Brother is too evil

Chapter 157 The Black-bellied Big Brother

Chapter 157 The Black-bellied Big Brother (1)

The excitement of being promoted just now made Qin Luoyi couldn't help it, and he slapped his palm in the distance. With the sharp wind of his palm, he neatly cut off dozens of big trees in that patch of trees.

Looking at the distance and at the palm of her hand, Qin Luoyi's eyes were so happy that she bent her eyes. Unexpectedly, she had just arrived in Penglai Xiandao for more than a month, and she had cultivated from a venerable to a martial sage!This kind of cultivation speed was something she never dared to imagine before.

"I don't know how long it will take before I can reach the peak of Wusheng..." She smiled and muttered to herself, thinking that if her father, mother and elder brother knew that she had cultivated to Wusheng so quickly, she would definitely be happy for her.

Chu Yifeng's handsome and slender figure also appeared in front of her eyes... Penglai Xiandao and Shenglong Continent are separated by millions of miles. By the time she was able to return to Shenglong Continent, it would have been many years... ...When we met again, the man who was as rich as jade and had vowed to marry her, probably already had countless concubines, surrounded by children... I can't think of someone like her again.

A faint sense of melancholy floated to the bottom of my heart, and the smile on the corner of her lips faded a little.

"You can't stay here for long, let's get out of here quickly." Dahei urged her rare, fearing that the abnormality on her body when she was promoted just now would cause unnecessary trouble.

Qin Luoyi didn't know what it was worried about. Looking at the mess around him, he nodded, his eyes fell on the few people whose necks were bitten off by Dahei, and he frowned slightly. "These people must be dealt with before leaving."

The Xiao family also had their necks bitten off by Dahei last time, and the Xiao family was looking for them all over the world... Leaving these corpses is too eye-catching. If the Xiao family knew about it, they would definitely follow the trail and chase them.

Just as he was about to use the pill fire to burn this area down, a divine rainbow suddenly swiped across the sky and flew towards the valley at an unimaginable speed.

Qin Luoyi and Dahei's expressions changed, and they instinctively wanted to hide, but it was too late, and the divine rainbow came in the blink of an eye.

"Big Brother!"

After seeing clearly the person falling from the rainbow, Qin Luoyi's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, a beautiful smile escaped from the corner of his lips, and he quickly walked up to him.

"Brother, why did you come here?"

The person who came was Feng Feili, dressed in a black and luxurious brocade robe, with a jade crown tied into his hair, two strands of flowing long hair fluttering in the wind beside his temples, the jade tree was facing the wind, noble and elegant, shrouded in shimmering The brilliance of the evildoer is so handsome that it can compete with the sun and the moon.

"Junior Sister?" Feng Feili did not expect that it was Qin Luoyi who was here, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing an extremely charming smile: "Congratulations, Junior Sister, you have succeeded in just over half a month." Break through the barrier and advance to the rank of Martial Saint."

A large area of ​​surrounding trees fell down. It was obvious that there had been a fierce battle here. Of the five corpses on the ground, three of them had their necks bitten off, and the other two died of bleeding from their seven orifices... Needless to say, it must be Qin Luoyi and Big black masterpiece!
And the incomparably pure and soft aura that he suddenly felt when he was thousands of miles away just now... Although the strange aura disappeared too quickly, he didn't see what it was coming from, if his estimation was correct, It should be around here.

Taking a deep look at Qin Luoyi, the smile in his eyes grew stronger.This little junior sister... was able to be accepted as a closed disciple by the master, she really has something special about her.

Qin Luoyi bent his lips and said with a smile: "I was lucky today. I happened to meet these people who wanted to harm me. I fought with them, and I was promoted."

Feng Feili laughed softly, and Taohua's eyes shone with a playful gleam... You can advance to the rank if you hit it, but if you are lingering at the peak of the Grand Master, you don't know how many fights, and you won't be able to break through for decades. When the monk heard this, he would definitely be so embarrassed that he bought a piece of tofu and killed him.

Hearing the playfulness in his laughter, Qin Luoyi also felt that she had said it too easily. Back then, her father was able to successfully advance to the rank of Martial Saint, and she practiced hard for several years... pursed her red lips, unable to hold back I also laughed.

Her black hair is like lacquer, her skin is like jade, her eyes are shining brightly, and there is an indescribable charm between her frown and smile, just like a peony flower in bud, beautiful but not coquettish, gorgeous but not vulgar, Charming and alluring.

Feng Feili's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly the beautiful image of her taking off her outer shirt in the valley and swimming in the water with only her corset and bare limbs appeared in front of her eyes.

His eyes deepened, he secretly took two deep breaths, did not dare to look at her again, turned his eyes away from her, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Who are these people?"

"I don't know." Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, and shook his head indifferently: "When I left Pingfu Town, they followed me."

Feng Feili immediately knew that these people were well-dressed and the flying swords they used were very ordinary. They should be the wandering monks around Pingfu Town. Seeing the beauty of the junior sister, they became malicious, so they followed out.

The coldness in Taohua's eyes disappeared in a flash, and with a flick of a finger, several flames shot out, and the five corpses were instantly reduced to ashes. She turned her head and smiled at Qin Luoyi, "Where are you going now, little junior sister?"

Watching him burn the body, Qin Luoyi was stunned at first, then tilted his head, and said with a smile: "I'm going to go back to the sect to practice in seclusion for a while." The cold pool water of the Piaomiao sect is an excellent thing. For nothing.

And that puppet... I don't know if the master has left the customs, but when the time comes to ask him to help me erase the mark on it, and then come out to travel in the future, she will have a powerful help.She and Dahei are both too weak, and it is still too dangerous to wander around in Penglai Xiandao, a place where the strong are like clouds.

"Go back to the sect?" Feng Feili squinted her eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "I have something to do, I need to deal with it first, and then I will go back to the sect. Junior sister is willing to wait for me for a day, and then we will go back together."

"It's good to be able to walk with the senior brother. Anyway, I'm fine. It doesn't matter if it's sooner or later." Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows and smiled, and readily agreed. Defeng Feili's heart skipped a beat again.

Having settled down, with a smile on his lips, he approached gracefully beside her, and suddenly the divine rainbow rose, and the two of them, one beast, rushed towards the north.

After they walked a long distance, two slender figures, a man and a woman, came out of Pingfu Town.

Liu Qingcheng had a cold face, looking at the direction where Qin Luoyi and his party disappeared, with jealousy and resentment that couldn't be concealed in his eyes.

They had been waiting in Pingfu Town for a long time before the five tigers of Kunshan, so they felt that something was wrong. When they came out to look, they found that Qin Luoyi had already advanced to the rank of Martial Saint, and the senior brother who had always been a master of the dragon was also there!
The man in Xuanyi sighed and said regretfully: "That woman is really lucky, she actually met Feng Feili and escaped unharmed, sister Liu, don't be angry, next time I see her, I will kill her with my own hands her."

(End of this chapter)

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