Brother is too evil

Chapter 116 Who Is More Vicious

Chapter 116 Who Is More Vicious (2)
"Even if it's too late at that time... What about after that? Why do you bother to live together behind my back!" Thinking of the two people fooling around in the villa last night, the anger in his eyes grew stronger.

Qin Luoyi couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily: "Chu Yixiu, don't use this as an excuse, and feel that everyone is sorry for you. Do you want to say that you killed him because of this?" Why did you let someone pretend to be an assassin and kill your brother? Don’t say we don’t believe it, I’m afraid it’s you yourself who think the reason is far-fetched, right? What’s more, I have no intention of marrying you since the incident happened. !"

Only that Qin Luoyi from before foolishly used suicide to keep his innocence, thinking that he was worthy of the man he loved.

"Our current marriage contract has been broken long ago, and there is no longer any relationship. Who I want to be with and what I want to do has nothing to do with you! Why do you want to kill him, God knows, Earth knows, You know, we all know it!"

Chu Yifeng smiled and looked at her with burning eyes.The secret in Chu Yixiu's heart was exposed openly, and his face became even more ugly.

"It has nothing to do with me? Qin Luoyi, you've always liked me. If it wasn't for his tricks, would you have changed your mind so quickly?" He has always believed that if it weren't for Chu Yifeng's intervention, Qin Luoyi would have lost his memory. If you forget about him, you will eventually remember, instead of going further and further away from him like now, and finally breaking the engagement with him!
Qin Luoyi pursed his red lips, his eyes were sharp: "Yes, I used to like you very much, but Qin Luoyi who liked you died early on that day, and the newborn me will not stick to you anymore. With a love that will not be reciprocated."

Chu Yixiu looked at her forehead, pursed her thin lips, and said angrily: "How do you know that I don't like you? I told you that we had no relationship before, and men and women are different. Naturally, there is nothing superfluous to you." Thoughts, but after the marriage was bestowed by the imperial decree, I have always regarded you as my future princess."

"Really?" Qin Luoyi chuckled, and stroked his face with his slender hands: "Would you like me, a worthless trash, or a trash with ugly pimples on his face?" Phoenix eyes were full of self-mockery. .

Chu Yifeng looked at her pretty face, and a look of pity flashed in his eyes. Since they met, she has always shown that she doesn't care about these things. It turns out...she still cares.

The strange color in Chu Yixiu's black eyes flashed away, and he said in a soft voice: "Yi'er, since I have received the imperial decree to marry me, I will naturally not care about that... After getting married, I will naturally treat you well, you know Qin Luohan once gave you medicine, and I knew that the injury on your forehead was because of me... Could it be that you really forgot about me so completely after the injury? "

Although the hope is slim, he still hopes to awaken Qin Luoyi's feelings for him, especially at this moment.

Qin Luoyi sneered, this man was so thick-skinned that she was completely speechless: "Will you treat me well? How are you going to treat me well? Before the main concubine came in, you have already decided to marry the side concubine...or this Is that what you call good?"

Chu Yixiu's eyes flickered, and before he could speak again, Gong Li and Mo Suifeng had already rushed over, and behind them were not only the few people who took Qin Luoyi Talisman and went to find Chu Yifeng separately , There are also many masters from the Eastern Palace, and even the emperor rushed over on horseback.

Chu Yifeng was startled, as if he didn't expect the emperor to come, and immediately turned to meet him.At this time, the body-fixing amulet had lost its effect, and Chu Yixiu could finally move his body, but he only felt that his feet weighed a thousand catties, his heart was beating wildly, and it was difficult for him to move half a step.

Shadow stood silently behind him, Du Lengmo's face was ashen, and suddenly he felt that the situation was over.

The emperor saw that Chu Yixiu was dressed in black, dressed like those assassins who had been stabbed to death, and there were even a few black scarves on the ground, his anxious and worried expression became extremely angry.

He has been an emperor for decades, what kind of storms and tricks have he never seen?As soon as I saw this scene, I immediately understood what happened here.His gaze was as sharp as a knife, and he only glanced at Chu Yixiu, who was pale and ashamed, and then stopped looking at him, and his concerned eyes fell on the prince Chu Yifeng.

Looking him up and down, seeing that he was not injured, he finally let go of his worries.

Early in the morning, before the morning court started, the emergency signal from the East Palace alarmed him, and he hurried over with his people, thinking that something had happened, but he didn't expect that it was Chu Yixiu, a rebellious son, who wanted to treat his brother Kill me!

In recent years, Concubine Xian has been wanting her son to be the crown prince. He has been aware of it, but he always thought that with his full support, Chu Yifeng's position as crown prince must be very secure. In the deep palace, there are no big storms, and although Chu Yixiu is excellent, he has always been gentle and modest, respecting his elder brother, loving his brother, and never showing ambition like his mother... I didn't expect that he was wrong. !

Chu Yifeng's biological mother, Empress Yao, is his first wife. She is smart, beautiful, and considerate. She was deeply respected and loved by him when she was in the East Palace. Unfortunately...she has been in poor health. Since giving birth to Chu Yifeng, Always lingering on the sick bed, he searched all the rare medicines in the world, and finally let her live a few more years.

Back then, when Empress Yao died, he had solemnly promised her that he would raise their son well and pass on the title of Supreme Being to him.Unexpectedly... under his nose, the prince almost lost his life!

Bringing all the people back to the palace, it didn't take much time for the emperor to figure out the ins and outs of the matter, and also found out the identities of those assassins. Completely chilled, decided not to tolerate their mother and son.

With a little trickery, the emperor successfully found out that in recent years, the palace's favorite concubines have died of illnesses one after another when they thoroughly investigated the assassin's incident. They were not real diseases, but were poisoned by others... Both have direct or indirect relationship with the concubine Xian Gui who is being favored.

In a fit of rage, the emperor threw Concubine Xian into the cold palace, and put the girl and eunuch in the concubine's palace into prison for strict interrogation... Only then did I know that Concubine Xian not only poisoned the concubines in the palace, but even the mother and son joined forces to It is not the first time to assassinate the prince.The more he knew, the angrier the emperor became, and the more disappointed he was with Concubine Xian's mother and son.

One month later, the emperor issued an imperial decree, announcing to the world that the noble concubine had misbehaved, murdered the concubine, and colluded with Zhao Guo with the intention of murdering the prince. The crime is unforgivable, and she committed suicide by giving poisoned wine!
The Du family, the natal family of the noble concubine, knew that the murder of the prince was a treasonous thing, not only did not stop it, but instead assisted in the abuse, all the strong under the family came out to attack the prince... After the emperor counted their crimes in detail, he punished the Du family kill order.

(End of this chapter)

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