Chapter 146
But even though they were so careful and deliberately avoided, they were still found the next day. The boy surnamed Xiao was not dead. This time he was not alone, and brought three middle-aged men with cold and angry expressions.

"Uncle, it's's this woman who killed Sister Shan and the others!"

When the three middle-aged men heard the words, their sinister eyes fell on Qin Luoyi.

"Hmph, you're so young, yet you're so ruthless... Poor Shan'er, my father will definitely avenge you today!"

"Third brother, I will leave this stinky girl to you, but you must leave that mangy dog ​​to me. You dared to kill my Yu'er, and I will definitely skin it alive and burn it to ashes!"

"Count me in, that dog also killed my Shun'er. Before crushing it to ashes, I want to extract its soul and bring it to Shun'er's grave for a sacrifice."

Dahei's head was full of black lines, his eyes flashed fiercely, he was so excited that he almost rushed over desperately... Qin Luoyi hurriedly comforted it.

The strength of these three people is not weak, giving her a feeling of unfathomable, just rushing up like this is tantamount to death.

"If you want to kill us, and also want to skin and extract your soul, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Qin Luoyi snorted softly, raised his chin slightly, his eyes were full of contempt.

"Hmph, you'll know if you have that ability, if you try it!" The three of them sneered and approached her with grim smiles, as if they didn't take her seriously at all.

Qin Luoyi smiled slyly: "Just try it...hehe, but if you want to try, you have to catch us first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Dahei suddenly shot towards the west, and in the blink of an eye, he ran several miles away.

"damn it!"

"We can't let her run away. There's something about her that even a fat monk can fall in love with. We must kill this girl before the fat monk catches up with me!"

"Don't worry, she can't escape!"

"Uncle, don't underestimate that woman, she has many powerful talismans on her body!"

The four of them were chasing towards Qin Luoyi, while cursing incessantly, their eyes even shot a gloomy cold light.

Qin Luoyi turned her head from time to time, and within a short while, the four of them got closer and closer to her...they couldn't help but frowned.

Although the auras of these three people are not as terrifying as the fat monk in red, they are not something she can deal with...the difference in strength is too great.

Moreover, they already knew that she had talismans on her body, and they were particularly vigilant every time they approached her. Many of the talismans she threw were wasted.

In order to deal with the fat monk yesterday, she wasted a lot of talismans. If this continues, she will run out of talismans in a short time.

"We have to think of a way. If this goes on, we will be caught up by them sooner or later!" Qin Luoyi pursed his lips and said with a serious expression.

"Hey, let them chase after me, I have a way to deal with them." Da Hei's eyes were shining brightly, he looked forward, and the excitement could not be concealed in his lowered voice.

"You have a solution?" Qin Luoyi blinked, a little disbelieving: "Really?"

"Don't worry! We'll be able to get rid of them if we have a hundred miles at most." Dahei held his head high, full of confidence.

Qin Luoyi was still full of doubts. Could it be that her contracted beast has some other powerful abilities that she doesn't know about?Her master can say that Dahei is an ancient alien beast with extremely pure blood. Such alien beasts usually have many talents.

Sitting on Dahei's back, she watched Dahei with strange eyes while paying attention to her back, and her mind was full of thoughts... What kind of trump card does Dahei have.

The three people who were chasing behind them, chased for nearly a thousand miles, never caught up, their faces were extremely ugly, they glanced at each other, and a fierce look flashed in their eyes. There is no longer the idea of ​​wanting to capture her alive.

"It's dangerous!" Dahei narrowly escaped their attacks and rushed forward again. A huge continuous mountain range appeared in the distance. The mountain range was very strange. Many peaks were bare and there was no grass growing on them. Extremely desolate.

"Haha, it's here, these bastards who want to skin me and refine my soul, now it's up to me to deal with you!" Dahei looked forward, sneered sinisterly, and looked back at the three people who were chasing after him, And shot forward faster.

Skimming over dozens of hills, reaching the deepest part of this mountain range, just as Qin Luoyi used up all the talismans on his body, Dahei suddenly stopped at the entrance of a steep valley, and looked at the valley in surprise. .

"Hey, run away, let me see where you are going!" The three of them caught up in the blink of an eye, sneering endlessly. Looking from their direction, this valley is not only extremely dangerous, but also the valley that only one person can pass through. The entrance of the cave was the only exit of the valley. In other words, as long as Qin Luoyi and the others ran in, they would no longer be able to fly.

But what makes them strange is that this mountain range is famous on Penglai Xiandao as a mountain range that is devoid of aura, and few people come here on weekdays. For them, they are very familiar with this mountain range, and they never knew it. There is actually such a valley here.

Dahei's eyes flashed, he naturally understood their doubts, and he was secretly proud that there was a phantom formation around here, and if he was not very proficient in formation techniques, he would not be able to reach here at all, and naturally he would not be able to find this valley.

Dahei was complacent, but the beast's face was pretending to be anxious and desperate. When the four rushed over, it suddenly spread its limbs and jumped in from the extremely narrow valley.

The four of them smiled coldly, and chased after them unsuspectingly.

"Haha, come in, come in... Now let's see how I deal with you!" The big black girl ran wildly, her face full of pride.

As soon as he entered the valley, Qin Luoyi felt a strange coercion that made people palpitate, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Dahei, what is this place?"

Dahei didn't care about talking, and continued to run wildly. The four people chasing after him also felt something strange, and stopped at the entrance of the valley, frowning and looking at each other.

"Third brother, I think it's a bit weird here."

"I feel it too."

"This deserted mountain range lacks spiritual power. I have been here several times before, and I have never found such a place. It is a bit weird."

The three of them cautiously did not dare to get close, their eyes were shining brightly, and they kept looking around, not sure if it was an illusion, but the three of them always felt that there was a faint coercion pervading the valley, and that coercion was too strong. It was so powerful that the three of them felt an inexplicable fear.

"Uncle, that damned girl ran far away, if you don't chase her, she won't be in time." The young man in black looked a little anxious. Although he also felt strange, but with the strong men of the three clans by his side, he didn't let the strangeness go. on heart.

(End of this chapter)

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