Brother is too evil

Chapter 153 If you dare to trouble you, I will crush him to death!

Chapter 153 If you dare to trouble you, I will crush him to death! (2)
"It's okay to take you to find her, but Mr. Ouyang... If I take you to find someone, you can't kill me again!" The fat monk talked with him about the conditions with a pale face. Seeing Ouyang Ling's appearance, he said I know, this is probably my only chance to survive.

"Okay, if you can lead me to find someone, I will naturally not kill you again. I, Ouyang Ling, will definitely keep my word." Ouyang Ling narrowed her black eyes slightly, and the sharp light in them flashed away: "However, if you lie I, I will let you know what it's like to not be able to live and not be able to die!"

Qin Luoyi lowered his eyelids. It seemed that the person Ouyang Ling was looking for was very important to him, which made him change his mind so quickly.

The fat monk picked up his life, relaxed his body, and sat down on the ground slumped.

Dahei was very disappointed.

Out of the corner of Ouyang Ling's eyes, he saw Qin Luoyi's pretty face that had lost his smile, and Dahei's face full of unwillingness. His heart moved, and he couldn't help but say again: "If I don't kill you, I have one more condition."

"What condition?" The corner of the fat monk's mouth twitched, and the heart that had just let go rose again.His eyes widened.

"In the future, you must not trouble the girl in Luoyi again, and you must not steal anything from her again, or I will definitely take your life." Ouyang Ling smiled, but her words were completely cruel.

"Of course, Mr. Ouyang, don't worry." It turned out that the fat monk was reluctant to let go of Qiankun Zhong and Huangshi Jingyuan because of this condition, but he had to agree temporarily.

"You can remember what you said today." Ouyang Ling said, then turned to Qin Luoyi and smiled: "Miss Luoyi, this bastard is still useful to me, if he dares to trouble you in the future, you crush this, I will definitely take his life."

After finishing speaking, a white jade slip suddenly appeared in his hand and was handed to Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi glanced at the fat monk whose face suddenly turned paler, a beautiful smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he reached out to take it politely: "Thank you, Mr. Ouyang, for Luoyi."

With this thing in hand, no matter how courageous the fat monk is, if he wants to do something to her, he will have to weigh it.

After Ouyang Ling and the fat monk left, Qin Luoyi and Dahei also left quickly. After traveling hundreds of miles, they arrived at a place called Kunshan, and found a clean and hidden cave as a place to stay. Less Heal Dan let it heal while she went into town.

In order to deal with the people brought by Xiao Feng, as well as the fat monk, the talismans on her body have been used up, and she has to buy some more talismans made by spiritual plants in case of emergencies.

Kunshan is an ancient city with a large population of hundreds of thousands. The roads are full of traffic and are very prosperous. There are many shops on both sides of the street, selling spiritual plants, spiritual pills, magic tools, and talismans. There are all kinds of people who practice mental methods.

Qin Luoyi went to several large shops and spent tens of thousands of taels of silver to buy what she needed.

After she came out, she went to a few shops that sold spirit pills. The highest rank among them was the eighth-rank pill. It is about 50 silver, which is not much different from Shenglong Continent.

Qin Luoyi thought for a while, and sold more than a dozen of the sixth-order elixirs on his body to several pill shops. A good-looking sixth-order elixir can be sold for 20 to 30 taels of silver in one day. She has earned several millions, and besides what she used today, she still has a lot of money to make.

As for why she sells sixth-tier pills instead of seventh-tier and eighth-tier pills, it is because her cultivation base is too low, and she is afraid of being missed by interested people. For her now, the grade of sixth-tier pills is too low to be distributed. What's the use.

Then she went to a shop that sold all kinds of crystals. There were all kinds of crystals in different colors and shapes, and the price was that the more spiritual power they contained, the more valuable they were.

Although the Huangshi Jingyuan had only been opened a little bit, the spiritual power emitted was extremely terrifying. She looked around and found that the spars in these shops were incomparable with the Huangshi Jingyuan, and she did not find ancient She was not surprised by the crystal stones in the cave of the Clan Saint Lord, she knew in her heart that those crystal stones were not ordinary.

The obsidian that the fat monk found under the stone is actually for sale, the price is extremely high, only half the size, and it is worth a million taels of silver.After weighing it, she spent more than 200 million silver to buy a kind of purple spar called Zixuan Stone, and planned to put it on the puppet's chest in case of emergencies.

When she was paying the money, there happened to be two handsome young men in brocade clothes, with a haughty expression in their eyes, walking in at the door, talking while walking.

"I heard that Sister Shan and the others were killed. Is this true?"

"Of course it's true! Xiao Feng was with them at the time, and only Xiao Feng, who had the highest cultivation level, fled back."

"Who on earth dares to oppose our Xiao family?"

"I heard it's a young woman, with a beast like a dog and a lion beside her. Her cultivation level is not as high as Xiao Feng's, but the talismans on her body are very powerful. I heard people say that she threw Talismans are like throwing paper, throwing them in handfuls!"

"What, there is such a extravagant person? You said... Could she be a disciple of some huge force on Penglai Xiandao, who came here specially to practice?"

"It's hard to say...Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Ninth Uncle, all went with Xiao Feng, and I should be able to catch that woman in a few days."

"No matter who they are, they dare to attack our Xiao family on Penglai Xiandao. Bao Zhun makes her unable to eat. Sister Shan and Xiao Tian are brothers and sisters. If Xiao Tian knows that something happened to his sister, he must not Will let it go."

When Qin Luoyi heard this, he paid attention, and from the corner of his eye, he looked the two of them up and down.

Xiao Tian... This Xiao Tian, ​​I don't know if it is the Xiao Tian of Piao Miao Sect, if it is true, it would be too interesting!

After paying the money, she quickly left the city and returned to the place where Dahei was still healing. She did not disturb Dahei, entered the space of the bracelet, and began to refine alchemy and make talismans.

In two days, she successfully refined hundreds of talismans again, and Dahei's injuries were almost healed.

She left Dahei behind, entered the city again, and found out the situation of the Xiao family easily.

The Xiao family is in Kunshan, less than a thousand miles away. The Xiao family has an old ancestor who has lived for nearly 2000 years. Very powerful.

The Xiao Tian she heard that day was not Xiao Tian from the Piaomiao Sect, he was another sect on Penglai Immortal Island after the Piaomiao Sect, a disciple of Dongtian Blessed Land, and the most gifted in cultivation in the Xiao family's generation People, only in their 20s, have already cultivated the Xuanfu, and they are highly valued by the heaven and earth. One of the women killed by him that day was Xiao Tian's younger sister. They are the descendants of the Xiao family's generation.

(End of this chapter)

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