Brother is too evil

Chapter 111 Jun 1 Shot

Chapter 111: A Closer Chance (2)
I don't know why, Qin Luoyi's cultivation is obviously not as good as his, but he always has a strange premonition that if Qin Luoyi hears the sound and comes back halfway, their mission this time will definitely fail...

He didn't understand why he had such a strange feeling, but his sixth sense had always been effective, so he would rather wait a little longer than rush forward.

Turning his head back, he stopped the group of subordinates who were fooling around and talking endlessly. After waiting for a while, he waved his hand and made an offensive gesture.

Immediately, a group of people drew out their long swords glowing with cold light, their eyes were fierce, and they quietly surrounded the manor.




The man in black was too high-cultivated, his aura was hidden, the sky was still dark, and there was gray mist everywhere. A group of people quickly approached the periphery of the manor, raised their knives and killed several guards in an instant without making a sound. Didn't get it out.

"Everyone, be careful, try to kill people before they are discovered, so as to prevent them from sending signals and attract more people to protect Chu Yifeng..." Before entering the manor, the leading man in black once again ordered his subordinates.

In order to meet Qin Luoyi, Chu Yifeng obviously dispersed most of the guards around him, leaving only a few confidantes, and the guards in the manor were generally not high in cultivation.

The later they alarmed Chu Yifeng, the more likely they were to succeed. After all, it was more than 50 miles away from the capital, and those who received the signal to come to the rescue would need a lot of time to arrive.

"Your Highness, the entire Zhuangzi has been surrounded by people, and all the guards protecting the village have been killed!" Gong Li was on duty at night, and was the first to notice something was wrong, while notifying Mo Suifeng and the other secret guards, He rushed over to the room where the prince was, and reported in a dignified voice.

Chu Yifeng's face was ashen, and his hands and feet didn't have much strength until now.He asked in a deep voice across the room: "How many people have come, do you know who sent them?"

"All the people who came here were masked with black scarves, most of them were venerables, and there were also a few masters at the level of grand masters. It seems that they don't look like people from our Chu country." Gong Li replied quickly.

Hearing this, Chu Yifeng struggled to get up. He had no strength in his hands, and he just supported himself a few inches before falling down heavily.

"Damn it!" He cursed secretly, closed his eyes, and a look of helplessness flashed across his face.

"Your Highness, Suifeng and the others have already gone up to meet them, but according to my subordinates, there are too many people coming and their cultivation levels are too high. I'm afraid they won't be able to last long... Your Highness, you should follow your subordinates and leave here first." Li suggested eagerly.

But I knew in my heart that this group of people might have already been eyeing them, otherwise why didn't they make a move earlier, why didn't they do it so late, but why did they do it at this time when His Highness had the fewest people around?This time is too good to grasp!
"Your Highness, there is no need to delay any longer." There was no sound from inside the room, Gong Li became anxious and urged, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that someone had already entered the innermost courtyard.

The two hidden guards rushed out, but failed to stop the vicious assassin. With a flash of cold light, the heads of both of them were cut off in an instant, and blood splashed all over the ground.

"Damn bastard!" Gong Li pulled out his long sword, moved his feet, his face was full of ruthlessness, and quickly went up to him, while fighting, his anxious eyes looked at the room where Chu Yifeng was from time to time.

I don't know why, but His Highness hasn't come out until now... If it wasn't for the fact that the voice he spoke just now belonged to His Highness, he would have wondered if His Highness was no longer in the house.


Killing the assassin with a single sword, Gong Li didn't care about anything else, rushed over and pushed open the door.

Chu Yifeng stood in front of the bed, holding a long sword in his hand, his face was pale, and the sweat on his forehead was dripping down in big drops.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?" Gong Li was shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him and asked, "Could it be that you were injured?"

Since he found out that the assassin had arrived, he went straight to His Highness the Crown Prince's place without wasting any time. There shouldn't have been any assassins coming in... The Crown Prince had no obvious wounds, and the only person who was with the Crown Prince before was Qin Luoyi.

He also thought that when Qin Luoyi left just now, the prince was clearly roaring, but he didn't chase him out... Could it be that Qin Luoyi hurt the prince?
The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. For that woman, His Highness found an extremely powerful and mysterious person whom he met in the past years. In order for him to accept Qin Luoyi, who has always been a waste of reputation, he even went to beg himself after finding it. This woman Before leaving...but actually injured the prince.

It just doesn't make sense!

"That woman is really damned, she actually hurt your Highness... After we get out of here, I must make her look good!" Whether it is the daughter of Zhennan King, or a closed disciple of the Misty Sect, if she dares to hurt His Highness, He can kill by mistake!

"Gong Li!" Chu Yifeng frowned, and scolded him, "That's Princess Anping, what are you talking about?"

Although he was also angry at Qin Luoyi for drugging himself, and now he had the unlucky encounter with these assassins, but even so, he would not allow Gong Li to neglect her so lightly.

"Your Highness?" Gong Li's handsome face was full of confusion, he didn't understand why the woman hurt His Highness like this, and His Highness still protected her like this.

"Okay, I'm fine, I just don't have much strength in my hands and feet. After a while, it should be fine. Let's go, let's get out of here first." After speaking, Chu Yifeng lifted his feet and walked out of the house.

It's just that, as he said, he really doesn't have much strength in his body. Just now, he was able to force himself to put his clothes on neatly, and he has already exhausted the little strength in his whole body. As soon as he took a step, he was shaking like he was about to fall down. He lowered himself, quickly supported the ground with the long sword, and barely stabilized his body.

Seeing this, Gong Li finally recovered from the stupefaction, and hastily stepped forward to support him. Seeing His Highness's appearance, he immediately knew that His Highness might have been drugged by Qin Luoyi.

With Gong Li's support, Chu Yifeng felt much more relaxed, and the quarter of an hour was approaching, the effect of the medicine in his body began to decrease, and his hands and feet gradually gained some strength.

After beheading the two rushing assassins again, the two left the manor that smelled of blood, and embarked on another hidden path.

Gong Li supported Chu Yifeng, not daring to take it lightly along the way, while fully on guard, at the same time summoned His Highness's bloody BMW.

That horse is extremely fast, and it can make love with a master-level expert. As long as there is a horse, the chances of His Highness leaving smoothly will be much higher.

Soon, the bloody horse was called, but behind it, there were a few black figures faintly following.

"Damn it, the horse actually brought the assassin!" Gong Li was startled, the surprise on his face faded, and he hurriedly supported Chu Yifeng to hide behind a big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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