Brother is too evil

Chapter 148 Windfall

Chapter 148 Windfall
"Uh." Dahei blinked, and said in a whisper: "Now there are two ways, one is to exit the valley, and the other is to keep going and rush out of this area, otherwise the lightning strike is inevitable."

"Then get out." Qin Luoyi thought for a while in the bracelet, and then said.

With the ferocity of this lightning strike, Dahei would probably be dead when he rushed out of this area, not to mention that it had come here twice before, if it could rush over, it would have already rushed over, why would it wait until now.This kind of ancient and powerful cave must be studied thoroughly first, and it will not be too late to enter after making complete preparations.

But Dahei was reluctant to give up, and smiled: "Since we are already here, let's make a breakthrough." As soon as the words fell, it grinned, and this smile affected the wound on its body, which was extremely painful.

There was another thunderbolt from the sky.This time it hopped up in pain even more.

"Damn it, I must break in today!" Dahei frowned, not wanting to suffer the pain in vain, and rushed inside regardless of Qin Luoyi's dissuasion.

Qin Luoyi stroked his forehead, knowing that he couldn't stop Dahei, who had been struck mad by lightning, and hurriedly reminded: "If you want to go in, just pick up that gourd, that way you can save yourself from being struck."

As soon as Dahei was reminded by her, his eyes lit up, he turned around and flew back, picked up the gourd and put the gourd on his head. Sure enough, when he was struck again, the power of the lightning strike was cut in half.

"Haha, this time the two of us work together, we will definitely be able to rush into the cave!" Dahei laughed wildly, and rushed to the depths of the valley excitedly.

Qin Luozhu secretly laughed when he heard this.

What two people join forces, it has always been fighting alone!The last time it came back to the sect, it was desperate to let itself come... After much deliberation, it couldn't figure out why it was like this.

"finally reached."

Dahei stopped, staring forward with burning eyes, green smoke was still rising from his body, but it didn't seem to feel anything.

Qin Luoyi jumped out of the bracelet, and looking up, they were already standing at the end of the lightning strike area. Dahei's choice of where to stand was obviously very particular, the lightning strikes here were thicker than those where they came over just now It is dense, but although those lightning bolts are powerful, they can't hit it at all, as if the place where we are standing now is a blind spot.

There were quite a few places like this when they came in just now. Otherwise, with Dahei's strength, he would have been hacked to death just like the three middle-aged men just now, but she also discovered a pattern. You can temporarily avoid being struck by lightning, but it is only temporary, and the formation seems to be changing at any time.

"Hey, there are still people here!" Qin Luoyi shuddered and said in surprise.At the end of the terrifying minefield, there was a man in green with fluttering skirts, standing with his arms folded, his face full of indifference.

Dahei was so excited that he was eager to try, staring at the man in Tsing Yi with big eyes like copper bells, he turned his head to Qin Luoyi and said, "I'll give you this gourd in a while, let's run separately, he has only one person, he can only stop one of us , if you rush out, go into the cave in front and hide, and I will come to you in a while."

Qin Luoyi looked at it helplessly, and ran away separately... Doesn't that mean that he ran too slowly, or was struck by lightning?It's just that the arrow is on the string now, and it's impossible not to break through. After thinking about it, he finally nodded in agreement, took out several healing pills from his body, touched its head and said, "Be careful yourself."

"It's okay, I'm very familiar with this place, but it's just a pain in the flesh, and it will be healed after a while." Dahei was full of confidence.

The key is the Qiankun Clock. It has been thinking about it for nearly 20 years. Every time it came here before, it was blocked by this bastard in the formation and could not break through. It was not willing to tell others about this cave... This time it has Qin Luoyi, it must be able to break through, and then throw this bastard into this formation to be hacked!

It's a pity that there is only one broken gourd, and there is no broken gourd. He knows that Qin Luoyi will definitely not allow it to break in, so he has no choice but to endure the pain.

The man in Tsing Yi looked at them coldly, as if there were no waves in an ancient well, and his face was even more indifferent. Behind him, a hundred meters away, there was a hole with a width of ten feet. to what's inside.


Watching the gap between the violent lightning strikes, Dahei let out a low growl, spread his limbs and rushed towards the outside of the formation.

Qin Luoyi put the broken gourd on his head, and also rushed out of the formation quickly, holding the bracelet in one hand, preparing to jump in and hide if the lightning strikes, anyway, just now Several lightning strikes have fully proved that this bracelet is very resistant to strikes.

Just as Dahei ran to the edge of the minefield, the man in Tsing Yi stopped in front of it like a light smoke, and slapped it heavily on the head.

There seemed to be a mighty force in that palm, with an incomparably mighty aura... Dahei cursed in a low voice, not daring to force it, and retreated quickly and frustrated.


The terrifying thunder and lightning flying all over the sky, like a silver snake, landed on it again.


Dahei roared angrily, he didn't want to be struck by lightning, so he changed his position and continued to rush outside.

And when it was forced to retreat into the formation, Qin Luoyi was also slapped back heavily by the man in Tsing Yi, but she had a broken gourd, which was much better than Dahei, and she was not injured.

After a few times, neither of them could successfully rush out, Dahei was in a hurry, and then he realized that he had thought too simply before, and the cultivation base of the man in Tsing Yi was probably much higher than he estimated.

"That won't work, we have to get out quickly."

Qin Luoyi ran over with a rather unsightly face, and said that he would definitely be able to rush out. From her point of view, even if there were two more people, they might not necessarily be opponents of the man in Tsing Yi.

Dahei wants to cry but has no tears.When it came in this time, it had already been slapped no less than ten times, but unexpectedly it would return without success!

Looking at it, Qin Luoyi knew that it still couldn't let go of the contents, and persuaded it: "This broken gourd can block many lightning strikes, use this to protect yourself quickly, let's go out, this broken gourd has already cracked No matter how late it is, it will have no effect at all, and it will not be too late when we are stronger in the future."

Dahei was very unwilling, staring at the man in Tsing Yi, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, and he muttered curses in his mouth, he didn't know what he was chanting.

"Didn't you say that the holy master of the ancient clan has been dead for 10,000+ years, why are there still people here?" Qin Luoyi also looked over, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and asked suddenly.

"Yeah, it's been dead for 10,000+ years... It's not a human, it's just a puppet." Dahei glanced at her, and wondered: "Don't you see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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