Brother is too evil

Chapter 139: Being All Eyes On

Chapter 139: Being All Eyes On (2)
"Haha, I finally succeeded in advancing!"

After a while, the light on his body dissipated, and Qin Luoyi opened his eyes, which were as bright as stars and full of joy.

Supporting the edge of the wooden barrel, she jumped up from the wooden barrel. The spiritual power in her body was several times stronger than before. She felt that now she could turn a big tree in half with just a wave of her hand!
Raising her hand, she looked at the big tree in front of her, looked at the tree and looked at her palm, a little eager to try.

"Hehe, grand master first rank, congratulations to junior sister for advancing to rank." A deep and slightly magnetic voice, like a spring breeze blowing on her face, suddenly sounded behind her.

Qin Luoyi was startled, put down his hand abruptly, and looked back.

Feng Feili was dressed in a purple brocade robe with flaps fluttering, her black hair fluttering, and she stood with her hands behind her back. There was a playful smile on her handsome and monstrous face.

"Uh, it's senior brother... Senior senior brother, when did you come?" Qin Luoyi relaxed his mind, smiled, and his phoenix eyes shone brightly.

I secretly said in my heart that I was lucky!

I almost forgot that this is the elder brother's cave, and everything here belongs to the elder brother. The big tree she wanted to chop down just now under the excitement, although it is not expensive, it is also very rare, er, it can As for the plants and trees in the elder brother's cave, they are not ordinary things.

Feng Feili's dark eyes swept over her, and the smile on her lips grew stronger: "It's just here...Little Junior Sister, don't you feel cold when you stand like this?"

Qin Luoyi just got up from the barrel, the skirt was still dripping with water, the clothes were tightly attached to her body, outlining her plump and pretty breasts, and her slender waist... Even the slender thighs are looming.


Qin Luoyi followed his gaze and lowered his head to look at him, finally realizing something was wrong, the corners of his mouth twitched, he turned around and fled into the room.

"Uh, senior brother, you sit down first, I'll come as soon as I go." Annoyance flashed in her eyes quickly, she was so happy that she forgot that she had just come out of the barrel.

Although she was wearing clothes, she didn't wear much, because the water was warm, and it wasn't cold when she went in. Even if she stayed for a long time, the water became cold, but after she started practicing, the spiritual power in her body quickly Running, there will be a feeling of heat.

The soft and excellent clothing sticks to the body with water, like a second skin of a person... ah!what!Everything was seen.

She used to go on vacation in Hawaii, although she even wore the three-point style... But after all, it is a place where everyone is open-minded, and everyone wears the same, so it is not unusual.

She just now... Hey, don't think about it, it's really embarrassing!
And the elder brother is also the same, he is obviously a modest gentleman, why did he forget to see no evil at this time?Did you inquire about the indecent package?

Well, this is his cave, she shouldn't be sitting in the garden practicing in broad daylight, but seeing herself coming out of the water with disheveled clothes, shouldn't she avoid it first given his temperament?To actually stare at her with that joking look, really, the more I think about it, the more embarrassing it gets!
Feng Feili stared at her as she ran into the house in embarrassment, while still not forgetting to greet him to sit down cutely, the smile in her eyes became stronger and stronger, and finally she couldn't hold back anymore, she laughed lowly.

Qin Luoyi, who was changing clothes in the room, couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the laughter, and then couldn't help laughing himself.

When they came out, apart from Feng Feili, there was actually one more person in the garden—Second Senior Brother Duanmu Changqing.

The corners of Feng Feili's lips were still smiling, and there was a touch of evil spirit in her peach blossom eyes.Duanmu Changqing looked expressionless.

Feng Feili came, and even Duanmu Changqing came. Qin Luoyi didn't know what was going on, but they didn't say anything, so she didn't ask, and she directly asked them to sit down in the pavilion and prepare to make tea.

"No need, Elder Wei gave an altar lecture at Yuxia Peak today, junior sister, you can go with us." Feng Feili waved her hands and said, with a hint of a smile that couldn't be concealed in her soft voice.

"Elder Wei opened the altar to teach the Fa?" Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up.As far as she knew, there were fifteen elders in the Piaomiao Sect. Among all the elders, this elder Wei was considered to be the strongest, even compared to their master, his strength was not much worse.

Eldest brother came here, could it be that he came here to tell her that Elder Wei opened the altar to teach the Fa?

Just now she secretly complained that he didn't know how to avoid her disheveled appearance... Now that she thought about it, she had misunderstood.

But... her phoenix eyes flashed, and she squinted at Duanmu Changqing.

Eldest brother came to her to listen to Elder Wei's lecture, so what is Duanmu Changqing doing here?Could it be that he also came to tell her to listen to Elder Wei's lecture?

Pursing her lips, the thought flashed by, but she quickly denied it.Duanmu Changqing was probably wishing he could slap her to death, why would he come here to inform her of such a good thing!If he came to ask for an antidote, she still believed it, or maybe the elder brother invited him over.

Feng Feili nodded and smiled: "I didn't see you yesterday or today. Elder Wei came out of retreat yesterday, and he has a lot of experience. This matter was decided temporarily. I guess you must not know. Sure enough... counting the time, it's almost the same time." ,Let's go."

After finishing speaking, a divine rainbow swirled around him, and Duanmu Changqing also suddenly appeared with a divine rainbow.

Qin Luoyi blinked his slender eyelashes, smiled and waved at them and said, "Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, you go first, Junior Sister will come later."

The cultivator who can use the magic rainbow is extremely fast, like riding a rocket, and can fly dozens of miles in the blink of an eye, but she can only walk against the wind, so her speed is naturally much slower.

"Let's go together." A faint light flashed in Feng Feili's eyes, and he quickly understood, stretched out his hand, and pulled her to his side, Shenhong also covered her, and with a thought, the two of them quickly shot away into the distance.

Duanmu Changqing looked at the two distant figures with black eyes, paused, and then followed them, but his thin lips were unconsciously pursed, with an unpredictable expression.

The verdant mountain retreated quickly, Qin Luoyi stood beside Feng Feili, stunned for a moment, looked down the mountain, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, after a few deep breaths, he finally did not say it.

But in the blink of an eye, they soon arrived at Yuxia Peak, and the two landed on a quiet grassland.

There were already many people standing on the grass, in groups of three or four, talking in low voices, and on a boulder in front of them, there was an old man in Tsing Yi sitting on the boulder, the old man just sat quietly on the boulder, but People have a strange feeling of being one with the mountains and blending with the heaven and the earth.

Just as they stood still, Duanmu Changqing gracefully landed on Shenhong and stood beside Qin Luoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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