Brother is too evil

Chapter 131 What Can You Thank Me For

Chapter 131 What Can You Thank Me For (2)
Feng Feili looked at her so excited that she could hardly restrain herself, raised her brows, and jokingly said, "Thank me? Junior sister, how are you going to thank me?"

Qin Luoyi didn't expect that he would really want to thank him himself, he was taken aback for a moment, then he bent his eyes and smiled and said: "If Luoyi is useful, brother just open his mouth."

After several contacts, she also knew that this senior brother was completely different from the second senior brother, so she could rest assured that the senior senior brother was such a good person, he would definitely not let her do anything embarrassing.

"Okay, that's cool enough!" Feng Feili laughed happily, and her peach blossom eyes were bright: "I heard from Fifth Junior Sister that you caught pheasants, picked mountain mushrooms, and made a lot of fun in my yard last night. Delicious food, you can drink it by yourself...Junior sister, tonight, just do what you did yesterday, and just cook a table of delicious food for senior brother."

Qin Luoyi showed his face with a smile: "It's no problem to get a table of delicious food, but... Senior brother, can you change it to another day, tomorrow night?"

Hearing what Feng Feili said, she was completely relieved, the senior brother did not disappoint her, he is indeed a good person.

"What's wrong?" Feng Feili raised her eyebrows and looked at her.

"Tonight, I want to go see Jian Yuyan. He is going to the Mizong Forest... Although the Mizong Forest is not as dangerous as the Lion and Tiger Cliff, it is also very dangerous. I am still a little worried." Qin Luoyi pursed his lips and felt a little sentimental the way.

"Hehe, since that's the case, then tomorrow night will be fine." Feng Feili knew the reason, and readily agreed.

Qin Luoyi thanked him again, and happily left Duanmu Changqing's cave, heading towards Qianlan Mountain.

"Little sister."

Not far away, a green enchanting figure suddenly fell from the sky and stopped in front of her.

"Fifth Senior Sister."

Qin Luoyi didn't expect to see Liu Qingcheng here, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, but a joyful smile appeared on his face.

"Little junior sister is in such a hurry, where are you planning to go? Could it be Qianlan Mountain?" Liu Qingcheng was also laughing, but her smile didn't reach her eyes.

I don't know why, seeing her, Qin Luoyi felt that she should be here specially waiting for him.Smiling and nodding: "Yes, I'm planning to go to Qianlan Mountain. Fifth Senior Sister, where are you going?"

Liu Qingcheng snorted softly and said with a smile: "Little Junior Sister, your friend doesn't have to go to Shihuya, are you happy now?"

Qin Luoyi didn't expect her to ask such a direct question, blinked, nodded and said: "Of course I'm happy, and I really thank Fifth Senior Sister for speaking of this." Since she said it clearly, she naturally also You can no longer hide it and pretend you don't know, that's too fake.

"You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank you, thank you, senior brother. But junior sister, although the Lost Forest is not comparable to the lion and tiger cliff, it is also very dangerous. Since you are in a hurry to see your friend, go quickly , tell them to be careful."

After finishing speaking, he took a meaningful look at her, and followed Shenhong to escape towards Duanmu Changqing's cave.

Qin Luoyi stared at her figure going away, stood there with his lips pursed for a moment, finally sighed, stomped his feet, and fled in the direction of Qianlan Mountain again.

"Uncle Qin." Seeing her coming, Luo Zijun and the others were very excited and walked up to her. "We don't have to go to Lion Tiger Cliff anymore, thank you Master Qin."

Jian Yuyan smiled and looked at her tenderly.

Qin Luoyi looked at them, and said with a smile: "I already know, but the Mizong Forest is not a good place, you still have to be careful." While talking, she took out a handful of talismans from the bracelet, One person handed them a dozen of them.

"What grade is this talisman?" As soon as Song Huaishan and the others took it, they felt a shocking spiritual power surge on the talisman, and their eyes widened in shock.

"Don't care how many levels it is, hold it carefully, if there is any danger in the Lost Forest, this talisman may come in handy." Qin Luo smiled slightly, turned around and pulled Jian Yuyan aside again, Handed him a few healing pills: "You take this."

There was a strange look in Jian Yuyan's dark eyes, and he accepted it without saying anything.

Qin Luoyi told him to be careful.

Jian Yuyan looked at the talisman in his hand and said with a smile: "With these talismans of yours, haha, we can walk sideways in the Lost Forest."

Luo Zijun and the others couldn't tell that he was from a talisman family, and he liked refining talismans, so he knew that Qin Luoyi's talismans were probably high-level talismans of the eighth or ninth grade.Moreover, they are all talismans refined from pills. The lethality of talismans is not comparable to that of ordinary eighth- and ninth-grade talismans.

"I hope so." Hearing what he said arrogantly, Qin Luoyi laughed suddenly, and the brilliance in his phoenix eyes flowed like the brightest stars in the night sky.

The Misty Forest of Misty Sect is actually a huge mountain range, the whole mountain range is shrouded in thick white mist, from a distance, it is impossible to get a glimpse of what is inside.

Of course, the mist was not formed naturally, but the mighty masters of the Piaomiao sect arranged a powerful formation to cover everything on the mountain.

Lost, lost... As the name suggests, on that mountain, people who enter are most likely to lose their way. They often don't even know where they have gone, because they don't know the direction and walk into those dangerous areas unconsciously. , is very likely.

The next day, Qin Luoyi went to Qianlan Mountain early in the morning, and personally sent Jian Yuyan and his party into the Lost Forest. Before entering, he quietly gave him a lot of talismans, which she rushed to make last night. of.

In addition to Jian Yuyan and his group who wanted to go in, Yu Qingyan and his group were also sent in. Xing Lvzhang sent two disciples of martial arts cultivation to register their names in the register first, and then watched them all go in before leaving. The Lost Forest.

After Jian Yuyan entered the gate of Mizong Forest, her figure disappeared. No matter how much Qin Luoyi stared outside, she couldn't see her again... After standing for a long time, she sighed, and finally left, because she knew she was standing outside , apart from being anxious, there is nothing they can do to help them.

She went back to the elder brother's cave and practiced for a while, and when it was nearly dusk, she stopped practicing and went outside to catch a pheasant, a rabbit, and a big bird named unknown, and then I found some mushrooms and wild vegetables.

She wrapped the pheasant with soil and made it into a beggar chicken. After the rabbit was skinned, it was roasted on the fire, and the bird was stewed with mushrooms.

On weekdays, there are so many things, it's about the same, but today is different, this is done to thank the big brother, too little and no sincerity.

(End of this chapter)

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