Brother is too evil

Chapter 162 I'm Waiting For You!

Chapter 162 I'm Waiting For You! (3)
Pay an extremely high price, and invite Monk Dong Tianwu to testify at Piaomiaozong. No matter what the result is, the Xiao family will offend Piaomiaozong, as well as head Ge... Rather than that, it is better to find someone who confessed to the wrong person to come and explain , and let it go.

Glancing at Xiao Tian's face that still looked extremely proud in his anger, he secretly sighed, but now he couldn't say these words to Xiao Tian who was in a rage.

In the afternoon, Feng Feili didn't drag Qin Luoyi to continue to swim in the lake. The two of them and the beast just strolled around the mountains beside the Yangtze Lake, and then returned early to the inn where they stayed yesterday.

When Qin Luoyi looked at no one, he pulled Dahei aside and questioned carefully, knowing that he met it by accident, Xiao Tian was suspicious, so he deliberately chased it to lure him out.

"I know you are in the lake, why did you come up to the mountain again?" Dahei was also a little depressed. Although Xiao Tian and Xiao Tian tried their best to chase and kill it, it had already seen their purpose, so it deliberately Running around the outside of the mountain, who knows that he still ran into Qin Luoyi.

What a miscalculation.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, and his ears felt a little feverish. Naturally, it was impossible to tell him that he was so shocked by Feng Feili that he couldn't take it anymore, so he ran to the mountain to catch his breath secretly.

"It's no big deal to be seen. Since they have already suspected you, they will definitely follow you until they see me. This is just right." After thinking about it, he told it not to leave until it returned to Misty Sect By her side, so that Xiao Tian would not attack from behind.

Dahei knows the severity, even though the Qiankun Bell is placed on it, it is too reluctant to deal with Xiao Tian now, with his current cultivation base, he can only display one-tenth of the power of the Qiankun Bell, and it does not You can't use the Qiankun Clock without limit, and you can use it up to three times at a time. If there are more, it will be the one that will bleed to death from the seven orifices.The last time it killed those two people outside Pingfu Town, it lost its strength for two full days.

From that day on, Dahei did not say that he was really inseparable from Qin Luoyi, at most he was only a few hundred meters away.

With Dahei beside him to distract attention, Qin Luoyi's resistance to Feng Feili's enchanting charm was finally much stronger. After leaving the Yangtze Lake, he went to several famous mountains and ancient temples. It was uncomfortable to stand like that, but it became more and more enjoyable.

On the contrary to her, Feng Feili, who was like a spring breeze before, has become more and more ugly since that day, especially the eyes staring at Dahei, which are more and more unpredictable, making Dahei very puzzled, not knowing what he is What provoked him.

Dahei, who didn't know the reason, could only stay as far away from him as possible for fear of unreasonable disasters, and only circled around Qin Luoyi all day long, and later even turned into Qin Luoyi sitting on Dahei's back, running all over the mountains and plains, so angry that Feng Fei Li almost couldn't help it, and directly sent Da Hei flying.

Half a month later, they finally returned to the Misty Sect.

Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili went to the main peak first, and Sect Master Ge had already left the customs, and his aura became deeper and stronger, but it was a pity that he didn't get a substantial breakthrough.It was very gratifying to see that Qin Luoyi had been promoted to Martial Saint in just over a month.

Besides Sect Master Ge, there were several middle-aged men on the main peak, all of whom had very strong auras. Qin Luoyi only knew one of them, and it was Elder Wei who had taught the Dharma at Yuxia Peak.

Sect Leader Ge introduced Qin Luoyi to those few people one by one, only then did Qin Luoyi know that these are all the elders of the Piaomiao Sect, who have lived for thousands of years, and all of them have cultivated out of the Purple Mansion strong.

Feng Feili was left alone by the master to question, Qin Luoyi tactfully withdrew automatically, and left the main peak with Dahei first.

When he arrived at the foot of the main peak, Dahei disappeared in a flash like a wild horse that had lost its stiffness.

Qin Luoyi knew it was on the way, and he was afraid that it would be suffocated, so he ignored it and went straight back to Yuqing Peak.

It has been nearly a month since I left, and the cave has been built. The white walls and gray tiles are very beautiful and elegant. When I open the gate and turn around a corridor, I can see a large courtyard of nearly [-] square meters. But now the house has just been built. There is nothing in the courtyard, it looks very empty.

Qin Luoyi looked around for a while, and became more and more satisfied with the house. Now that the house has been repaired, she naturally can no longer occupy the elder brother's cave. When she lived in the elder brother's house, she used almost all The big brother's things, clothes and all his own things are all placed in the bracelet space.

And if this house is going to be inhabited, it has to be cleaned first. As for the interior layout and decoration, there is no need to rush at this moment... Qin Luoyi thought about it, and decided to go to Qianlan Mountain to see if Jian Yuyan came back. Then it’s not too late to come back and clean up slowly.

Not far away, Duanmu Changqing met Duanmu Changqing head-on. Duanmu Changqing was dressed in a blue brocade robe, facing the wind like a jade tree, with a handsome face like jade. The moment he saw her, a gleam of light flashed in his dark eyes.

Qin Luoyi didn't seem to see him, and swept past him.With the breeze blowing, the corners of the skirt swayed lightly, and the sun shone on her body, dyeing her pretty figure with a layer of magnificent colors.

Being so ignored by Duanmu Changqing, the light in his eyes dimmed, his handsome face was instantly enveloped in cold air, his thin lips were tightly pursed, looking at Qin Luoyi's back going away, his eyes were dark and hard to see.

Qin Luoyi soon arrived at Qianlan Mountain, this time she didn't miss out again, not only Jian Yuyan was there, Song Huaishan, Yuan Longhai, and Luo Zijun were also there.

"Junior brother, no, we should call you uncle from now on."

"Yes! This is great news."

"Haha, Master Uncle, in order to congratulate you on your successful apprenticeship, today I will treat you to the Jinyu Tower."

"How can I invite you to treat me, let me treat this guest."

Qin Luoyi hadn't even approached the house when he heard the excited voices of everyone in the house.Can't help speeding up the pace, pushed open the door and walked in, said with a smile: "Appreciate the teacher to treat guests... Such a good thing can't be left behind."

"Yi'er." Jian Yuyan, who was standing between the few people with his hands behind his back, saw the bright figure walking in through the door, a happy smile rose from the corner of his lips, and a touch of pampering and tenderness flashed past his eyes. .

"Uncle Qin." The three of Luo Zijun came forward to salute her with smiles on their faces.

Qin Luoyi waved his hand, looked at Jian Yuyan with a smile and said, "Who do you want to worship as your teacher?" Feeling the obviously stronger aura on him, he couldn't help but secretly startled.

But I haven't seen you for more than a month. I didn't expect that not only her cultivation progressed very fast, but Jian Yuyan didn't give in too much. When he came out of the Lost Forest, he was the peak of the ninth rank of the Venerable, and now he has reached the peak of the ninth rank of the Grand Master. Well, this time he went out, he might have some extraordinary encounters.

"Master Uncle Jian has worshiped under Master Wu Shan's sect." Before Jian Yuyan could answer, Luo Zijun couldn't help answering for him excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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