Brother is too evil

Chapter 145 I accepted you for the Buddha

Chapter 145 I accepted you for the Buddha
"These stones are not all mine, but the one on your body must be mine!" The fat monk's face changed, and he stretched out his hand to grab her.

The man in black stood aside, looking like he was enjoying the show, wishing the monk could tear Qin Luoyi to pieces.

Naturally, Qin Luoyi couldn't sit still and wait for death. With a movement of his slender hand, he threw a body-fixing talisman at the great monk, and an ice blade talisman at the man in black, and then flew away without caring what happened to them. He got up, jumped onto the body of Dahei who had already turned around after biting off one of his necks, and sprinted away into the distance.

"Smelly girl, don't run away!" The great monk's cultivation base is really strong, throwing a lot of immobilization charms only fixed him for a moment, and he recovered quickly, heading towards Qin Luoyi's departure direction Chase away.


"Don't run, brat!"


"Don't run!"

Dahei carried a person and ran forward desperately. He was so tired that he was panting and out of breath, but he didn't dare to stop. This smelly monk actually wanted to snatch its Huangshi Yuanjing. It's really abominable. If it didn't know that this monk is too deep and unfathomable, it would have turned around and killed him!

Fortunately, there are quite a few slowing talismans on Qin Luoyi's body, and whenever he gets too close, he throws out another handful.

But after running hundreds of miles, he still couldn't get rid of the fat monk.Qin Luoyi is also depressed. Although she has a lot of talismans, she can't memorize such a throwing method. Sooner or later, she will be thrown away, and this monk is very strange. The poison she quietly released is useless to him at all. !

Just when he was racking his brains to figure out how to deal with him properly, a slender, handsome, and incomparably chic silver figure suddenly fell from the sky.

"You flower monk, you are chasing a beautiful girl again. Today, I ran into my young master, and my young master must eunuch you!"

Qin Luoyi followed the prestige, and saw the handsome man in front of him with an inexhaustible free and easy smile, and those eyes were so beautiful that there were no words to describe them. Playful, somewhat arrogant, and somewhat cynical.

"Girl, don't worry, let me deal with this fat monk." The silver-clothed man stopped between Qin Luoyi and the fat monk, turned his head and waved at Qin Luoyi with a smile, and then he was extremely chic He turned around and stared at the fat monk.

Qin Luoyi blinked, although she didn't know the identity of the silver-clothed man, but he could help her stop the fat monk... She didn't care who he was.

Don't let Dahei stop, put on a grateful face, and shouted at him: "Young master, you are really a good person, that fat monk is so cruel, young master, you must be careful!"

"Haha, no matter how powerful he is, I'll still beat him to the ground!" The silver-clothed man laughed when he heard this. Although Qin Luoyi had gone far away, his voice was obviously not loud, but it came to his ears clearly. inside.

I couldn't help being startled, it seems that the cultivation of this silver-clothed man is very fearful... He will stop the fat monk, it is completely misunderstood that the fat monk intends to do something wrong to him, if he knows that he has yellow stone essence on him, Maybe he will turn around and chase after him right away. After all, Huangshi Jingyuan is not an ordinary thing that can resist temptation.

Thinking of this, she urged Dahei to run faster, and one man and one beast disappeared into the thick night in the blink of an eye.

The red-clothed monk's face turned green: "It's you again, brat, you came to ruin my good deeds again today!" Seeing Qin Luoyi running farther and farther, he couldn't help feeling angry and anxious.

In the afternoon, he had already discovered that Qin Luoyi and Dahei were hiding not far away, but he didn't find out. After walking a certain distance, he was really curious and fell back again.

When I arrived at the exposed rock area, I actually saw a lot of soil popping out of a place I had turned over... After careful inspection, I found a little bit of precious earth on a tiny brown stone fragment. Incomparable Huangshi Jingyuan!
This discovery made him so excited that he beat his chest so hard that he almost passed out. He got obsidian, but he missed the rare product like Huangshi Jingyuan!
You must know that Huangshi Jingyuan, integrated into the magic weapon, can double the attack power of the magic weapon!
Fortunately, the girl hasn't gone far... I thought I could get back the Huangshi Jingyuan quickly, but unexpectedly, the talismans on the girl seemed to be inexhaustible. Didn't catch up... Now this meddling master appeared on the way.

"It's bad for you?" The silver-clothed man squinted his eyes, his eyes were full of disdain and joking: "The monks pay attention to the purity of the six senses, and the first precept is lust, but you chase after the girl all day long, it really embarrasses the monks!"

The monk in red was furious.

The six sense organs are pure... His six sense organs are purer than anyone else!

Last time, that girl surnamed Hei actually tricked him into taking away the Heavenly Book that he had so hard to get. He chased him for tens of thousands of miles, and he was about to catch up with him. He came out and ruined his good deed, so that he could only watch helplessly in the end. Watching the black girl running away triumphantly.

"Brat, what nonsense are you talking about... You didn't figure it out, and you actually got ahead. Hmph, I see, you just want to be a hero to save the beauty, and you want to win the favor of other girls with evil intentions... Haha, people The girl ran away long ago, who are you showing your courtesy to!" The fat monk was angry, but he was still a little rational, and he never said Huangshi Jingyuan.

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the silver-clothed man, and he slowly approached him: "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, Monk Hua, don't try to argue."

"What do you want?" The fat monk was actually very afraid of him. His thigh shook and he couldn't help but took two steps back. The last time the two fought, he was almost beaten to death by him.

"It's not good, you are a scum, living is a waste of the spiritual power of this continent, that's all, since I met me today, I will reluctantly accept you for the Buddha..." After saying that, the slender jade The palm patted on him.

"Damn it!" The fat monk's face turned pale, he didn't dare to go up to him, turned around and ran in another direction desperately.

Life-saving is the most important thing, the Huangshi Jingyuan on that girl's body is the same when he is free to get it!
"Hey, running away before the fight started, it's really embarrassing to the Buddha." The silver-clothed man stroked his chin, giggled, and chased after him unhurriedly.

Qin Luoyi kept running for thousands of miles before his speed gradually slowed down. After seeing that no one was catching up behind him, he was completely relieved, and found a small inn with Dahei. set off again.

Because I don't know if the monk in red was killed by the silver-clothed man, or if the bastard surnamed Xiao was killed by the talisman she threw at random... When walking on the road, every time I go to a place where there are relatively few people.

(End of this chapter)

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