Brother is too evil

Chapter 135: Ancient Da Neng Cave Mansion

Chapter 135: Ancient Da Neng Cave Mansion (1)
"This...Uncle Qin, in fact, although it is very dangerous in the Lost Trace Forest, there are also many opportunities. Junior Brother Jian who didn't come out, just had an extraordinary adventure in it, and is currently cultivating to advance!"

After Qin Luoyi was taken aback for a moment, an unconcealable joyful smile appeared on his face: "You mean he can't come out now, is he promoted inside?"


"Great! It won't be dangerous for him to advance in it, right?"

"Uncle, don't worry, the area he is in is very safe, and the formation has been closed. There will be no unpredictable changes in the Lost Forest now, and there will never be any danger."

"In your opinion, when will he be able to come out?"

"If you're quick, you can come out tonight, if you're slow, you should be able to come out tomorrow."

Qin Luoyi was completely relieved, Luo Zijun and the other three also couldn't hide their smiles, and Yuan Longhai, who was the most injured, sat down on the ground directly, his eyes were smiling, and he was panting heavily.

Compared with their excitement and joy, the faces of Yu Qingyan and his party turned ugly, and the five of them looked at each other, their eyes full of unwillingness and deep jealousy.

Qin Luoyi asked Song Huaishan and the others to go back to wash and rest, while she stayed and waited for Jian Yuyan to come out.

Yu Qingyan and Xiao Tian left sadly and quietly with the two corpses.Outside the Lost Forest, only Qin Luoyi and a disciple of the Criminal Law Hall were left.

When it was getting dark, Jian Yuyan still didn't come out. Qin Luoyi knew that he was advancing inside, so he wasn't too anxious.Instead, he secretly calculated how many ranks Jian Yuyan could be promoted this time by the so-called opportunity.

"Are you going to stay here tonight?" Duanmu Changqing descended from the sky under the control of Shenhong, looking at Qin Luoyi standing quietly in the night, his handsome face was a little cold, but a strange look flashed in his eyes shine.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, and said with a faint smile: "Why, Second Senior Brother, do you always have opinions?"

Duanmu Changqing smiled lightly, took a step forward, stood in front of her, very close to her, looked into her eyes with dark eyes, and said lightly: "No objection! Don't say you are waiting here for a day, just I have no objection if I wait for ten days and a half."

However, he said that he had no objection, but there was an imperceptible irritation in his deep voice.

Two days ago, he was punished for a private fight in the Lost Path Forest. A disciple named Jian Yuyan not only saved his life, but also had an adventure. The news of his advancement in the Lost Path Forest has spread throughout the Misty Sect...

He passed by here just now, and saw Qin Luoyi's lonely figure standing here, regardless of the heavy night dew, he had no intention of leaving at all, and a complicated feeling came to his heart instantly.

She actually said she was stupid!
Qin Luoyi gave him a hard look and gritted his teeth secretly.Turn your head away and don't want to talk to him anymore.

Originally thought that Duanmu Changqing would leave soon, but unexpectedly he still stood there, his deep gaze was also looking into the Lost Forest, and turning his head to look at her from time to time.The sky was already extremely dark, and the dense fog in the Misty Forest gradually spread out, and the wind blew, bringing a bleak chill.

"Hey, why don't you leave?" Qin Luoyi turned his head and frowned at him, his scalp tingling from seeing him.

"I like standing here, do you have an opinion?" Duanmu Changqing glanced at her, with a playful look in his black eyes, and said slightly mockingly.

"I have no objection. Since the second senior brother likes it, he is willing to stand for a year and a half, and the junior sister will not have any objection." Qin Luoyi sneered: "The moon is bright and the wind is clear here, the scenery is charming, and it is facing the arrangement of the powerful and powerful. The Mizong Lin who has mastered the formation may stand for a year and a half, and the senior brother will have an epiphany, and then cultivate out of the Jade Mansion in one fell swoop, haha, the junior sister congratulates the second senior brother in advance..."

Staring at her smiling face, Duanmu Changqing was slightly taken aback, she is really a glib girl, unexpectedly she is not willing to suffer at all, let her stand for ten and a half months, she will be back for a year and a half soon.


Cursing his lips, he was about to speak when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a slender figure rushing out of the Lost Forest, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and his usual coldness returned to his face.The person who came out was Jian Yuyan.

"You finally came out!" Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked up to him.

Jian Yuyan was dressed in white, facing the wind from a jade tree, with a dignified aura, and his aura was obviously much stronger than before he entered. What's even more rare was that his body was so clean that he wasn't stained with any blood, let alone injured.

"Yi'er, it's so late, have you been waiting here for me?" Jian Yuyan had a soft smile on his gentle and handsome face, looking at her tenderly, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Of course, they all came out, and you are the only one still inside. From morning to now, I have been waiting for you here for nine hours and a quarter of an hour!" Qin Luoyi said with a grin: "Look, Am I good enough for you? I didn’t see you coming out in the morning, and I thought you had committed your life inside, so I was so worried, but it turned out that you were fine, and actually got promoted inside!”

"Yi'er, don't worry, I won't die that easily." Hearing her worry, Jian Yuyan looked at her more softly.

"I think so!" Qin Luoyi pursed his lips and smiled, walked around him twice, and said in surprise: "Tsk, not bad, you have advanced to the seventh level, and you are actually at the peak of the ninth level of the Venerable, tell me quickly Tell me, what happened to you inside?"

"Yi'er, do you want me to say it here?" Jian Yuyan raised her eyebrows, glanced at Mizong Lin behind her as if pointing something, and then looked down at herself.Although there was no blood on the white brocade robe, it was stained with a lot of dust.

Qin Luoyi understood, giggled and said, "I'm too impatient, how about this, let's go to Qianlan Mountain, and you can tell me well."

She doesn't have a cave, and the cave she lives in now belongs to the elder brother, so it's naturally inconvenient to bring Jian Yuyan up there.

The two of them stood together, happily talking to themselves, completely forgetting about Duanmu Changqing.

Of course, Qin Luoyi did it on purpose and didn't want to care about the ice cubes with small stomachs and chicken intestines, but Jian Yuyan was so happy that he could only see Qin Luoyi in his eyes, and he had never seen Duanmu Changqing before, so he didn't know that he was also the palm of the hand. A disciple of the sect, he thought he was from the Criminal Law Hall.

Duanmu Changqing, who was completely ignored by them, had an ugly expression on his face, with a cold light in his eyes, seeing Qin Luoyi smiling like a flower, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but Jian Yuyan's eyes kept looking at Qin The falling clothes made him feel even more dazzling.

After Jian Yuyan and Qin Luoyi chatted and laughed affectionately and left, he couldn't bear it any longer, and he shot violently, blasting a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties far away into powder, with a terribly cold expression.

(End of this chapter)

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