Brother is too evil

Chapter 110 I want to leave

Chapter 110 I want to leave (2)
The queen mother's attitude towards her was much more polite and kind than when they first met her. Even the emperor never put on the emperor's car when he treated her, she was very approachable.

Only Concubine Xiangui, every time she saw her, her complexion was very unsightly, her eyes glowed with anger, but she forcibly suppressed it so that she could not attack it.

Although I am leaving the Holy Dragon Continent, King Zhennan and Xie Ruyan will always stay here... After thinking about it for a while, Qin Luoyi finally made an exception and refined two seventh-order pills for the emperor and the queen mother. As for the other people who were seeking pills, she ignored them, and only spread the word that if anyone wanted to buy seventh-order pills, they could still go to the Mingyue Pavilion at the beginning of each month.

Knowing that Mingyue Pavilion will still sell seventh-tier pills, and it will not be completely cut off because of Qin Luoyi's departure, these talents have gradually calmed down, and the Zhennan Palace is also quite quiet.

On the eighth day of February, it was Qin Luoyi's 17th birthday. On that day, the Zhennan Palace was full of guests and friends. It was even more lively than when Qin Lingyun was sealed as the Zhennan King.

The Empress Dowager and the Emperor not only sent a very heavy birthday gift, but even sent Prince Chu Yifeng to personally celebrate her birthday at Zhennan Palace.

The liveliness in the palace lasted until night, when all the guests left the palace and the palace finally calmed down, Qin Luoyi did not sleep, and quietly left the palace with Dahei, and came to the moon fog on the outskirts of the capital. down the mountain.

A round of bright crescent moon hangs high in the dark night sky, and Moon Mist Mountain is shrouded in misty moonlight, quiet and charming.

Chu Yifeng was dressed in a black brocade robe, standing at the foot of the mountain, watching Qin Luoyi's floating figure slowly approaching with his dark eyes, and asked her lightly, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, and he nodded: "Yes." After a pause, he asked: "You asked me to come here, what's the matter?"

This damned man threatened her tonight that if she didn't come here, he would tell her father and mother about them.

"When will you come back?" Chu Yifeng looked at her pretty face and spoke again, but did not answer her question.

Qin Luoyi frowned slightly, thought for a while and said: "I don't know." She has never been to Penglai, she doesn't know how far it is from Penglai, and she doesn't know what level of cultivation she needs to achieve to come back alone. ... How does she know when she will come back.

"In the future, will you come back?" Chu Yifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at her pretty face without blinking, not wanting to miss the slightest expression on her face.

"Of course I'll be back!" Qin Luoyi glanced at him with a half-smile.Her father and mother are here, no matter how long she left, she will naturally come back in the future: "Why do you ask me these things?"

Blinking her dark phoenix eyes, looking at his handsome face, she suddenly laughed jokingly: "Your Highness, don't you still want to wait for me to come back? That's why you keep asking me when I will come back?"

"Hmph, how is it possible!" Chu Yifeng's eyes flashed, his face changed, he snorted and quickly denied: "At least we have known each other for so long, I just asked by the way!"

"Hehe, is that so?" Qin Luoyi felt relieved when he heard his denial, but also felt a bit unhappy, with mixed feelings.

After a while, she became relieved again. Chu Yifeng was able to figure out that she was about to travel far away. In fact, it was good for both of them. When she was in the East Palace that day, the anger and determination on his face, she was still very shocked when she thought of it now.

"Yi'er, since you are leaving, tonight...will you stay with me for a night? Maybe, we will never see each other again in the future." Chu Yifeng looked at her pretty face, his eyes darkened, his face An inexplicable look flashed across.

Raising his hand, he stroked her face with slender fingers like jade, and slowly stroked, from the corner of the forehead to the eyebrows, from the nose to the red lips... The voice was low and hoarse, and the black eyes staring at her gradually faded away. Get hot and lustful.

Qin Luoyi trembled all over. She is no stranger to Chu Yifeng's current appearance. Half a year ago, the two of them were in that uninhabited mountain. But when Chu Yifeng sneaked into the palace in the middle of the night, he often looked at her with such eyes.

Accompany him tonight... She wouldn't naively think that this man simply let herself accompany him, walking on the moon in the misty mountains.

A dark light flashed in the phoenix eyes, she waved his hands off her face, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, it's late at night, I'm going back..." After finishing speaking, Turn around and leave.

Chu Yifeng quickly hugged her from behind, lowered his head and buried her neck, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yi'er, don't go, don't leave me tonight... Damn woman, why would you So cruel, I originally thought that in at most two years, we would be able to be together justifiably, you..." He paused, sighed faintly, and continued: "Forget it, you have to go, I won't stop you anymore, anyway, I can't stop you anymore, but before you leave, can't you even fulfill my little wish of staying with me for one night?"

Qin Luoyi stood silently, his phoenix eyes were looking into the distance, and he didn't speak.

"Let's go, what you said just now, you just pretend that I didn't say anything!" After a while, Chu Yifeng raised his head from her neck, let go of the arms tightly around her waist with a face full of disappointment, and stepped back. leave.

Qin Luoyi turned around, as if he hadn't thought that he would let go of him so easily, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Chu Yifeng, who came into view, was full of frustration and depression, as if everyone in the world had abandoned him... Her heart softened immediately.

After hesitating for a moment, she took a step forward, stretched out her hand to grab Chu Yifeng's arm, stared at his handsome face with a beautiful blush, phoenix eyes, and pink lips, and muttered: "Actually, it's not It's late, I'll go back later."

Chu Yixiu's body shook, and he looked at her in a daze. After a while, he came back to his senses from Qin Luoyi's slightly annoyed expression, ecstasy flashed in his eyes, he held up her pretty face, and held her pretty face heavily. Kissed her, tossed and sucked, and whispered her name: "Yi'er..."

Qin Luoyi was quickly teased by him, and his body became a little weak. He felt that Chu Yifeng was kissing her more and more excitedly, and hurriedly pushed him away, and murmured breathlessly: "No, don't be here here……"

Chu Yifeng, who was kissing her neck, paused for a moment, raised his head, his eyes were filled with love and affection: "Okay, it's all up to you."

He hugged her horizontally, and with a soft whistle, the sweaty horse ran out from a distance. He jumped up with Qin Luoyi in his arms, and galloped towards the distance. While running, he would kiss her from time to time. The person in my arms.

(End of this chapter)

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