Brother is too evil

Chapter 150 Seeing Ouyang Ling Again

Chapter 150 Seeing Ouyang Ling Again (2)
After pondering for a while, she still put all the crystals in the space. The things that can be seen by the ancient holy masters here are definitely not ordinary products. She will take a look at them when she has time. When you see something of the same kind, you won't miss it.

"Is there something wrong?" After turning around, Qin Luoyi walked back to the round platform and asked Dahei who was still circling around.

"The patterns depicted on it are very strange. If I guessed correctly, this is an ancient mysterious formation that can absorb the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth. If you randomly rush in, the spiritual power in the human body will also be absorbed by it. Clean it up!" Dahei was extremely depressed.

Qin Luoyi was shocked.

As expected, it is worthy of being called the Holy Master of the ancient clan, the technique of a top cultivator in the Zifu can actually create such a strange and incomparable formation.She has heard of the formation that can gather the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth. It is possible to extract the spiritual energy from a living person... What kind of terrifying formation is this?

"This is troublesome." Qin Luoyi lowered his head and pondered. If he couldn't get close, he would naturally not be able to get the Qiankun Clock. Not to mention Dahei was in a hurry, she became a little anxious.After spending so much effort, Dahei was chopped to pieces, and now he can smell the smell of meat in his nose... Seeing the treasure right in front of his eyes, no one can stand it.

The puppet can't be used yet... Well, even if it can be used, let him go up. There is a spar containing spiritual power installed in his body. Once he goes up, the spiritual power in the spar may be sucked dry.

In order to verify whether Dahei's guess was correct, she extravagantly took out a spiritual plant with strong spiritual power, lightly tossed it, and threw it on the high platform.

I saw that the originally calm high platform suddenly exuded an unusually terrifying aura, and those strange words seemed to come to life, floating above the entire high platform, shining with dazzling golden light, and the spirit plant thrown out was caught Surrounded by those golden rays.

After a while, the original tranquility was restored on the high platform, and the spiritual plant she threw into it turned into a dry branch without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power.

"Wow, I really guessed it right!" Dahei wanted to cry without tears, staring at the high platform, wanting to pounce on it, but didn't dare.

Qin Luoyi was also shocked, pursed his lips, and the light in his phoenix eyes flashed: "It seems that if you want to get the Qiankun Clock, you can't do it by force, you have to break this formation."

With a face full of frustration, Dahei murmured: "It's a pity that the cheat book I saw last time was incomplete. It only recorded that there was this kind of formation, and the key to cracking the formation was missing."

It muttered very softly, Qin Luoyi couldn't hear what it was muttering clearly, but from its expression and how many times it circled the high platform in a daze just now, it was clear that Dahei would definitely not be able to crack it. up.

"Haha, it's actually the Qiankun Clock! It's really hard to find nowhere to find it. Monk, I have been looking for this thing for hundreds of years, and today I finally got what I wanted..." Lang was ecstatic Laughter suddenly sounded in the cave, and then a fat red figure flew past and rushed straight to the high platform.

Fat monk in red!
Qin Luoyi and Dahei were startled at the same time, their faces became very ugly, especially Dahei cursed again and again, his eyes were red, and as soon as he stretched out his claws, he was about to grab the fat monk: "Fat monk, that is My things, you are not allowed to touch it!"

The figure of the monk in red didn't stop, he slapped Dahei with a backhand, and laughed even louder: "This thing has disappeared for 10,000+ years, and now its owner is dead, so it is a thing without an owner. Since it is an ownerless thing, it is naturally obtained by someone with predestined relationship, and it is not in your hands, when did it become the property of you, a beast?"

Dahei was so angry that he almost vomited blood, got up and jumped over quickly, screaming at the fat monk who had already stepped on the high platform, seeing that he was about to rush up uncontrollably, Qin Luoyi hurried up to stop it.

Judging by its energetic appearance, the palm just now shouldn't have hurt it seriously, and the heart that was lifted was slightly let go.

Secretly winking at the big black envoy to signal it to calm down, she was really disappointed that the fat monk didn't die... Seeing the man in silver clothes that day was confident, she thought that the monk was already in danger!

Dahei finally calmed down, his red eyes fixed on the fat monk tightly, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

Qin Luoyi's red lips were tightly pursed, and his expression was cold. He also looked at the high platform. The moment the fat monk stepped onto the high platform, the entire high platform became extremely dazzling. Breath spread from the altar.

The fat monk's huge body was completely enveloped by the golden light, and those strange runes kept floating around him, trying to brand him on his body, but there was a piece of strangely shaped belt on his head. The cyan jade with six corners, the jade exudes a gleaming black light, covering it from head to toe, those golden lights and strange patterns can't help him at all.

He frowned, and his speed was very slow. Every step he took on the high platform seemed to require all the strength in his whole body.

Seeing the fat monk getting closer and closer to the Qiankun Clock, Dahei became anxious again, unable to stand still.Qin Luoyi thought of the Huangshi Jingyuan on his body... If he didn't leave, he might not even be able to keep the Huangshi Jingyuan on his body after he came out in a while!

"It doesn't matter if you don't want the Qiankun Clock now, let's leave here first, knowing that the thing is on him, we will have a lot of opportunities in the future!" She said to the underworld in a very low voice.

Dahei was very reluctant, but he also knew that what Qin Luoyi said was reasonable, he kept the green hills, and he was not afraid of running out of firewood, so he nodded, one man and one beast turned around and rushed out of the cave.

"Haha, this Qiankun clock is finally mine!" The monk in red laughed triumphantly from behind, they ran even faster without looking back.

"Hey, little girl, don't be in a hurry to leave!" Before they reached the formation that could trigger the terrifying thunder and lightning in the sky, a huge red figure rushed from behind, and stopped in front of them with a smile, his eyes were extremely fiery: "Monk, I never kill innocent people indiscriminately. It's just that you took my things, but you have to give them back to me... As long as you hand over the stones, I will never blame the past."

"Smelly monk, what stone is yours? It's obviously ours. It doesn't count if you robbed our Qiankun clock, but you still want to rob us of other things. How shameless you are!" Qin Luoyi said angrily. From the corner of the eye, he glanced around, ready to look for an opportunity to escape.

Dahei also looked up to the sky angrily and shouted: "Dead monk, you give me back the Qiankun clock!" He made a posture of attacking him, but in fact he had the same idea as Qin Luoyi in his heart.

He even secretly vowed in his heart that when it becomes stronger in the future, he must catch this fat man, torture him well, and then snatch back the Qian Kun Clock that originally belonged to him... The black jade stone just now is not bad, This fat monk is so shameless, and he doesn't know how many treasures he has robbed from others.

(End of this chapter)

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