Brother is too evil

Chapter 117 Crossing the Void

Chapter 117 Crossing the Void (1)
As for the third prince, Chu Yixiu, blood is thicker than water after all. Although the emperor hated and was angry with him, he was not willing to take his life. take care of.

Two months later, the State of Chu declared war on the State of Zhao, which sent assassins to assassinate Chu Yifeng. Zhennan King Qin Lingyun and Prince Chu Yifeng led millions of troops to fight against the State of Zhao...

(Holy Dragon Continent finished)
"Yi'er, you have never traveled far since you were a child, but this time you have to go to such a far place... When you arrive at Penglai Xiandao, you must listen to your master carefully, and the world is dangerous. You must have a human heart, and you must guard against others, and you must take care to protect yourself..." In the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, the Zhennan King gave Qin Luoyi a warning while handing her a bag full of commonly used things. storage ring.

Last night, Qin Luoyi didn't return all night, and he only came back this morning, and the prince personally sent him back with a group of guards.

He had already heard about Chu Yifeng's assassination this morning, because Luoyi happened to meet the prince and saved the lives of the prince and all the guards, so the emperor rewarded him with a lot of good things, all from the palace Rare and exotic objects... He put them all in the storage ring he gave her just now.

The third prince... He always knew that he had ambitions, but he didn't expect that he would really dare to put his ambitions into action and attack his own brother.Fortunately, after Yi'er lost his memory, he had completely forgotten about him, and they even broke off their engagement, otherwise, this matter would be a headache for him!
As for where the daughter went last night, neither he nor Xie Ruyan asked. The daughter has grown up and has a very powerful teacher. No matter where she goes, she is fully capable of protecting herself, so they don't need to worry about it. It's not like before.

Xie Ruyan took her hand, also exhorting her earnestly, his face was full of reluctance, and there were even faint tears in his eyes.

Seeing their appearance, Qin Luoyi felt warm in his heart, put away the storage ring, then opened his arms, and gave them a big bear hug.

Xie Ruyan's eyes turned redder.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Zhennan Wang Junyi's face, he never thought that his shy and introverted daughter would hug him.But soon, he returned to his usual appearance, reaching out to hug her, his handsome and majestic face was full of pampering.

"Father, mother, don't worry, it won't be long, when I am strong, I will definitely come back to visit you." Qin Luoyi let go of his hand, with a beautiful smile on his bright and pretty face, his expression was extremely confident.

"Okay, mother is waiting for you in the palace..." Xie Ruyan touched her face and smiled when she heard the words, "However, you must do everything according to your ability. It is a long way to go to Penglai, and you have to do what you can if you want to come back to see us." Okay, don't rush for success and put yourself in danger, Yi'er, remember, nothing is more important than your safety, you must come back safely."

Qin Tian was dressed in an exquisite black brocade robe, with a jade belt around his waist, and a jade crown on his head. He was as elegant and handsome as a Nine Heavens Immortal. He looked at his sister with dark eyes and a very elegant smile on his handsome face.

"It's almost time, my sister should go. Master Ge is still waiting. He is my sister's master. It's not good to make him wait too long." With a look of inseparability, a look of amusement flashed in his eyes, so he opened his mouth and said.

Xie Ruyan was right when she thought about it, even if she couldn't let go, she had no choice but to let her daughter go.King Zhennan put his hands behind his back.

Qin Luoyi walked up to his brother, tilted his head slightly to look at him, blinked suddenly, a smile flashed in his eyes, and rushed over to give him a big bear hug.

Wen Xiang Ruanyu suddenly fell into his arms, Qin Tian was completely stunned, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze, he reflexively wanted to stretch out his hand to push her away, saw the smile on her face, thought for a while, and finally gave up .Instead, he put his arms around her shoulders lightly, and a faint and pleasant fragrance penetrated into the tip of his nose.

"Brother, I won't be at home in the future, so I won't be able to be filial to my parents, so I can only work hard for you..." Qin Luoyi hugged him tightly, and then quickly backed away, with a trace of sadness on his pretty face.

Qin Tian's eyes flashed, he raised his hand to caress the blue hair on her head, and said with a smile: "You don't worry, I'm at home." trickle through.

Qin Luoyi sighed secretly, his elder brother looks too evil, his gestures are full of indescribable coquettish, inexhaustible chic, these years outside, I don't know how many girls have lost their hearts, young If it wasn't for him being her elder brother, even she would have been bewitched by his enchanting and gentle appearance.

The time Master Li told her to leave was almost here.Even though Qin Luoyi was reluctant to give up, he had no choice but to wave his hand at them, then turned around and plundered out of the palace.

Not long after she left the palace, a tall white figure galloped out of the palace on a bloody horse and headed straight for Zhennan Palace.

"Master, here I come!"

It didn't take long for Qin Luoyi to arrive at the other courtyard of Jian's house on the outskirts of the capital. She smiled at Head Ge who was talking to Jian Yuyan.

Beside them, there are two masters Qingyun and Qingfeng from Juechen Valley standing with their hands down, and Elder Yu from Jian's family. Beside Elder Yu, there is also a middle-aged couple who are gorgeously dressed and have gentle manners.

"This is Miss Qin, right?" Seeing her coming in, the middle-aged couple looked at each other and greeted her with a smile: "Miss Luoyi, you saved our Yuyan's life last time, and you never had time to thank you in person."

Qin Luoyi immediately understood that these two were Jian Yuyan's parents. Jian Yuyan's brows and eyes were very similar to this middle-aged man, so he bent his lips and smiled: "Uncle, aunt, you are too kind. If you want to say thank you, it is actually me I should thank Young Master Jian, without him, I would not have been able to worship such a good master." While speaking politely, he still did not forget to flatter his master.

Headmaster Ge looked up at her, a faint smile flashed across his serious and indifferent eyes.

Jian Yuyan walked over quickly and introduced them. The two were indeed his parents. Qin Luoyi greeted them and said goodbye to everyone.

Master Ge was brought by Master Qingfeng and Master Qingyun. Without them, Qin Luoyi knew that she would not be able to join the Piaomiao Sect, so she gave each of them an eighth-level healing pill in private as a token of gratitude.

The two masters were well aware of her alchemy skills, so they declined politely and accepted it with a smile.

And the relationship between her and Jian Yuyan is much closer than the two masters. Although she saved Jian Yuyan's life when they first met, but without his help afterwards, she couldn't make enough money so quickly. The silver, even her ability to forge so many powerful talismans, her successful apprenticeship, and the dissolution of the engagement...all are inseparable from him.

(End of this chapter)

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