Brother is too evil

Chapter 130 What Can You Thank Me For

Chapter 130 What Can You Thank Me For (1)
"Brother, it's like this. I have a friend..." She didn't bother to sit down first, she immediately told about Jian Yuyan and Yu Qingyan, and then said anxiously: "Brother, he didn't take the initiative to go What caused the trouble was that he was forced to fight back because someone else forced him, so he must be punished to go down the lion and tiger cliff?"

"Lion and Tiger Cliff?" Feng Feili's eyes flashed, she curled her lips and nodded, "That is indeed an extremely dangerous place, Fifth Junior Sister is indeed punished a little harder."

Qin Luoyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that there is something going on!
"But Fifth Senior Sister has already said what she said, so what should I do?" She pursed her lips, turned around with a scorched face, and then looked at him expectantly and said, "Eldest brother, how about you help me?" Tell Fifth Senior Sister about it. Jian Yuyan is my friend, I will tell myself, Fifth Senior Sister will misunderstand me for selfishness..."

"Shall I tell you?" Feng Feili sat down, tapped his fingers rhythmically on the jade tabletop, the glint in Taohua's eyes flashed away, and the corners of his lips curled up as he stared at her and said slowly: "Little Junior Sister , are you sure you want me to tell you?"

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously: "Brother, please, this is a matter of life and death..."

Duanmu Changqing frowned slightly, pursed her thin lips, and stared at Qin Luoyi with a hint of worry in her cold eyes.

"It's okay, it's a trivial matter." Feng Feili looked at Mingyan's pretty face and smiled meaningfully: "Junior Sister, I'll help you talk about this matter, don't regret it and blame me in the future."

"How could I blame you?" Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed with confusion, and then he smiled and rolled his eyes: "It's too late for me to thank you, senior brother, how can I blame you for being so ungrateful."

"Haha, it's fine if I don't, I'll look for Fifth Junior Sister in a while." Feng Feili took a sip of the fragrant tea on the table, with an elegant posture that was pleasing to the eye.

Qin Luoyi finally let go of his heart after hearing his words, and the smile on his lips became even brighter.

Big brother is really a good person!
"Eldest senior brother..." Duanmu Changqing pursed his perfect thin lips, and said rather disapprovingly: "You can talk about this, I'm afraid it's not good."

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat, he turned his head, and stared at Duanmu Changqing viciously, that gaze seemed to slash him with a thousand knives.

Damn Duanmu Changqing, he really is a bastard!Their grievances return to their grievances... Why should he stop the elder brother?He thought that by doing this, he would be able to give him the antidote earlier?


Feng Feili was a little surprised when he heard his objection, with a smile on her monstrous face: "It's not good for me to tell, do you want to tell her?"

Duanmu Changqing's face changed, he didn't want to deal with that woman, he didn't look at Feng Feili, his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi, and said lightly: "Actually, this matter is also simple, since he didn't do those things , just go directly to the Criminal Law Hall, why are you here to trouble Senior Brother?"

Qin Luoyi was furious.Eldest brother didn't bother, and she didn't ask him for help...Why did he say that?

Gritting her teeth, she didn't want to talk to him, turned her gaze to Feng Feili, and said apologetically: "Eldest brother, did Luoyi cause you trouble?"

"Haha, no, it's just a trivial matter." Seeing the guilt in her eyes, Feng Feili couldn't help raising her eyebrows. He didn't miss the way she glared at Duanmu Changqing just now.

"That's good." Hearing what he said, Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and he patted his chest reassuringly, obviously heaving a sigh of relief.

Feng Feili's eyes flashed, and he felt that this little junior sister was really interesting... That cold-hearted second junior brother would actually stop him, which made him very surprised.It seems that his return to Piao Miao Sect this time is just in time.

After Feng Feili left, Qin Luoyi sat on a chair and drank tea, without looking at Duanmu Changqing, if she hadn't had to wait here for Feng Feili to know the outcome of the matter, she would not want to stay with him for a long time stay.

Duanmu Changqing stood in front of her, and after a long time, he said coldly: "You let the senior brother go to the fifth junior sister, you will regret it in the future." This woman, who knows nothing, dared to do this!I don't even know how to die in the future.

"I regret that it's none of your business!" Qin Luoyi gave him a blank look, continued to drink tea, looked at the teacup and stopped looking at him.

Duanmu Changqing was furious, thinking that every time she saw him, she always looked so cold, but when she saw the elder brother, she smiled like a flower, and felt very uncomfortable.

Stretching out his hand, he quickly snatched the teacup from her hand, and said with a cold face: "Why is it none of my business? When you regret it, you will lose your life. Who will detoxify me at that time?"

Qin Luoyi frowned, and said with a sneer on his face: "You mean that if the elder brother goes to tell the fifth senior sister, I will die? Hmph, do you think that I was frightened when I grew up? Really!"

"Scaring you? I'm not that boring!" Seeing that Qin Luoyi didn't take his words to heart at all, Duanmu Changqing became depressed, picked up the teacup in his hand and drank the tea in it in one gulp.

"Hey, that's my cup!" Qin Luoyi pointed at his hand and shouted a little stunned.

Duanmu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that embarrassment flashed across his eyes, and he thought of Qin Luoyi's lips on the rim of the cup just now... There was a strange feeling in his mouth, and he kissed her in the morning. The feeling of that delicate lips also surfaced in his heart, he couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick the tea stains on his lips.

Qin Luoyi opened her mouth, her jaw almost fell to the ground, her heartbeat accelerated slightly, and she pursed her lips. She simply turned her eyes away and looked elsewhere... Duanmu Changqing was a little bit colder and hateful, but his It is undeniable that he is handsome, and the actions just now are really damn tempting.

Duanmu Changqing was also embarrassed at first, but seeing Qin Luoyi's annoyed and angry look with a shy and charming look, his mood suddenly improved.

After waiting for more than an hour, the senior brother finally came back, with a smile on the evildoer's face, and peach blossom eyes shining brightly.

"Brother, how's it going?" Qin Luoyi quickly went up to meet him, looking at him expectantly.

"There is no need to go to Shihuya. I went to the Criminal Law Hall with your fifth senior sister, and handed them over to Fang Senior Brother of the Criminal Law Hall. After Fang Senior Brother understood the ins and outs of the matter, let them enter the Lost Forest tomorrow. You can only come out after that." Feng Feili said to her with a smile.

"Really?" Qin Luoyi was so happy that he almost jumped up, his smile was unusually bright, and his phoenix eyes shone like stars: "Brother, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Since there is a rule in the Piaomiao Sect that private fights are not allowed, she knows that it is impossible to prevent Jian Yuyan and the others from being punished at all. This result is the best result.

(End of this chapter)

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