Brother is too evil

Chapter 156 Advancement to Martial Saint

Chapter 156 Advancement to Martial Saint (3)
"Go to hell with you!" The severe pain caused him to turn around suddenly, and with a clang, he drew out a black sword that was shining with cold light, and slashed towards Qin Luoyi fiercely.

Qin Luoyi snorted softly, with a contemptuous and disdainful smile on the corner of his lips, which made Rong Chang's face harden even more, and the attack was extremely crazy.


Besieged by three martial sages, Dahei screamed twice, with a fierce light in his eyes, and released the Qiankun Bell. The Qiankun Bell, which was originally only the size of a palm, instantly swelled several times, and pointed the bell mouth at the besiegers. Hit hard.


Although the bell was small, the sound was melodious and clear, and an invisible sound wave surged out.


The man who was facing the direction of the bell mouth screamed, and before he could react, he bled to death from his seven orifices.

Dahei raised his head to the sky and screamed again, with an extremely smug expression, he turned the position of the bell mouth and aimed at another man with a sharp face.

"Don't...don't kill me!" The pointed-faced man's face turned pale, and while he was stepping back, he hurriedly shook his hands, but a ruthless light flashed from his eyes.

"I don't want to kill you, but wait for you to roast me and eat me?" Dahei snorted angrily.At this moment, a black figure quietly swept over behind him.

The fierce light in the sharp-faced man's eyes grew stronger, but he pretended to be terrified and said, "No, we don't know Mount Tai, so we don't dare anymore. Please forgive me." While speaking, he was terrified Looking at the copper bell.

"Excuse me?" Da Hei raised his chin, "Impossible!"

"Go to hell!" Another martial sage who had already sneaked up behind Dahei slammed his hand violently with one hand.

The sharp-faced man who was targeted by the Qiankun Bell laughed wildly, "I see how you are going to kill me now."

A fierce light flashed in Dahei's eyes, he raised his claws, and without looking back, he heard the sound to identify his position, and threw out the two amulets.

"Damn it!" The man in black, who was about to be photographed on the big black head, suddenly froze in his movements, and was frozen on the spot, unable to move, with one foot independent, and the palm of his hand maintained a strange posture for photographing.

The sharp-faced man's laughter stopped abruptly, his face full of disbelief, and then he reacted quickly, turned around and shot towards the distance, as if a ghost was chasing him behind.

Dahei didn't chase after him, he adjusted the position of the Qiankun Clock, and knocked it hard again... The fleeing figure in front staggered, fell to the ground, and could no longer move.


Dahei smiled triumphantly, put away the Qiankun Clock, turned around and stared viciously at the man in black who was about to attack it just now.

"Don't...don't kill me!" The man in black who had killed countless people saw the fierce light in its eyes, frightened the shit out of him, and begged for mercy.He wanted to escape, but unfortunately he was fixed... he couldn't move a single step.

The last time Qin Luoyi met the fat monk, he threw away all the talismans but failed to get rid of the fat monk. This time, Qin Luoyi spent his heart and money to refine the tenth-level elixir, and made a lot of nine-level pills. Tier, the talisman of the tenth rank.

The immobilization talisman that was thrown out just now was only of the eighth rank, but the man in black was not as good as the fat monk. He had been immobilized for a while, but he did not regain his freedom. He could only watch helplessly as Dahei approached with fierce eyes.

Dahei ignored his begging for mercy, rushed forward like lightning, and bit off his neck in one bite. The man in black didn't even have time to let out a scream, and went to see the King of Hades.

The man who was fighting Qin Luoyi turned pale with shock. He originally thought that this woman was only at the peak of a grand master and would be easy to deal with, but he didn't expect to meet a ruthless recommender, and all four brothers fell here.

Not only does it have an incomparably powerful magic weapon, but the big black dog also has powerful and terrifying high-level talismans. Maybe this woman also has... not daring to fight any more, she slammed a palm at Qin Luoyi, turned around and was about to... escape.

Dahei stood behind him, staring at him, blocking his retreat.His expression changed, he turned around and quickly fled in another direction.

Dahei rushed up quickly, the man in black knew its dangers, he didn't dare to meet it head-on, turned around and ran again.After doing this several times, a strong martial artist was already frightened, his eyes were blood red.

"Damn it, I'll fight you!" He roared, turned around and patted Qin Luoyi with all his strength.

Dahei was about to pounce on him, but Qin Luoyi reached out to stop it. After fighting for so long, she already felt a strange change in her state of mind. If she fought for a while longer, she might be able to touch the opportunity to advance to the next level.

Dahei understood and stepped back to prevent him from escaping, but he didn't make any further moves.

Two figures, one black and one white, fought fiercely together again. Whenever the man in black wanted to take the opportunity to escape, Dahei would rush out to stop him.

Qin Luoyi became stronger and stronger as he fought, and the man in black became more and more frightened as he fought. In the end, he could only display half of his usual attack power... After half an hour, the spiritual power between heaven and earth suddenly moved wildly, moving towards Qin Luoyi's body rush.

Qin Luoyi was overjoyed, he no longer wanted to fight, flew away, and said to the underworld: "I'm going to be promoted, this bastard is handed over to you."

Dahei wanted to make a move a long time ago, he was overjoyed when he heard the words, and rushed forward. The people in black were afraid, and he had fought with Qin Luoyi for a long time, which consumed a lot of spiritual power. After a few rounds, Dahei Hei also bit off his neck.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Qin Luoyi used his cultivation techniques to attract the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, and rushed towards the barrier of the Martial Saint that had been faintly touched.

The strange green light group that was staying quietly in her Lingtai acupoint suddenly became more radiant, not only illuminating the Lingtai acupoint, but also a lot of green light faintly leaking out, covering her whole body with a blanket of light. Layers of light green color, hazy, suddenly beautiful.

Seeing the green light, Dahei cursed in a low voice, and then looked around vigilantly... Qin Luoyi's abnormal state at this time cannot be seen by others. If someone recognizes this thing, it will be a big trouble gone.

Qin Luoyi was engrossed in his cultivation, and he didn't notice any abnormalities outside his body. He only felt that the Lingtai acupoint was extremely hot because of the green light, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in a hot spring, which was very comfortable.

"Hurry up, hurry up...why haven't you advanced yet?" Dahei looked around vigilantly and circled around Qin Luoyi, muttering to himself, "Why did that thing suddenly have a Responding? If I knew this earlier, I shouldn’t have let her advance here!”

After a while, the green light on Qin Luoyi's body retracted, and the aura on his body soared, more than several times stronger than before.

"Haha, I have successfully advanced!"

Qin Luoyi opened his eyes, and the pitch-black phoenix eyes shone with dazzling light, as bright as the stars in the night sky, and a clear laughter like silver bells escaped from his mouth, and he jumped up from the ground.

Seeing that the vision on her body disappeared, Dahei finally let go of his heart, stopped pacing, and his face was also full of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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