Brother is too evil

Chapter 141 I saw something I shouldn't have seen

Chapter 141 I saw something I shouldn't have seen (3)
Feng Feili floated down from the cave and stopped on the boulder in the middle of the water.The peach blossom eyes flickered on and off, staring at the direction Qin Luoyi left, with a palpitating undercurrent flashing in his eyes.Thinking of Qin Luoyi's action of putting his hand into his belly pocket just now... His eyes became deeper and hotter.

Qin Luoyi has been flying smoothly for more than a hundred miles. Seeing that the main peak is already in the distance, a divine rainbow suddenly descends from the sky. Feng Feili's slender figure stands in front of her, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, and he stands with a smile: "Little one!" Junior sister, in a hurry, where are you going?"

"So it's senior brother!" Qin Luoyi paused, with a smile on Mingyan's face, looking at the senior senior brother who looked more magnificent and charming under the night light: "I'm going back to Yuqing Peak."

"Going back to Yuqing Peak? I'm going back too, let's go together." After speaking, he approached Qin Luoyi's side.

"Little Junior Sister, I haven't seen you in half a month, and you've been promoted again?" Feng Feili was surprised with a handsome face, and looked her from head to toe with a smile.

Qin Luoyi smiled, his eyes sparkling: "It's just that I have encountered a bottleneck now, and I can't make a breakthrough. I am going to go out of the sect to practice."

"Experience? It is indeed a good way to break through the bottleneck." Feng Feili's eyes flashed, he nodded, and said thoughtfully.

"I think so too." Qin Luoyi was very happy to be affirmed, and it was the affirmation of her elder brother who has always been very good to her, with a little more confidence, the smile on his face became brighter, and his phoenix eyes sparkled Yingying light.

The strange color in Feng Feili's eyes flashed away, and the impulse that was suppressed with great difficulty suddenly became a little restless again.Quietly looking away from her face, Shenhong suddenly appeared, took Qin Luoyi and shot towards Yuqing Peak.

"Junior Sister, the flower chicken you made last time, it tastes really good, let's get another one for senior brother today! And the mushroom chicken soup is also good..." Standing in the sky, Feng Feili smiled and looked at her. Qin Luoyi on the side.

"No problem, hehe, half a month of retreat, I haven't eaten anything, and I'm greedy." Qin Luoyi rolled his eyes and agreed very simply.

Rong Yunhe and Ji Xuan were standing at the foot of the mountain talking to Liu Qingcheng, Liu Qingcheng smiled like a flower.

Seeing the divine rainbow flashing across the sky, Rong Yunhe raised his eyebrows, let out a little surprise, and said with a smile: "It's the senior brother and the junior junior sister. When did the senior senior brother and the junior junior sister go out together?"

Ji Xuan also looked at the sky thoughtfully, the senior brother is really special to this new junior junior sister.

Originally, I heard from the elder brother that he just passed by the sect by chance, and he would not stay for a few days. It has been a month, but he still hasn't left. It's really strange.

Not only that, but he is also very enthusiastic about building a cave for the junior sister... It's incredible that the senior brother would do such a thing, just thinking about it.

Liu Qingcheng also saw the two people in the sky, their originally smiling faces instantly became ugly, and a gloomy and cold light flickered in their enchanting and proud eyes.

Duanmu Changqing stood outside the cave with his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky slightly, and did not miss Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili's chatting and laughing figures in Shenhong. With slightly cold eyes, he watched them head towards the top of Yuqing Peak.

"It's a pity that it's too late, and mushrooms and bamboo shoots are not easy to find." In the dense forest of Yuqing Peak, Qin Luoyi said regretfully, holding a pheasant in one hand.

Today, with the elder brother here, she didn't need her hands to catch the pheasants. The elder brother just stood there, moved his fingers, and easily knocked out a few pheasants.All she had to do was follow behind and pick them out.

"It's easy to do."

Feng Feili raised her eyebrows and smiled, elegantly threw the two unconscious pheasants in her hands into the storage ring, took Qin Luoyi's and threw them in, and then took out a fist-sized bead In an instant, a faint and lustrous light illuminated the land of nearly a hundred meters around.

"Is it okay now?" He tilted his head and asked Qin Luoyi with a smile, his handsome face looked even more enchanting under the reflection of the pearl.

"Haha, of course, big brother, what kind of treasure are you that can illuminate this place so brightly?" Qin Luoyi stepped forward and looked at the beads in his hand curiously.

An excellent luminous pearl can only illuminate the range of a few meters around. The range illuminated by this bead is many times wider than that of the best luminous pearl.

"This is the jade pearl in the South China Sea. It is a special kind of jade. It is not a treasure. If you like it, I will give it to you." Feng Feili handed the pearl to her without hesitation.

Qin Luoyi waved his hand, and said awkwardly: "I'm just curious, how can I ask for things from senior brother... Uh, there are mushrooms there, I saw them, I'll pick them up."

After finishing speaking, he immediately ran away quickly.It was as if there was a ferocious beast chasing after her, afraid that if she ran too slowly, the elder brother would directly stuff the beads into her hands.

Although she has never seen a jade pearl, it must be a very rare thing that can illuminate such a distant place... The elder brother actually gave it to her casually, which made her feel a little incredible.

Or did he misunderstand what he just said?

While picking the mushrooms, she thought about it carefully, and finally came to the conclusion that she must have spoken too directly, and the envious tone must have misunderstood the big brother.

She secretly warned herself that next time she saw the elder brother bring out some treasures, she must restrain herself a little, or don't ask so directly, lest the elder brother misunderstand again.

With the jade pearl lighting, Qin Luoyi quickly found a lot of fresh and tender mushrooms, as well as a small amount of wild vegetables, and picked out a few wild eggs by the way.Feng Feili kept following her with the beads in her hand, her dark eyes fell on her from time to time.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the two returned with a full load. They stewed a pheasant and made a beggar chicken. After finishing all these, Qin Luoyi's hair was still half wet, so he let it down and sat down Beside the fire, while fiddling with her hair, she spoke to Feng Feili without saying a word, her pretty face reflected in the firelight, looking extremely charming and seductive.

Sitting opposite her, the corners of Feng Feili's mouth were always slightly raised, and there was a faint smile in his eyes... A warm and harmonious atmosphere gently circulated around the two of them.

At this moment, Duanmu Changqing's slender figure suddenly descended from the air.

"Hey, junior brother, you're here! It's just in time for you to come. The little junior sister has bought a lot of delicious food. The three of us will have a drink later."

Feng Feili didn't feel anything about his arrival, but Qin Luoyi glanced at him strangely.


Duanmu Changqing responded without saying anything, and sat down beside him.

Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili were sitting opposite each other. Once he sat down, he was sitting between the two of them. He was closer to Qin Luoyi than Feng Feili. He didn't need to raise his head. I could see Qin Luoyi's face with a faint red glow under the light of the fire.Naturally, he didn't miss the obviously stronger aura on her body.

(End of this chapter)

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