Brother is too evil

Chapter 140 I saw something I shouldn't have seen

Chapter 140 I saw something I shouldn't have seen (1)
"Ah, it's Master Feng!"

"And Uncle Duanmu!"

"I didn't expect them to come to listen to Elder Wei's lecture today."

"Counting it, I haven't seen Master Feng for several years...hehe, Master Feng is really getting more and more handsome. Every time I see him, I feel my heart is so excited that I want to jump out. I wish I could see him every day!"

"Yes, yes, me too. It's a pity that Uncle Feng is coming back less and less now. I heard that he spends a lot of time in the Profound Sky Continent."

"Uncle Feng is very good, but I like Uncle Duanmu more. Uncle Duanmu is handsome and has a personality..."

"Uncle Duanmu is not bad, but he is so cold, every time I see him, I am very scared."

"Yes, he is not only cold towards us, but also Master Liu. I have never seen him smile at Master Liu."

"I really want to see what Uncle Duanmu looks like when he smiles... Hee hee, he will definitely fascinate everyone!"

"Who is that woman standing between Uncle Feng and Uncle Duanmu? Why did she come with Uncle Feng? They were in Shenhong just now, and they were so close together. Uncle Feng still smiled at her .”

"That's right, that's right, I saw it too... I heard that the head of the sect has accepted another closed disciple, she is a woman, tell me, is it her?"

Amidst the constant discussions, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing walked towards the boulder in a chic manner, and wherever they passed, all the disciples of the Misty Sect voluntarily gave way to a path.

Being implicated by them, Qin Luoyi also enjoyed the feeling of being watched by everyone, but she didn't have a trace of fear on her face. She walked all the way, with a calm expression on her bright face. The incomparably outstanding men stand together, and they are not inferior in the slightest.

"Eldest senior brother, second senior brother, you guys are coming too." Liu Qingcheng was standing with fourth senior brother Ji Xuan and a very handsome young man who looked very sunny. Seeing them coming, he greeted them with a charming smile come up.

"Fifth Junior Sister, you're here too." When his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi's face, a cold light flashed away in his water-like, alluring eyes.

"Fifth Senior Sister."

Qin Luoyi sensitively caught the coldness and jealousy in her eyes, and smiled slightly with his lips curled up.Accidentally being brought here by the elder brother with the magic rainbow, Liu Qingcheng's jealousy had already been expected by her.

But... Eldest Brother took the initiative to bring her here, she couldn't refuse such kindness, could she?
After all, they are a master. In the past half a month since entering the sect, the master has retreated. The elder brother is the person who treats her the best in this sect. She can't just avoid Liu Qingcheng who doesn't like her at all. The senior brother who has always treated her as a junior sister sincerely!

If she loves to be misunderstood, just misunderstand!

Anyway, she had misunderstood it before, she was not afraid of the slanting shadow, and had no other relationship with the senior brother except senior brother and sister. After a long time, the fifth senior sister would naturally understand that she would not compete with her for the senior brother.

Compared to Liu Qingcheng's enthusiasm, Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili were very indifferent, and they only nodded to her as a greeting.

"Junior Sister, these two are disciples of Uncle Wu—this is third senior brother Ji Xuan, and this is fourth senior brother Rong Yunhe." Feng Feili pointed to the two men beside Liu Qingcheng, and gave her a smile. introduce.

Ji Xuan and Qin Luoyi had seen each other before, only Rong Yunhe met for the first time.

"Luoyi met the third senior brother. I met the fourth senior brother."

Qin Luoyi took a few steps forward and bowed to the two of them. His pretty face was fair and bright, and her bright eyes were looking forward. She was as agile and beautiful as if she had walked out of a painting.

Rong Yunhe glanced at Feng Feili first, feeling a little strange in his heart, why did the elder brother bring this junior sister with him?

Others may not know it, but a few of them do. The senior brother looks very easy to get along with on the surface, but there are very few people who can really get close to him. Very few!
The dark eyes shining with extraordinary splendor subtly looked at Qin Luoyi, and pulled out a handsome and sunny smile.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Elder Wei, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, also opened his eyes, and his deep gaze fell on Qin Luoyi.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, he has a jade-like face and a slender figure. He is dressed in a blue dress that flutters naturally, and has an extraordinary and refined temperament.

A smile flashed in her eyes. Although this young girl's current cultivation base is not high, there must be something extraordinary about making an exception for Sect Master Ge to accept him as a closed disciple.

He beckoned Qin Luoyi over to talk alone, with a very friendly demeanor, and he didn't have the pretentious airs of a high-ranking monk as he imagined.

Seeing that Elder Wei obviously liked Qin Luoyi quite a lot, Liu Qingcheng couldn't help feeling a little angry, thinking that she had joined the Piaomiao Sect for more than ten years, and every time she met Elder Wei, she had never seen him be so kind to her.

Not long after, Elder Wei motioned Qin Luoyi to sit down on one side, and then began to preach the Dharma. All the disciples of Piaomiao Sect also sat cross-legged on the grass, stopped whispering, and listened carefully with their eyes down. into a strange state.

It was the first time for Qin Luoyi to listen to this kind of speech. In addition, she had a high level of comprehension, and gained a lot. Many things that she didn't understand before suddenly seemed to be enlightened, and she understood everything.

Back in the Yuqing Peak cave, she struck while the iron was hot, and went to get some cold pool water, and after diluting it, she began to practice.

Because of the change in her state of mind, she successfully broke through the barrier of the Venerable Peak before. This time, her cultivation went very smoothly. After half a month of concentrating on cultivation, she actually rushed to the ninth-level peak of the Grand Master in one fell swoop.

This kind of cultivation speed really made her a little overjoyed, but after reaching the peak of the ninth rank of Grand Master, her speed slowed down, and she encountered the barrier of advancing to the rank of Martial Saint.

Tried several times, whether using cold pool water or high-level panacea, there is no way to successfully advance to the rank.

Qin Luoyi was very disappointed. She was a very smart person. After thinking about it, she understood that the spiritual power in her body was enough to advance to the rank. That's fine, you still have to go through a lot of experience, and you need to make a breakthrough in your mental state, so that the promotion will come naturally.

The first thing she did after leaving the customs was to visit the cave she was building.

The Dongfu has begun to take shape, and the construction is very solid. The ordinary courtyard house has a unique taste. She pinched her fingers and plotted that the house will definitely be completed in half a month at most, and she will be able to move in by then. Living.

Thinking of this, I swept away the depression of encountering a bottleneck in my cultivation, and my mood soared.

Then she went to Qianlan Mountain again.

It's a pity that Jian Yuyan is not on Qianlan Mountain. I heard that he took a mission from the Zongmen and went out to do the mission. Even Song Huaishan and the others were not there.

(End of this chapter)

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