Brother is too evil

Chapter 163 Meeting in the middle of the night

Chapter 163 Meeting in the middle of the night (1)
"Really? You really worshiped under the name of Uncle Wu?" Qin Luoyi raised his brows, and there was a dazzling fire in his phoenix eyes.

"Yes." Jian Yuyan nodded with a smile.

Qin Luoyi smiled, happy for him from the bottom of his heart, grabbed his arm, pushed him into a chair and sat down, then pulled another chair and sat in front of him, with his chin resting on his face Looking at him expectantly, he said, "What's going on? How did you become a teacher, tell me quickly!"

Qin Luoyi's bright starry eyes shone with pure joy, her face was delicate and beautiful, her black hair was combed into a beautiful bun behind her head, and she wore exquisite ruby ​​earrings on her ears, which complemented her face. Her skin is even whiter than jade, and the movement of her fingers resting on her chin reveals her graceful long neck, and the small piece of jade fat under her neck condenses the skin, which arouses infinite reverie.

Jian Yuyan looked at her with even more tenderness in his eyes, and told what happened with a smile.

It turned out that when she was in retreat, he, Luo Zijun, and dozens of disciples in the sect were taken to the deep sea in the south of Penglai Xiandao by several strong men in the sect, where they killed monsters and captured them. Yao Dan.

There are not only monsters and beasts in that sea area, but also spiritual crystals wrapped in brown stone skins on the bottom of the sea. As long as you are lucky enough to go to the deep sea, you will get great rewards, and some of them can even explode overnight. rich!
Of course, opportunities and dangers coexist. There are great rewards, but there are also great dangers. There are many monsters there, and the sea is dominated by monsters.

Moreover, the danger of going to the deep sea is not only from monsters, but also from the robbing and fighting among monks. If the monks are too low, without the support of powerful sects and elders, even if they get treasures, they may not necessarily die. preservation.

Jian Yuyan and his party followed one of the sect's masters from the Xuanfu, one from the Qingfu, and another who had cultivated from the Yufu, to the deep sea, both to hunt for treasure and to test them.

We were originally together, not far away, and later met a seventh-level monster, and rushed out with a group of fourth- and fifth-level little monsters. It is also very powerful in the sea.

Two uncles and an elder joined forces to deal with the leading monster, while the others were scattered by the little monster. After a fierce battle, Jian Yuyan strayed into a very deep undersea tunnel. By accident, I got two palm-sized nine-colored stones. There are nine colors criss-crossing on them, so it is named nine-colored stones.

Jian Yuyan had seen this thing in ancient books, and knew that it was priceless, and one piece was worth millions of taels of silver. No matter how he rushed in, he was covered in wounds. When he saw the nine-colored stone in Jian Yuyan's hand, his eyes lit up, and he rushed towards him, intending to kill and seize the stone.

With Jian Yuyan's cultivation base, he was not its opponent originally, but he had a lot of talismans on him, and the seventh-level monster was seriously injured. After struggling for a long time, Jian Yuyan finally killed the seventh-level monster. , and also obtained the seventh-order demon pill in its body.

The subsea tunnel was too deep, and after killing the seventh-rank monster, he was already planning to retreat to find the members of the Misty Sect. In such a place, it was too dangerous to act alone.

Before he could leave in the future, a man in Tsing Yi appeared suddenly. He looked like he was only in his thirties. The feeling made Jian Yuyan feel extremely dangerous.

He saw the seventh-order demon pill in Jian Yuyan's hand. Although he didn't take it away, he insisted on walking down. Jian Yuyan didn't know his purpose, so he thought it was not a good thing. Followed, took the opportunity to escape many times along the way, but failed to escape, the man in black was too powerful.

After coming out of the tunnel, the man in black revealed his identity—Piao Miao Zong Wu Shan, it turned out that Wu Shan passed by this sea area by chance, and stopped when he saw the seventh-level monster attacking the Piao Miao Zong disciples , hiding in the dark for protection, and then the seventh-level monster escaped, the strong man of the Piaomiao sect lost its trace, but Wu Shan followed, and then happened to see the whole process of Jian Yuyan and the monster fighting together.

Qin Luoyi kept his chin propped up, listening to him, and at the end, he couldn't help but ask: "You followed him down the tunnel, did you encounter any danger?" Jian Yuyan spoke calmly, but Qin Luoyi said It's not easy.

As far as she knew, Martial Uncle Wu Shan, like his master, didn't like accepting disciples very much. He would take the initiative to accept Jian Yuyan. He must be very satisfied with him.

Jian Yuyan nodded: "There is a lair of monsters in there." Now that he thought about it, he was still a little apprehensive. Although the grades of those monsters were not high, they were all three or four, but there were a lot of them.

He went all the way in, and every time he encountered an attack, the man in black disappeared, leaving him to fight alone. He always suspected that the man in black wanted to get something in the tunnel, and then used him as a live target. Attract the attention of these monsters, so they escape again and again.

"Then what exactly did Martial Uncle Wu Shan do inside?" Qin Luoyi blinked his slender eyelashes, and asked again.

"He didn't do anything. After I was merciless and my spiritual power was completely exhausted, he brought me out." Jian Yuyan paused and smiled.

Qin Luoyi's delicate red lips curved into a beautiful solitary smile, and his eyes shone like stars in the dark night: "It seems that Uncle Wu is specially testing you."

Having said that, I couldn't help standing up, reached out and patted his shoulder heavily, and said with a smile, "Congratulations."

The three of Luo Zijun also smiled and nodded in agreement.

"It must be when you killed the seventh-order monster. Uncle Wu saw it and was very satisfied with your performance, so he decided to test you again."

There was a faint smile on Jian Yuyan's lips, which made people feel like a spring breeze when they saw him. Although he had been accepted as a disciple by Uncle Wu, he was not proud, let alone smug.

Outside the window, a black figure was hidden on one side. Looking through the window, I could just see the bright smile on Qin Luoyi's face, and even the tenderness in Jian Yuyan's eyes when he looked at her. Suddenly, he felt very uncomfortable. The thin lips were pursed tightly, and a cold light appeared in the eyes.

They chatted and laughed for a while, and when they heard that Qin Luoyi's cave had been built, they strongly demanded to visit her cave.

Qin Luoyi readily agreed, and led them to Yuqing Peak.He dragged them around, and then moved out several chairs from the bracelet space and put them in the center of the yard, inviting everyone to sit down.

"When will you move in?" Jian Yuyan looked around and asked her with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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