Chapter 134
Feng Feili smiled so wickedly, his peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and the pupils were shining brightly, with his hands behind his back, the jade tree facing the wind, his body seemed to be surrounded by fairy spirit, he was really a fairy-like figure.

Standing beside him was Liu Qingcheng, dressed in green, with a curvy figure and a proudly plump chest. She looked at Feng Feili with a smile in her phoenix eyes, and there was a deep admiration in her eyes that cannot be misplaced.

When Qin Luoyi saw her, her heart skipped a beat... Duanmu Changqing's warning to her last night suddenly rang in her ears without warning.

Qin Luoyi, let senior brother go to Liu Qingcheng, you will definitely regret it... When you regret it, you will lose your life...

I thought he was just scare-talking and scaring me on purpose, but now that I think about it, I'm afraid there is some truth to it.

No wonder that night, when she saw that she was living in the elder brother's cave, her face was so ugly.After she asked the elder brother to find her, she actually stopped her at the foot of the mountain and said some indecent words. At that time, she naively thought that she had asked the elder brother to intercede. She felt that she had changed her mind. It was brushing her face...

Uh, it's even better now, she actually said in front of her just now that the repairer and the materials are all folded by the elder brother, it's like picking which pot is not open!

She looked away and pursed her red lips. It seems that Liu Qingcheng may have misunderstood her a little bit, but if time goes back, she will still find senior brother. Watching Jian Yuyan fall into a dangerous place, he ignored it.

Two days passed with a snap of the fingers, early in the morning, just after dawn, Qin Luoyi couldn't sleep anymore, put on his clothes, washed up briefly, and ran towards Mizong Forest.

Outside the Lost Forest, there was no one there. Looking at the tall mountains shrouded in white mist, she felt a little uneasy.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the two Martial Saint disciples from the Criminal Law Hall rushed over from the sky, took the key, opened the mountain gate of the Mizong Forest, and half closed the formation that was opened inside.

If the people who go in are fine, they will be able to come out of the mountain soon after the formation is closed.

Two Martial Saint disciples, one guarding the gate, the other darting towards the mountain, Qin Luoyi naturally couldn't enter, so he could only stand on one side, waiting silently.

After a while, Luo Zijun came out first, his clothes were bloodstained, and his expression was a little tired, but it seemed that his life was not in danger.

Finally, I saw a person whose cultivation level was similar to Jian Yuyan's... Qin Luoyi felt a little settled.

"Uncle Qin, thank you for the talisman. If it weren't for that talisman, I wouldn't be able to get out today." As soon as Luo Zijun came out, he saluted her with a handsome face full of gratitude.

Qin Luoyi smiled and waved his hands: "As long as the person is fine, thank you, you don't need to say it. You sit on the side and adjust your breath. After everyone else comes out, we will go back to Qianlan Mountain."

Luo Zijun nodded. He was really exhausted, so he found a rock and sat down, but he didn't meditate.

The second one to come out was Yu Qingyan, her white clothes were a bit messy, but surprisingly, she was not injured.

Seeing Qin Luoyi standing outside, her eyes flickered, she hesitated, and finally bowed to her with a white face, and called softly: "Qingyan has seen Master Qin."

Qin Luoyi looked at her expressionlessly, nodded coldly, and did not speak in response.

Yu Qingyan bit her lip, even if she felt dissatisfied in her heart, she didn't dare to show it, she took a few steps back, and found a place far away to sit cross-legged, and did not leave first.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Longhai, Song Huaishan, Xiao Tian... and two other men and a woman also came out.

Except for Yuan Longhai and Song Huaishan, their injuries were all serious. A young man on Xiao Tian's side even had an arm broken, and a large piece of flesh from a woman's foot was torn off by something. Dripping is very scary.

The only one who has not come out now is Jian Yuyan, and the other party also has a man and a woman who have not come out.

As time passed, Qin Luoyi's heart began to become anxious, and when she saw the two bloody corpses brought out by the Martial Saint who entered the mountain, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly.

"Junior Brother Qian!"

"Junior Sister Yue!"

When Yu Qingyan and the others saw the two corpses, their faces turned pale, and they walked over with some difficulty.

Not Jian Yuyan!

Qin Luoyi's heart was relieved, but Jian Yuyan didn't come out, and she didn't know what happened, which really worried her.

Walking up to the Martial Saint disciple who went into the mountain just now, but now obviously no longer intends to go in, he frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "There were 11 people who went in together the day before yesterday, and now there are only ten people here, and there is one more person Didn't come out."

"I've met Uncle Qin." The disciple saluted her first, and then said with a smile, "I'm afraid there is another one who won't be able to come out today."

"What, he's dead?" Qin Luoyi's heart was shocked, and his face became very ugly. How could it be possible that Yu Qingyan and Luo Zijun, who were about the same level as him, came out. He had so many talismans on him, Why can't I come out!

The three of Luo Zijun also rushed over, and said anxiously: "How did Junior Brother Jian die, did you make a mistake?"

"That's right, we had been walking together before, but we separated unexpectedly in the middle of the night last night."

"We're all fine, what happened to him?"

The three of them, including Qin Luoyi, were unwilling to believe that Jian Yuyan, who was holding so many high-level talismans, would die inside.

Especially Qin Luoyi, they both came from the Shenglong Continent, and it took less than half a month to arrive at Penglai Xiandao. Thinking that from now on, they would never see that gentle and jade-like man again, and they felt extremely uncomfortable.

"I want to see people in life, and I want to see corpses in death. I'll bring him out." Pursing her lips, she couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes, and turned around to plunder into the Lost Forest.

"Uncle, we'll go with you." Although the three of Luo Zijun were extremely exhausted, they tried their best to follow.

"Hey, Uncle Qin, you misunderstood." After being startled for a moment, the Martial Saint disciple hurriedly stopped Qin Luoyi, and explained with some embarrassment: "Uncle, the remaining one is not dead, but it is only temporarily Can’t get out yet.”

"He's really not dead?" Qin Luoyi stopped in his tracks, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley soared again, his phoenix eyes were shining like black gems, and he was fixedly looking at him.

"Yeah, among the eleven people who went in this time, only these two died, and the others are fine."

"Since it's fine, how do you say he can't come out today? What's going on here? Didn't the formation completely stop just now? Why can't he come out?"

(End of this chapter)

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