Brother is too evil

Chapter 136: Ancient Da Neng Cave Mansion

Chapter 136: Ancient Da Neng Cave Mansion (2)
The disciples of Xinglutang who had been staying outside waited until Jian Yuyan came out, and immediately entered the gate of Mizong Forest, rearranged the formation, and came out after doing all this. They thought they could finally go back and have a good rest, but they happened to meet Chief Duanmu. Qing Tieqing slapped the boulder angrily, not knowing what happened, and hurriedly backed away with a white face.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and the boulder was not in the same direction as him, so he was not smashed into a meat paste like the boulder... But even so, he was frightened into a cold sweat. When Lian didn't know what to think, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and quietly slipped away from another path.

Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan walked halfway, and happened to meet Luo Zijun and Song Huaishan, who had improved a lot.

Yuan Longhai was the most seriously injured, and he was not with them. Presumably he is still recovering from his injuries.

Seeing that Jian Yuyan had come out, the two of them grinned happily. Knowing that he had advanced several levels, and now he was at the ninth level of Venerable, they rushed up and beat him heavily on the shoulder, and gave him a A big bear hug, the excitement is beyond words.

Back at Qianlan Mountain, the three of them didn't bother to sit down, and surrounded him curiously about what happened in the Lost Forest.

Jian Yuyan didn't hide anything, just smiled and talked.

It turned out that after he and Song Huaishan got separated last night, they arrived at a very strange place not long after walking. There were strange rocks and many beasts haunted there. The surrounding fog was not white, but turned black instead.

After arriving there, he felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to exit along the original road, but no matter how he walked, he couldn't get out of the strange rock area. , were walking towards the depths of the strange rock, and the ferocious beasts encountered along the way became more and more powerful. If it weren't for the many talismans on his body, he would have been buried in the belly of the ferocious beasts.

Finally, after killing a strange-looking quadruped, he followed the quadruped to a very secluded place, where he found a small tree no more than one foot high, with green leaves that were inconspicuous, and knotted on it. A few yellow fruits the size of peas, the injured four-legged beast looked very excited, rushed over to pick one and gave it to its mouth, and then the bleeding wound on its body miraculously began to heal, and the breath on its body was stronger than that of the injured Before, it was much stronger.

Surprised in his heart, he took a closer look, but he didn't know what the yellow fruit was. He couldn't restrain his breath while he was pondering, and the four-legged beast found his whereabouts. The four-legged beast was in his hand before. He suffered a loss, but now he is not so afraid of him, and rushed towards him fiercely.

"After fighting for a long time, all the talismans on my body were almost used up, and I succeeded in killing it. I was going to pick the fruit and bring it back for you to see, but the fruit is really strange. , If you don’t eat it right away, it will melt away, but unfortunately I didn’t know before, I picked them all up, and after two of them melted, I realized that I had to eat them all by myself..."

Speaking of this, Jian Yuyan had a wry smile on his face. The consequence of eating five fruits together was that his body was almost burst by the powerful spiritual power.

"Tell me carefully, what does that little tree look like?" Qin Luoyi propped his chin and asked him with great interest.

Jian Yuyan thought for a while, and drew all the fruits and small trees he saw with a pen.Inverted triangular leaves, the leaves are not big, like pine needles, and the branches are only a little thicker than a thumb.

"This is Jiuyou fruit." Qin Luoyi took a look at the drawing paper, and immediately said with certainty: "Your luck is really good, this Jiuyou fruit is extremely difficult to grow, and it is small, not outstanding, and bears fruit. The fruit is also colorless and tasteless, and is easily overlooked by people. It blooms in 50 years, bears fruit in ten years, and ripens in another ten years. The time for its fruit to mature is only five days. If it is not picked within five days, It will fall by itself and melt into the sky and the earth."

"Jiuyou fruit? It really is a good thing! I heard that a Jiuyou fruit is worth a tenth-rank pill, no wonder you can advance to the seventh rank." Song Huaishan rubbed his chin and said enviously.

"I didn't expect it to be the Nine Nether Fruit. It's really hard to find. It grows in a very hidden place. If it wasn't for the four-legged beast leading the way, I might not be able to find it even if I walked past it." Jian Yuyan also laughed. .

He was a blessing in disguise, although the three of Song Huaishan were slightly injured, fortunately they were all safe and sound, everyone was happy and talked for a long time until late at night before breaking up.


Early the next morning, Qin Luoyi, who was sleeping, was awakened by a painful wail.Surprised, he hurriedly got up and ran out.

Dahei, who hadn't seen him for more than half a month, was curled up in the corner of the pavilion, his body was scorched black, his expression was painful, and he looked extremely miserable.The fur, which used to be like silk and satin, seemed to have been plucked, with holes and holes, and no longer supple.

"Hey, Dahei, how did you become like this? Who hurt you like this?" Qin Luoyi couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw its miserable appearance.

On the day of Misty Sect, Dahei left a sentence, I went out for a stroll, and I ran away without a trace. If there was no soul contract between them, she would have thought that it had died somewhere after not seeing it for so long. In unknown corners.

" hurts me to death!" Dahei wailed while cursing, sticking out his tongue to lick the wound from time to time.

Qin Luoyi couldn't bear it so much, he carefully looked at the wound on its body, and hurriedly took out an eighth-level healing pill and handed it to it.

Dahei swallowed it in one gulp, didn't care to speak, closed his eyes, and looked like he was meditating.

Qin Luoyi waited patiently aside, constantly guessing in his heart who hurt Dahei like this.Looking at the wound on its body, it is neither a knife wound nor a sword wound, but it looks like it was struck by lightning... Where did it go to be struck by lightning?
After nearly half an hour, Dahei didn't even get up, but the injuries on his body were obviously much better than before. Qin Luoyi let out a sigh of relief, and immediately felt relieved. Thinking that this place is very safe, he will no longer Guarding it, I ran to the middle of the mountain to take a look at the cave house under construction.

When he came back, it was almost noon, and Dahei had withdrawn from the state of cultivation, and was recklessly looking for something to eat in the kitchen, looking extremely hungry.

"Where have you been in the past half a month?" Qin Luoyi shook his head amusedly, took out a piece of beef from the space of the bracelet and threw it to it, seeing how it was devouring it, he couldn't help but ask again road.

The eyes of the big black copper bell flashed, and while eating the beef, he said vaguely: "Not far, it's near the Piaomiao sect."

Qin Luoyi narrowed his phoenix eyes, stared at it closely and said, "Not far? Not far away will take you half a month? Who are you lying to?"

(End of this chapter)

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