Brother is too evil

Chapter 119 So It Was You!

Chapter 119 So It Was You! (1)
Near the small island where they landed for the first time just now, there were no traces of monsters, and the concentration of spiritual power was almost the same as that of the Holy Dragon Continent.As for the small island when it landed for the second time, the monster beasts rushing over were so huge that they had never been seen in the monster beast records of the Holy Dragon Continent.Therefore, he speculated that the place where they landed for the first time should be within 20 miles of the sea where monks from the Holy Dragon Continent haunted.

"It's more than 10,000+ miles, and it's at least 10,000+ miles to cross once!" The big black copper bell's big eyes flashed, and it muttered softly.

Headmaster Ge glanced at Jian Yuyan thoughtfully, a flash of admiration quickly flashed in his eyes, and then he glanced at Dahei again, and said: "It is indeed 10,000+ miles. From Shenglong mainland to Penglai fairy island, there is a A fixed route, crossing the void from this route, can minimize the chance of encountering extremely powerful monsters."

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, he patted Dahei's head, and asked curiously: "Dahei, we came out of the void in a short while, how do you know that Master has crossed at least 10,000+ miles?"

"Guess." Dahei raised his head and smiled.

"Can you guess so accurately?" Qin Luoyi looked at it suspiciously with his phoenix eyes, feeling that it was not telling the truth.

A faint light flashed in the eyes of head master Ge, and he glanced at Dahei, with a teasing in his eyes that only Dahei could understand.

After using the Baiyu Platform to cross the void for nearly ten times, they finally reached the sky above a huge piece of land.

Seen from the air, this piece of land is verdant with verdant trees and dense aura, which is more than ten times stronger than that of the Holy Dragon Continent.Moreover, this continent is not as barren as the islands they passed by on the way... It is densely populated, with pavilions, towers and pavilions everywhere, which looks very prosperous.

"This is the Penglai Immortal Island." Headmaster Ge did not use the Baiyu Terrace this time, but drove a divine rainbow, leading them to fly quickly over the land.

"Penglai Immortal Island... said to be an island, this place is probably not much smaller than the Shenglong Continent." Jian Yuyan was tall and slender, standing in the air, with white clothes fluttering, and the whole person looked extraordinarily elegant and unrestrained.

Qin Luoyi nodded in agreement.

After flying for nearly half an hour, Sect Leader Ge finally stopped in front of a misty green hill, a path paved with cobblestones meanders into the depths of the beautiful green hill.On both sides of the path, there are towering ancient trees, surrounded by green water, full of vitality.From a distance, you can see many buildings and palaces, hidden among the vegetation, very harmonious and natural.

In front of the green hill stood a huge stone with a height of [-] meters. One side of the stone seemed to be cut flat by a knife. There were three large characters written on it—Piaomiaozong!

Headmaster Ge once again drove the Shenhong, flew towards the green hills, flew over seven or eight hills, and then stopped, and handed Jian Yuyan to a middle-aged man with a square face. After confessing a few words, he took Watching Qin Luoyi and Dahei continue to fly towards the depths.

In the middle of Penglai Xiandao, there are hundreds of tall mountains standing between the sky and the earth.Those mountains are majestic and precipitous, with thousands of peaks, or charming and deep, which is intoxicating... Every mountain is surrounded by light mist, thousand-foot waterfalls fall, splashes of thin smoke, lingering in auspicious colors, and the fragrance of exotic flowers and herbs charming.

Among those peaks, there are many Qionglouyuyu that seem to be located on the clouds, green water flows around the green mountains, and clear springs gurgling, just like a fairyland on earth... The Piaomiaozong, the first fairy gate of Penglai Xiandao, is located in these In the majestic mountains.

In the season of early spring, the sun is shining, the rain is abundant, and the flowers and plants are even more charming and moving. In the blue midair, a slender and pretty figure drives a rainbow light, and is plundering towards the deepest part of the mountain.

Inside the rainbow glow is a very young looking woman, her face is like a lotus, her eyebrows are like willows, and her eyes are more charming than peach blossoms, which are very attractive.

Delicate skin is like snow, her black hair is tied into a tall beauty bun, and the delicate beaded flowers shine dazzlingly in the sun. Her perfectly proportioned body is wearing a pink rose-colored tight dress, making her figure even more delicate and charming Charming, very seductive.

On her left side, a rainbow light suddenly passed by, which was very eye-catching. In the rainbow light, there was a slender and tall man with a handsome face like jade, but a very cold expression.

The eyes of the enchanting woman suddenly lit up, and a charming smile appeared on the corner of her lips. She speeded up and chased after her: "Second senior brother, did you also go to the master uncle's place?"

The man with a cold expression glanced at her indifferently, the speed of his feet did not slow down, he only nodded slightly, but did not speak.

Damn Duanmu Changqing!
The smile on the enchanting woman's face froze, and a flash of anger flashed quickly in the seductive peach blossom eyes, and she cursed secretly.

Thinking of her Liu Qingcheng on Penglai Xiandao, wherever she goes, isn't it attracting everyone's attention and being held by men like stars?
There is only this Duanmu Changqing, and she is still a senior brother and sister, but every time I see her, no matter how friendly she is, she always looks like an iceberg, making people shiver with cold!

"I heard that when the master master came back yesterday, he brought back a closed-door female disciple. I don't know if this is true or not. Second senior brother, tell me... is the master master really accepting another disciple?" She With a flash of light in his eyes, he quickly covered up the anger in his eyes, and the smile on his face was even more charming than before.

"Yes or no, don't you know after seeing it?" Duanmu Changqing's handsome face was thin and his lips were tightly pursed. He stood with his hands behind his back in Changhong, with fluttering skirts and fluttering blue hair. He turned a blind eye to her smiling face and moved faster. swept toward the depths.

"After the senior master and second senior brother accepted you back then, he hasn't accepted apprentices for a hundred years... This time he went to the Holy Dragon Continent, how did he bring back an apprentice? It shouldn't be possible, maybe It’s not necessarily the case of female disciples who do odd jobs.” Liu Qingcheng pursed her lips, still not wanting to believe it.

Thinking of her, Liu Qingcheng, who was gifted and talented since she was a child, with excellent cultivation talent, came to Penglai Xiandao ten years ago, and thought that with her talent and talent, she would definitely be able to become the sect of head Ge.

Unexpectedly, among the group of disciples who went with her at that time, she performed the best in everything, but the master master only praised her. In time, this girl will become a hero... and then there is no more.

The head master has been in charge of the Piaomiao sect for nearly a thousand years. During these thousand years, only Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing, who started a hundred years ago, have been selected by him as his first and second disciples. No matter how good the others are, he has no The idea of ​​being accepted as a disciple after moving, originally thought that he would be an exception.

In the end, in order to stay in the Misty Sect, she had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and worshiped Wu Shan, the junior brother of Master Ge, as her teacher. Before she became a teacher, Wu Shan had two other disciples, namely the third senior brother Ji Xuan and the fourth senior brother. Rong Yunhe.

If the master master of the sect really accepted another disciple, and he was still a closed disciple, wouldn't that mean that the woman's aptitude was better than hers, and that's why the master master of the sect moved his mind to accept an apprentice again?
(End of this chapter)

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