Brother is too evil

Chapter 118 Crossing the Void

Chapter 118 Crossing the Void (2)
After thinking about it, she took out several bottles of pills in addition to the pills she had brought to Mingyue Pavilion to ask him to help sell them, and stuffed them into his hands all at once.

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of Jian Yuyan's lips, she shook her head, but she didn't accept it, and was about to explain, when his mother came over, just in time to hear Qin Luoyi's words, so she said with a surprised face: "Miss Qin , don’t you know about Yuyan?”

Qin Luoyi raised his head, looked at her, and then at Jian Yuyan, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

"Yuyan, like you, also worshiped under the Piaomiao sect, so we came here in a hurry. We want to see him. I don't know when we will meet again next time." When she was talking, her beautiful His face became extremely sad.

Being able to join the Piaomiao sect, she is naturally happy for her son, but as long as she thinks that she will never see her son again for many years, she feels extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

Qin Luoyi's eyes widened, and he looked at Jian Yuyan in surprise: "Is this true? Are you going to Penglai Xiandao too?"

Jian Yuyan looked at her and nodded with a smile: "I didn't deliberately hide it from you. A few days ago, head Ge agreed to let me join the Piaomiao sect..."

This made him excited for a long time. He originally wanted to tell her immediately, but he didn't see her come out of the palace these few days.

Qin Luoyi narrowed his eyes with a smile, and clapped his hands excitedly: "Great! It turns out that the master also accepted you as a disciple. Now that we are in Penglai, we also have companions. However, I started before you, and you are better than me How old am I... How about the two of us, are you the senior brother, or am I the senior sister?"

She started first, she should be the senior sister.

Thinking of how Jian Yuyan had to call her senior sister, the smile in her eyes grew stronger, and she looked at him expectantly.

A smile flashed across Jian Yuyan's black eyes, he coughed lightly, and said with a smile: "It's not like that, Sect Master Ge didn't accept me as a disciple, you are already his closed disciple, except for you, the Sect Master said that he will never accept me as a disciple. No more disciples will be accepted. The sect master is just giving me a chance to go to Penglai Xiandao and join the Piaomiao sect."

As for who he will worship as his teacher, this will not be known until he arrives in Penglai.The powerful people in the Piaomiao sect will choose outstanding practitioners in the sect to be their disciples every once in a while. If they have joined the sect for several years but have not been favored by others, then they can only become foreign students of the Piaomiao sect. Disciples of the sect will never have access to the advanced cultivation techniques of the sect in their entire lives.

"So that's how it is!" Qin Luoyi was slightly disappointed. It would be the best if they could become senior brothers and sisters, and they would definitely live near each other.

But then he was relieved that they were all in the same sect. Although he was not a master at that time, he would not be far away if he thought about it, and he was happy again.

Going to Penglai Immortal Island, Qin Luoyi originally thought that his master would come up with some powerful flying sword weapon or something, so he took the three of them and flew directly there.

But when she arrived at the open space behind the house, her master took out a three-foot-sized white jade platform, and took out three fist-sized stone-like objects with extremely strong spiritual power. They were crystal clear and placed on the white jade. The slight depression on the platform.Instantly, a streamer of light flickered on the white jade platform.

Headmaster Ge stretched out his right hand with a serious expression, and streaks of golden light shot out from his fingers, printing mysterious symbols and patterns on the white jade platform.After a while, the space around the Baiyu Terrace suddenly vibrated, and a space hole several meters in size loomed.

Master Qingfeng is well-informed, and explained to Qin Luoyi and others in a low voice: "This kind of white jade platform, with powerful runes carved on it, can instantly cross the void. The means to have..."

Headmaster Ge withdrew his finger, and said to Qin Luoyi and the others: "Let's go!" He lifted his foot and stepped on the white jade platform with the mysterious talisman shining.

Qin Luoyi smiled and waved at Master Qingyun and his group, and then followed her up. Dahei wagged his tail and followed closely beside her excitedly.

Jian Yuyan went up last.

After all of them stood on the white jade platform, there was a flash of light on the white jade platform, and they disappeared instantly together with the white jade platform.

"Qin Luoyi!"

A slender white figure quickly came in from the outside, it was the prince Chu Yifeng who galloped out of the palace on a bloody horse.

It's a pity that he came a step late. When he came in, he only saw Qin Luoyi and his party quickly disappear into the void.

"Qin Luoyi! No matter where you go, I will definitely find you, for sure!" Looking at the direction where Qin Luoyi disappeared, Chu Yifeng clenched his fists and swore secretly. of scorching light.

When Qin Luoyi and his party came out of the void, they were on a small black island. The island was not big, with a radius of nearly ten square kilometers. There was no grass on the island, and it was full of bare stones. The endless sea.

Qin Luoyi swallowed secretly, and murmured: "Master, where is this?" Don't tell her, this is Penglai Xiandao, there is no fairy spirit here.A veritable desert island.

Headmaster Ge seemed to know what she was thinking, and gave her a funny look: "This is a small uninhabited island deep in the southern sea of ​​the Holy Dragon Continent."

"Oh!" Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, looked around and smiled. Fortunately, this is not Penglai Xiandao.

Sect Leader Ge ignored her, golden light emerged from his fingers, and once again engraved mysterious runes on the white jade platform.

When they came out of the void again, the place where they settled was still a small island less than ten square kilometers, but this time, there were many towering trees growing on the island, the surrounding aura was dense, and the blue waves were thousands of miles away. Huge creatures are sinking and floating, perhaps they have discovered the changes on the island, and those strange creatures are all swimming towards the island quickly.

Headmaster Ge didn't even look around, and just quietly portrayed Baiyutai. Before those giants with huge body, ferocious appearance and strong murderous aura attacked the island, the group of them and Baiyutai, Disappeared again.

"Tell me, how far have we traveled across the void like this?" Qin Luoyi curiously asked Jian Yuyan beside him.

Jian Yuyan crossed the void on the Baiyutai for the first time, and he was not very clear about these, so he guessed: "It should be at least 10,000+ miles." This is his estimate based on the volume of the monster he saw in the sea just now.

There are monsters in the sea, and some monks make a living by hunting monsters and selling the demon pills in their bodies. For tens of thousands of years, the monks who hunted monsters on the Holy Dragon Continent would not exceed 20 in the deep sea. Thousands of miles, 20 miles away, those monsters are extremely powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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