat this rich man well.

"Well, I'm on a diet recently, and I can't eat greasy things." Cen Shu put down her chopsticks, glanced at the two cheerful children eating by the table, "Boss Chen, these two children are in the developmental stage, and they can't eat them." It's too oily, and it's easy to grow short..."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Wan's phrase "I don't eat it often, just eat a little bit occasionally" stuck in his throat. When it comes to height, this is Chen Wan's heart disease. When Chen Wan was young, his family was relatively poor and his nutrition was not enough No, so it is only a little over 1.6 meters now.

So he hopes that his child can grow taller.

Looking at the pancakes in the children's hands is not so pleasing to the eye, and I feel that the hands of the two children holding the pancakes are greasy.

"Peace and peace, you two, stop eating pancakes, go to the kitchen and ask your mother to serve you food."

When the two children heard about it, they were still a little reluctant to part, but under Chen Wan's stern stare, although the children still wanted to eat, they still put it down in the kitchen to find their mother.

[Host, is there something wrong with this pancake? 】My host has never been a nosy person, suddenly reminded that there must be something wrong.

Cen Shu didn't answer, she just reached out and pushed the pancake aside, focusing on eating the rice.

After dinner, not long after, Chen Wan's family began to wash.

Chenjia Village was considered isolated from the outside world. Even though the network cable was pulled, because young people seldom lived there, before eight o'clock, the whole village was plunged into darkness.

Only because of the sensor lights installed in Chen Wanjia's high-rise building, it will light up when it makes a slight sound.

Having had enough sleep during the day, Cen Shu, who didn't feel any sleepiness at night, moved a chair and sat in the corridor.

The chair creaked and swayed, urging people to fall asleep.

Cen Shu closed her eyes and lay on the chair with a cold expression.

Xiaohua squatted in the space, always a little uneasy, and even began to miss Xiaoheilian.

It always felt that the host seemed to want to do something, and it was still very dangerous.

If Xiao Heilian is here, her host will definitely take care of it.

This little black lotus!You are usually very smart, why are you so stupid now? !
"Sister Wang, there is no way ahead."

At the only muddy intersection leading to Chenjia Village, a van stopped, its body splashed with mud.

The man in the driver's seat was wearing a black suit, looked at the road ahead, and said to the woman in the passenger seat.

The woman's clothes looked a little wrinkled, her hair was messy, and her body smelled sour of sweat.

"No no no!"

In the rear compartment, a girl was trapped with her hands and feet, her mouth was covered with tape, she was unable to speak, and could only make a whimpering sound.

Wang Minhui glanced coldly at the rear compartment, looking at the road in front of her that was not even wide enough for a car, feeling a little irritable.

Although they were delayed on the road, they still arrived here according to the stipulated time. Now how to get Cen Xue into the village quietly is a problem.

"Go in." It's pitch black now, as long as you don't turn on the flashlight, you won't be noticed.

Wang Minhui made a decision after thinking for a moment.

But the other three were a little hesitant. The small road in Chenjia Village looked like a small road, but it took half an hour to drive, let alone walk.

Along the way, the three of them were frightened, for fear of being discovered by the police.

Coincidentally, at this time, it suddenly rained heavily, hitting the windshield of the car like a waterfall.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a heat gushing out from under her body, and Wang Minhui's face became even uglier.

Glancing at the big men next to her, she got out of the car under an umbrella, "Take care of her, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Saying that, without waiting for the three of them to respond, they closed the car door.

It's time to come to Auntie!
Wang Minhui only found it troublesome. She hired these people here with money, and she was not very familiar with them. Thinking, Wang Minhui walked a little further.

It was pitch black all around, and the howling of wolves came from nowhere. It sounded scary, and even the three big men were a little scared.

Cen Xue's wrists and ankles were rubbed with red marks by the rope, but she stopped struggling and lowered her eyes to think about countermeasures.

What exactly does this Wang Minhui want to do?
It took a lot of trouble to bring her here.

I don't know if even the heavens are helping her, the expressions of the three men changed at the same time, and then they all tightly clutched their stomachs.

"Boss/Second/Third, I suddenly have a stomachache!"

 The update is complete!

  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  Good night in advance~
(End of this chapter)

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