Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 522 Cool breeze... something happened? !

Chapter 522 Cool breeze... something happened? !
The three spoke in unison, and as soon as the words fell, the three looked at each other.

The boss in the driver's seat got out of the car first, and hurriedly left a sentence: "I'll go out first for convenience, and I'll be back soon."

The second child and the third child looked at each other in the back seat.

"This woman has her hands and feet tied up, and she will definitely not run away."

"And this wilderness, where can she go?"

The two hit it off, opened the door of the back seat and walked out.

At this moment, there was only Cen Xue in the car. Cen Xue struggled to get up, and desperately struggled to get rid of the rope in her hand.

Cen Xue's eyes lit up, she exerted more force, and soon, the rope around her wrist was finally loosened.

Untying the rope on her feet, Cen Xue sneaked up to the driver's seat, pulled out the car key, opened the door and got out of the car.

The icy rain splashed on her face, bringing a biting cold, but at this moment, Cen Xue couldn't control it anymore, she wanted to run away!Get away from here!

She didn't know what Wang Minhui's purpose was in tying her here, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Thinking, Cen Xue quickened her pace.

There were fields all around, and the rain screen provided good cover for Cen Xue.

Cen Xue slid down the dirt slope beside the field ridge and hid in the haystack.

She didn't go very far.

The first one to come back was the boss. When he saw that the back seat of the car was empty, he couldn't help but swear, and shouted into the air: "Second and third! What about you?!"

The two also hurried over with their pants up.

Seeing the scene in the car, I feel a little guilty for some reason.

"Hurry up and find it!"

The boss's eyes were a little sullen at this time, this was a big bill, and their brothers had been busy for so many days, if something happened at the most critical moment, that stinky woman would definitely not pay them the final payment.

"Boss, it's raining and it's pitch black. If you can't find anyone..." The second child followed the boss for the longest time, and he saw through the boss's thoughts at a glance, and made a movement of wiping his neck with his hand, "Anyway, it's us There is no worse thing to do than this.”

"Okay, just as you said, let's go find it first."

The boss waved his hands, pretending to be impatient, but glanced at the direction Wang Minhui had just left.

The three of them looked at each other and moved closer to that side inadvertently.

Wang Minhui walked a little further away on purpose.

She didn't expect that at this juncture, it was her own body that had the problem.

After putting on his pants, Wang Minhui just got up when he heard some movement behind him, turned around subconsciously, and saw a dark figure.

I was taken aback suddenly.

After seeing the person clearly, he said angrily: "Boss Long, what are you doing? Didn't you ask you to watch people?"

Wang Minhui didn't bother dealing with this kind of person, so her tone of voice was not very good.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't wait for Boss Long to speak. Instead, he seemed to be looking at himself with a very strange look.

Wang Minhui was shocked.

At this time, two black shadows appeared from behind Long Boss, the second child and the third child.

Wang Minhui was not stupid, she realized something was wrong and took several steps back.

"You, what do you want to do?"

She touched her waist calmly with her hands, where Yi Liangfeng left her with a self-defense shikigami.

The boss looked at Wang Minhui and grinned, "Second and third, look, didn't we find him?"

Wang Minhui's eyes turned cold, "You lost Cen Xue?"

This is her task.

These idiots screwed up!

Boss Long has been a gangster since he was a child, and he hates such condescending orders the most. He didn't say much because he cared about Wang Minhui giving money.

But now...

Wang Minhui tore off the shikigami from her waist and threw it at Boss Long.

"go to hell!"

Wang Minhui's voice was gritted, and there was a little fearlessness in her voice.

The three of them were frightened and avoided subconsciously.

Boss Long couldn't dodge enough and was hit, he was a little dazed, but... nothing happened.

how come? !

Wang Minhui's face instantly turned pale.

Things like shikigami will generally not fail, unless the owner of the shikigami... has died.

Cool breeze... something happened? !
No, she obviously called him before she left.

Thinking about it, Wang Minhui rummaged through the phone, wanting to confirm with Yi Liangfeng immediately, this action was seen by the three as Wang Minhui wanted to call the police.

The three exchanged glances with each other and surrounded them at the same time.

Then a sharp scream resounded through the sky.

"The road in Chenjia Village hasn't been repaired yet, so it may not be possible to walk. Lawyer Shen, why do you want to come here to have a look in this weather?"

An Audi car is driving on the concrete road with potholes.

Xiao Gu who was driving was Shen Yue's assistant, and the two had just returned from a business trip in the neighboring province.

Originally, in this kind of weather, I should have gotten home early and had a good rest, but I don't know what happened to Lawyer Shen today, and suddenly said that he wanted to take a detour here.

The rain was already heavy, and the street lights on both sides of the road were very dark, which was really dangerous.

Shen Yue sat in the passenger seat and glanced out the window, "My friend asked me something, I happened to be on the way, so I wanted to take a look."

Xiao Gu snorted, and muttered, "Lawyer Shen, you have a really good relationship with your friend."

Suddenly, the window of the rear seat seemed to be smashed by something, making a loud noise. Xiao Gu didn't drive fast, it could almost be said to be a slow speed.

After hearing the sound, he stopped immediately.

Xiao Gu's face was a little ugly. This kind of remote village inevitably made people think of some weird things.

"Shen, Lawyer Shen, you, did you hear any noise?"

It was pitch black all around, and the headlights couldn't penetrate the heavy rain curtain at all.

"I heard that, I'll go down and have a look." Shen Yue has filed a lot of lawsuits, and has seen many storms and waves. He was very courageous, and without responding to the little assistant, he got out of the car holding an umbrella.

Xiao Gu looked at the windshield wiper uneasily, always feeling that it was chilly around him.

Soon, Shen Yue returned to the car, with a little moisture on his body, even his trousers were wet.

"No one, let's go, go back first, the rain is too heavy."

Xiao Gu was terrified at first, but when he heard that he could walk, he stepped on the accelerator and turned around to leave.


Cen Xue's eyes widened suddenly, watching the last ray of light disappear into the rain, her eyes were full of despair.

Her mouth was tightly covered by a pair of rough hands, and her hands were also restrained behind her, unable to move.

She kicked the stone with all her strength just now.

Cen Xue watched the three of them look for Wang Minhui, then walked along the slope.

The road was slippery in rainy days, and Cen Xue and Ben didn't eat anything along the way, so they were very hungry and weak.

After finally hearing the sound of the car driving, Cen Xue's eyes lit up, and she was about to step forward to call for help, but her mouth was tightly covered with her hands.


 The update is complete!

  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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