Brother is too evil

Chapter 151 Seeing Ouyang Ling Again

Chapter 151 Seeing Ouyang Ling Again (3)
"Hmph, don't think about running again, none of you can leave until you take out your things today." The fat monk smiled sweetly, but a sharp cold light flashed from his black eyes.

Seeing through his attempt, Qin Luoyi's heart shuddered, but his pretty face burst into a smile: "Last time, you said we couldn't leave, but we still left."

"If it wasn't for that bastard's meddling in other people's business, do you think you could have escaped from me?" When mentioning this matter, the fat monk burst into anger from the bottom of his heart: "Hurry up and hand over the stone, and I will spare you!" Otherwise, don’t blame the monk for my cruelty and shoot you to death, I can get it as well.”

"Really?" Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, he looked behind him, and smiled meaningfully.

The fat monk was shocked, thinking that the bastard who had chased him for tens of thousands of miles was catching up again, and he could get rid of him only because of his familiarity with the terrain of Penglai Xiandao.Turning around suddenly, there was no one behind him.


He immediately sensed that something was wrong, and turned his head with anger on his face. Qin Luoyi was sitting on Dahei, and he had already seized the little gap to jump out and ran out.

Entering the roaring formation of thunder and lightning, Qin Luoyi put the broken gourd with some cracks on his head, covering Dahei and himself.

The fat monk was furious, his huge figure was like a roc spreading its wings, and he chased after him extremely fast.But his speed was fast, Dahei was not weak, and he jumped out of the valley before the fat monk caught up.

The gourd covering their heads was chopped several times in a row, and it was completely shattered as soon as they came out of the valley.

And what was on the head of the great monk was the strange piece of jade when he went to fetch the Qiankun Clock just now, the light of the jade covered him, and the fierce and terrifying thunder and lightning failed to hit him even once.

Qin Luoyi, who was sitting on Dahei's body, looked back, and couldn't help but secretly marvel, wondering what kind of treasure that piece of jade was.

"Smelly girl, where else do you want to go?" The fat monk came out of the valley, his figure was as fast as lightning, and he arrived behind Qin Luoyi in the blink of an eye, reaching out and slapping her hard on the back.


Qin Luoyi felt chills in his heart, this palm was so fast that it was unavoidable, and he felt an extremely powerful force attacking her body.

Dahei was also anxious and angry.

The fat monk was extremely proud, without that bastard's intervention, he would have crushed Qin Luoyi and Dahei to death as easily as crushing an ant.



With a loud noise, a figure flew out like a kite with a broken thread, and fell heavily tens of meters away, screaming in pain.

"It's you again! Hey, it hurts me to death... the bones in my body are broken!" It wasn't Qin Luoyi who was shot flying, but the fat monk who did it.

Dahei stopped in his tracks, with an ecstatic expression on his face. Qin Luoyi, who thought he was doomed, was stunned at first, and then smiled happily. The curved eyes were naturally more beautiful than the pale moon in the starry sky, and there were glazes in his pupils. Bright brilliance flickered.

The person who slapped the fat monk and shook his powerful spiritual power away was none other than the silver-clothed man who stopped the fat monk for them that day.It's just that today he put on a white brocade robe, with light fur and a gentle belt, with a very chic demeanor, his eyes slanted, his face is handsome, his eyebrows are smiling, but it's hard to hide the arrogance and domineering deep in his eyes.

"I didn't expect to meet Young Master here again. Young Master rescued you twice. Luo Yi is very grateful." Qin Luoyi's voice was clear and round, and his accent was extremely pleasant.

"It's just a little effort, don't worry about the girl in Luoyi." The silver-clothed man squinted his eyes and smiled, and walked gracefully to her side, but his gaze at the fat monk became extremely sharp, and there was a trace of embarrassment in his deep and melodious voice. Annoyed: "This monk is too cunning, he was taken to a very strange place last time, and he took the opportunity to slip away, hum, you can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day, and today you are here to bully the girl again. Let you run away again, and I, Ouyang Ling, will write the words backwards from now on!"

What he didn't say was that it didn't take much effort for him to deal with this fat man. The reason why he chased him so far was because he was bored and wanted to play a game of cat and mouse... Who would have thought that he would chase him away in the end? Oh, in his life, he has never done such a shameful thing!

The fat monk was on the brink of failure and was very depressed.Ouyang Ling's name sounds very strange, but he knows that he is not his opponent, and now two bones are broken, and if it really falls into his hands, the consequences will be disastrous.

Regardless of the injuries on his body, the pain was severe, he turned over and got up, and sprinted away to the distance, the speed of sprinting was the fastest in his life.

"Damn monk, return my Qian Kun clock!" Dahei chased after shaking his legs, and Qin Luoyi sat on it and passively chased after it.

"Don't worry, he won't be able to run away! I said, let him run away today. I, Ouyang Ling, will write the words upside down from now on!" Ouyang Ling squinted her eyes and smiled chicly. Qin Luoyi and Da Hei only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a white figure had already stopped in front of Fat Hongshang.

Dahei was overjoyed, the fat monk's face turned green, and he stared at him in disbelief: "How is it possible..." How could he be so fast, is he still human?

Ignoring his shock, Ouyang Ling stretched out her finger, and a burst of spiritual power shot out, drawing a circle about three feet in diameter around the monk's feet to enclose him.

"Run away! Run away now if you have the ability. As long as you can escape, I will never chase you again." Ouyang Ling stroked her chin and smiled wickedly.

"We can't let him go, he stole our things!" Dahei was in a hurry, and stared at the fat monk fiercely, as if he wanted to rush up and bite his neck fiercely.

And Qin Luoyi had already jumped off Dahei's body. The lightning wound on Dahei's body was very severe. Just now, she sat down cruelly in order to let the broken gourd block them both and escape the fat monk's pursuit. Those who went up, naturally couldn't bear it at this time.

Ouyang Ling laughed, patted Dahei on the head and said, "If he wants to leave...he has to be able to get out of here."

Qin Luoyi looked at the fat monk's feet, thoughtful in his heart, this Ouyang Ling's cultivation was powerful, which was beyond her expectation.

"You snatched something from Luoyi girl, quickly take it out and return it to Luoyi girl." Ouyang Ling said to the fat monk with narrowed eyes.Seeing his smiling face, the fat monk shivered violently all over his body.

"That beast is bloody, Mr. Ouyang, I know you are a good person, you really wronged me, I didn't rob them, but they robbed me of a spar that I had so hard to get..." He said that I was a little guilty, and I realized it after I finished speaking, and I hurriedly puffed up my chest to prove that what I said was true.

(End of this chapter)

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