Brother is too evil

Chapter 154 Advancement to Martial Saint

Chapter 154 Advancement to Martial Saint (1)
Xiao Feng and him were cousins, and the three middle-aged men he brought to kill him were the three brothers from the direct branch of the Xiao family—Xiao Nan, Xiao Yuan, and Xiao Qing.In the generation of the Xiao family, there are four direct branch brothers, and now three of them have died at her hands, leaving only the eldest brother Xiao Han.

For two days, there was no news from Xiao Feng and Xiao Qing. The Xiao family had already sensed that something was wrong, and sent many experts in the family to inquire about her and Dahei. Assault on the peak of Xuanfu and advance to Qingfu, so there is no major matter related to the life and death of the family. People in the family will never dare to disturb him.

After inquiring what he wanted to know, Qin Luoyi quickly left Kunshan City. In addition to an old ancestor of the Xuanfu, the Xiao family also had two elders of the Xuanfu. Xiao Tian was also a Xuanfu. With her current cultivation Because, she is not the opponent of these people at all, in order to avoid danger temporarily, she put Dahei into the space of the bracelet, and left Kunshan City swaggeringly.

After traveling for nearly two thousand miles, she released Dahei again, and continued westward at a leisurely pace, all the way calm and peaceful.

In a small town called Pingfu, she was sitting at a noodle stall eating noodles when she accidentally ran into a very seductively dressed Fifth Senior Sister. The seductive and charming eyes made many men in the small town fascinated.

"Junior Sister, why did you come here? You still eat these things!" Liu Qingcheng frowned slightly, looking at the simple stall with disgust.

Qin Luoyi smiled slightly: "Sister Fifth, would you like a bowl? This noodle stall is a century-old brand in Pingfu Town, and it tastes great."

Liu Qingcheng frowned even tighter, her eyes were filled with disdain: "Junior Sister, eat slowly, I don't like to eat these things."

Pingfu Town is not big at all, just a small town of a few thousand people. Liu Qingcheng caused a lot of commotion, but there were even more fascinated eyes looking at Qin Luoyi. beautiful.

Wherever Liu Qingcheng went, it was always the center of attention, but now that Qin Luoyi, a girl who was a great master, took the limelight, her eyes turned cold.

"I came over from Kunshan yesterday, and I accidentally heard that there are many people looking for a girl with a spirit beast... It is said that the girl killed many strong people in their family. The junior sister came from the Piaomiao sect, so she should come here It's going to pass through Kunshan, has Junior Sister heard about it?" Liu Qingcheng suddenly lowered her voice and asked.

Qin Luoyi paused holding the noodles in his hands, glanced at her, and smiled calmly: "Of course I heard about it."

Liu Qingcheng squinted her eyes, and no longer thought the stool was crude, she sat down suddenly, with an unexplained smile on her lips, approached her and continued to lower her voice, "Little Junior Sister, tell me honestly, those people Did you kill it?" As she spoke, she looked at Dahei who was also eating noodles.

"Fifth Senior Sister, why do you think that I killed people?" Qin Luoyi smiled, and looked at her with a half-smile: "A beginner martial saint, and a few peak martial saints, with my cultivation, Do you think I can kill them?"

It has been nearly ten days since she left Kunshan. From the intermittent news in the past few days, Xiao Qing and the others have never gone back. The Xiao family already suspects that they were killed, and the object of suspicion is naturally herself.

Liu Qingcheng's eyes flashed, and she smiled so charmingly, she sat up straight and said: "Hehe, I also think it's impossible, I'm just asking, originally I thought, if it was really my younger sister who did it... Of course, my younger sister must have done it... I won't do it for no reason. They must have annoyed my junior sister, so my junior sister will teach them. They dare to look for you everywhere. As a senior sister, I will naturally teach them a lesson for you. If not, then it's okay gone."

Qin Luoyi looked flattered, but he neither denied nor admitted: "Senior sister treats Luoyi like this, Luoyi is really touched."

"We are senior sisters. You just joined the Piaomiao sect. I will definitely stand by your side. Junior sister, who would dare to bully you? Don't be afraid, just tell the senior sister." Liu Qingcheng's eyes flashed, and he smiled. on her way.

But Qin Luoyi didn't miss the slight coldness in her eyes, the smile on her face was bright and bright, and she sneered in her heart. It seems that Liu Qingcheng and Qin Luohan are people who talk like honey on the surface, but like to make trouble secretly... Yes Liu Qingcheng became more and more wary.

Liu Qingcheng sat for a while, and then left with the pretext that he had something to do. Qin Luoyi didn't mind, and after saying goodbye to her, he continued to eat noodles with Dahei.

Turning the corner of the street, the smile on Liu Qingcheng's enchanting face disappeared, her eyes were cold, she turned her head and looked coldly in Qin Luoyi's direction, and after a while, she left with a sullen face.

"Sister Liu, after just a while, who would think that you are angry?" Walking out of Pingfu Town, a handsome but slightly frivolous man came up to meet her, seeing her cold face, he couldn't help asking curiously.

Liu Qingcheng looked at him, his heart moved, and he told him that Qin Luoyi had joined the Piaomiao Sect as the head and closed disciple, and then said: "At the beginning, he didn't even confiscate me... I don't know that he took a fancy to it." What about that girl, she is still a closed disciple, but the Great Master is cultivated, so he dares to run around, and he doesn't know how he will be wiped out by then."

The man in Xuanyi smiled: "What am I supposed to do? It's easy to handle. I'll go and teach her a lesson to vent your anger on you."

Liu Qingcheng's eyes lit up, and then he quickly shook his head: "Forget it, you have a good relationship with me, who doesn't know? Someone found out before I got it, and thought I couldn't tolerate people and wanted to kill each other."

The man in Xuanyi sneered: "There's no need for me to deal with her. I'll find a few people later, and even if Qin Luoyi is dead, no one else will think of you and me."

Not far outside of Pingfu Town, Qin Luoyi knew that she was being followed, she continued to walk out of the town with Dahei calmly, and soon found that she was followed by five slightly frivolous young men, and each of them The cultivation base is not weak.

At first, she thought it was someone from the Xiao family who came here, but then she didn't feel like it. The eyes those men stared at her were not the anger due to the murder of their relatives, but lewdness and obscenity.

Arriving in a secluded valley with dense forests on both sides, the five men who were slowly following her suddenly accelerated and stood in front of her, with malicious smiles on their faces.

"Little beauty, it's such a beautiful day, where are you going in a hurry? Why don't you stay and play with your brothers?"

"Tsk, this little just like made of tofu, it's white and tender, I've lived for decades, this is the first time I've seen such a tender girl!"

"The willow waist is slender, like a weak willow Fufeng, the muscles are like fat, and the eyebrows are picturesque... Haha, it is really beautiful, absolutely beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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