Brother is too evil

Chapter 109 I want to leave

Chapter 109 I want to leave (1)
Shangguan Qiuyu's heart instantly sank to the bottom.Her alchemy grade is too low, how is it possible?

Gritting her teeth, she held her breath and said, "Senior, I don't know how many grades of elixir the Princess can make now?" She didn't believe it, Qin Luoyi had a higher grade than hers!

Shangguan Hong also had a look of surprise and uncertainty.He wondered in his heart, could it be that after Master Ge heard about his daughter's alchemy rank, he knew that Qin Luoyi was not as good as his daughter, so he regretted it?

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed, and he didn't immediately stop his daughter from asking, because he also wanted to know.

Headmaster Ge glanced at their father and daughter, and said indifferently: "Do you doubt the old man's words? I said there is no need to compare, but you still want to ask...In this case, well, boy Jane, tell them, the girl is now I can refine several grades of pills."

He threw this question to Jian Yuyan.

Jian Yuyan smiled slightly, glanced at Qin Luoyi, and then shifted her gaze back to Shangguan Qiuyu's face: "All the seventh-grade pills sold in Mingyue Pavilion are refined by Princess Anping."

"The seventh-order pills in Mingyue Pavilion were all refined by Princess Anping?"

"My god! The elixir with such a high grade was actually made by a teenage girl! Is this still a human?"

"Impossible, did I hear it wrong... Hurry up and hit me a few times to wake me up. How did I hear Young Master Jian say that Princess Anping has refined a seventh-order elixir!"

"You heard it right, Young Master Jian said that!"

A stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and as soon as Jian Yuyan finished speaking, all the surrounding people exclaimed in disbelief.

Those who gathered from the Shenglong Continent to wait in the capital of Chu State in order to buy the seventh-level pills, and many people also came to the foot of Yuewu Mountain, looked at Qin Luoyi with incomparably fiery eyes.Mingyue Pavilion has been keeping the identity of the seventh-rank alchemist very tightly. Today, they finally found out!
Shangguan Qiuyu's body flickered, the coldness in his eyes proudly faded away, his face turned pale, and he stared at Qin Luoyi with a look of being greatly shocked.

"Ling Yun, you're really hiding it from me!" The emperor's jaw almost fell to the ground in shock. After a long while, he came back to his senses and said to Qin Lingyun with a half-smile.

Qin Lingyun smiled wryly: "Your Majesty, I know you may not believe it, but... I still want to say, this... I just found out!"

The crown prince Chu Yifeng stared fiercely at the woman in the open space who was attracting everyone's attention at this moment. There were shock, anger, and joy in his long and narrow phoenix eyes. In the end, all kinds of complicated emotions turned into endless pampering...

The Palace of the Three Princes.

In the early morning, the light of the sun shines warmly in the garden. The back garden covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters is picturesque, with small bridges and flowing water, shaded trees, exotic flowers and plants in four seasons, competing for beauty and fragrance.

Chu Yixiu was dressed in a blue brocade robe, standing tall and tall, standing under a camphor tree, looking into the distance with a cold and gloomy expression.The breeze was blowing, and his clothes were flying, as if he was floating in the dust.

"Your Highness!" A shadowy figure like light smoke rushed towards him from a distance, and bowed to him expressionlessly.

Chu Yixiu turned his head slowly, looked at his eyes like two cold pools, quiet, cold, bottomless, and asked in a deep voice: "How is the matter going?"

"My subordinates have found out clearly that the emperor of Zhao State indeed secretly sent a group of extremely powerful people to sneak into the territory of Chu State and wait for an opportunity to assassinate the prince!" When he said this, even though he felt that there was no one else around , Shadow also deliberately lowered his voice.

When Prince Chu Yifeng and King Zhennan fought against Yan and Zhao, they killed Zhao Shi, the youngest son of Emperor Zhao, with a sword on the battlefield. After the defeat, Emperor Zhao signed an armistice agreement with Chu. I don't care about it anymore, but I have always held a grudge against Chu Yifeng secretly.

"Do you know when they will act?" Chu Yixiu turned his head again, looked into the distance, and said calmly.

"They have sneaked into the capital for nearly two months... The changes in the past two days have been extremely frequent. According to my subordinates, they will definitely find an opportunity to attack in the past few days." Shadow's eyes flashed, and he expressed his guess .

"Just these few days?" Chu Yixiu narrowed his eyes dangerously when he heard the words, and a cold smile appeared on his handsome face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "Shadow, always pay attention to their movements, Remember when they act, don't forget to help them."

After the first battle in Yuewu Mountain, Qin Luoyi's name once again caused a sensation in the entire Chu State, and even in the Shenglong Continent. It's just that it's different from adding a waste of disdain every time she was mentioned before. Now people talk about Qin Luoyi. Luoyi was full of envy in amazement.

Not to mention the rapid improvement in spiritual power, he can also refine seventh-level pills. You must know that in the Holy Dragon Continent, the only genius doctors Guzhu and Juechen Palace Master who can refine seventh-level pills, in a few years, can't do it. It must be able to successfully refine a furnace.

What's more, she has now been favored by the head of Penglai Xiandao Piaomiao Sect, and has been accepted as a closed disciple... In time, her achievements will be immeasurable!

In Zhennan Prince's Mansion, every day, there are many strong people from the Holy Dragon Continent, handing over posts and earnestly begging to see her, wanting to ask her to refine high-level pills for themselves.

Qin Luoyi wanted to spend more time with Xie Ruyan and Qin Lingyun before leaving. Naturally, he was impatient to make alchemy for irrelevant people.

After finally finding out the identity of a seventh-rank alchemist, those high-ranking monks naturally didn't give up so easily, and instead started to attack the people around her.

In the palace, the wives of high-ranking officials who came to see Xie Ruyan every day suddenly came in an endless stream, and her elder brother Qin Tian was pulled out by a group of close friends every day to have a good time...for several days, he came back at night Every now and then, they were slightly smoky and a little drunk.

When Qin Luoyi competed with others that day, Qin Tian was not in the capital, and he had heard about the fact that his sister killed two outstanding stars of the Du family who were the nephews of Concubine Xian's natal family.

High-ranking martial artist... No, in fact, Qin Luoyi hid her strength that day. She was already at the beginning level of the Venerable Master. After he returned to the palace, he only knew that this sister with a perverted cultivation had been successful two days ago. Having broken through to the peak of a martial artist, like him, he has reached the elementary level of a venerable... and can refine a high-level pill that reaches the seventh level. The shock in Qin Tian's heart cannot be described in words.

As soon as he got the news, he ran to the Yingxue Garden and walked around Qin Luoyi several times. His dark eyes, as if he had never known her before, looked at her carefully from head to toe, his eyes were extremely hot .

Not only those high-ranking monks tried their best to get closer to Qin Luoyi, but also the Zhennan Palace, even the emperor and the queen mother, from that day on, announced her into the palace from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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