Brother is too evil

Chapter 149 Seeing Ouyang Ling Again

Chapter 149 Seeing Ouyang Ling Again (1)
The corners of Qin Luoyi's mouth twitched: "If you don't tell me, I really didn't see it." That hair, that clothes, that face, and the powerful aura when attacking... what is it that is not human?
"Well, there are records in the ancient books that it used to follow the Holy Lord of the ancient clan, and it was a puppet made by the Holy Lord of the ancient clan on a whim... The book clearly says that it is not powerful, it just helps with some chores , when did it become so powerful?" Dahei was also a little puzzled.

Qin Luoyi thought for a while and said: "Didn't you say that he disappeared later... Maybe during the time when he disappeared, the puppet was re-refined by him."

Squinting his eyes to look at the man in Tsing Yi, his heartbeat accelerated slightly, he was just a puppet... If only he could get him, it would be great, in addition to the talisman, there will be another killer weapon against the enemy.

Dahei didn't know what was going on in her heart, and roared at the man in Tsing Yi: "I'm really not willing to just rush out like this, I'll try again."

After finishing speaking, he rushed out again regardless.

Seeing this, Qin Luoyi was angry and funny, stroked his forehead, and rushed to the other side.

That's all, let it have a wish.

In the terrifying thunder and lightning, Dahei jumped out, and the palm of the man in Tsing Yi followed and slapped him again.

"Damn it, this speed..." Dahei roared angrily, and had to retreat again.

Qin Luoyi was vigilant all over, ready to retreat as quickly as possible when the man in Tsing Yi attacked him.

But at this moment, a strange thing happened. The man in Tsing Yi flew towards Qin Luoyi's figure that was flying over, and when he flew halfway, he fell heavily from the air without warning, and there was no more movement.

Qin Luoyi was overjoyed and rushed out. Dahei also seized the opportunity and rushed out.When he looked behind him again, the wind and sea behind him were calm, and there was no trace of thunder.

"What's going on with it?" Qin Luoyi didn't dare to get too close, and asked Dahei beside him.

Dahei thought for a while, and his eyes lit up: "Haha, I see." He spread his limbs and ran over, holding his paws and flipping over him.

"I found it." It picked out a shiny green stone from the chest of the man in Tsing Yi. From the beginning to the end, the man in Tsing Yi kept his eyes open and let it do whatever he wanted, without any reaction.

Qin Luoyi walked over.

"This is the Green Essence Stone, just like the Yellow Stone Essence, it is a rare thing in the world, and the spiritual power inside is extremely abundant. He can attack us all because of it." Dahei showed her the stone.

Qin Luoyi took it, and felt that the spiritual power inside was extremely weak, and looked at the puppet's chest, where there was a depression, which was the place where the green stone was placed.

Being able to make a puppet last for 10,000+ years, she couldn't imagine how powerful the spiritual power contained in the original green stone was!
Rubbing the green stone that had no spiritual power in her hand, she smiled happily: "This is the first treasure we got here!"

Dahei was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "That's right, but before using it in the future, we must first erase the mark left on it by the Holy Master of the ancient clan, otherwise, once it recovers, we will be the first to attack .”

Qin Luoyi nodded. She also knew a little about puppets, just like magic weapon swords, if they don't erase the aura left by their original owner, they won't be used for themselves.

However, with her current cultivation base, she naturally doesn't have the ability to erase the imprint left by a peak cultivator in the Purple Mansion... I don't know if her master can do it?
"It's powerful. In my opinion, it's at least as powerful as a Xuanfu cultivator... It's a pity that this thing consumes too much spiritual power." As long as Dahei thinks about it, it will take a lot of power to use this thing in the future. The spar of spiritual power hurts so badly. If it weren't for the fact that he and Qin Luoyi are too weak now, it would definitely throw it into the formation without hesitation, let it be struck by lightning for the rest of its life, and finally be completely crushed. Only when lightning strikes and disappears into the sky and earth can it relieve its hatred.

"Although we don't have this green primordial stone, it won't be too difficult to find other crystal stones to replace it." Hearing that Dahei said that he is worthy of a monk from the Xuanfu, Qin Luoyi became excited.

Dahei stretched out his paws and ravaged the man in Tsing Yi, and then he calmed down a little: "I have been hacked so many times, it is too cheap for you!" It has decided that it will treat this puppet as a slave in the future handle.

The body of the puppet is very soft, and the clothes he wears are also made of a very strange material. After 10,000+ years, there is no dust on it, let alone the slightest tatters. , and didn't let the clothes show any signs of damage.

Qin Luoyi was secretly amazed that this mighty man of the ancient clan lived for thousands of years, and indeed he had quite a few treasures on his body, not even a puppet's clothes... I don't know if there is another what a good thing.

There was a look of anticipation in the pitch-black phoenix eyes, he lowered his body and threw the puppet into the space of the bracelet, and fled towards the cave with Dahei.

The cave is very large, but the walls are uneven. It must have been forcibly pulled out with incomparable strength. On the stone wall, every few meters, there is a shining bead for lighting. The bead is brighter than the night pearl, but far inferior to the senior brother. The jade akashi that was taken out that day.

I walked all the way inside without encountering organs or formations. I went all the way unimpeded until I reached the depths of the mountain, and my eyes suddenly opened up.

The huge space of hundreds of feet seems to have hollowed out the entire mountainside. In the middle is a circular high platform of about ten feet. There are many strange patterns carved on the high platform. is appalling.

Next to the white skeleton, there is a palm-sized bronze bell scattered. On the bronze bell, a kind of writing is inscribed, which looks like a crooked one, very similar to the ancient oracle bone inscriptions.

"Qian Kun Clock?" Qin Luoyi asked Dahei beside him, saying that she was asking, but she was already [-]% certain in her heart.

Dahei nodded, and his tone was quite excited: "Oh, that's the Qiankun Clock!" It had been thinking about it for more than ten years, and it was placed in front of itself.

Dahei, who had been looking forward to it for nearly 20 years, saw the Qiankun clock in front of him, but hesitated to go up immediately. Instead, he circled around the circular high platform several times, with a very dignified expression.

Qin Luoyi knew its scruples, so he didn't urge it, and stood aside and stared at it for a while.However, apart from refining alchemy and refining talismans, she is not very proficient in battles. Looking at it, she only feels that the complicated engravings and strange characters on the high platform are very similar to the things carved on the altars in ancient times. She couldn't see what it was for.

He turned his head and looked elsewhere.

In addition to the Qiankun clock and the white skeleton on the circular high platform, there were dozens of strange crystals of different colors in the cave. She walked over to pick it up and found that all the spiritual power inside had been exhausted, and there was nothing left. Useful.

(End of this chapter)

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