Brother is too evil

Chapter 164 Meeting in the middle of the night

Chapter 164 Meeting in the middle of the night (2)
"I'll be staying here tonight, everything is ready-made, and I'll put it on when I find time." Qin Luoyi smiled.

Yuan Longhai hurriedly came over and said: "Uncle Qin, how can you do these things yourself, how do you want to do it, just tell us, just leave it to us."

Song Huaishan and Luo Zijun also nodded and stood up, gearing up, looking eager to try.

"That's right, it happens that we have more people now, so it's faster than you doing it alone." Jian Yuyan laughed.

"This... no need, it won't take much time, and you said you want to celebrate your success as a teacher, and there's no rush to fiddle with those things. I just need a bed to sleep tonight, and I'll do the rest of the things another day. "Qin Luoyi's heart moved first, then he shook his head.

"It's still early, there's no delay." Jian Yuyan stood up, and the three of Song Huaishan pressed him down together.

"Hey, Uncle Jian, you and Uncle Qin just sit down and leave these matters to us." Then the three rushed out like the wind, and each got into a room to get busy.

Jian Yuyan and Qin Luoyi looked at each other, then laughed.

"What are you going to do in this yard?" Looking at the empty yard, Jian Yuyan asked.

"This area is used to grow some flowers and plants, spiritual plants or something... I will make a swing here and put it on a shelf... Put a jade table here, and a few stone benches next to it. Put some vines on the edge of the courtyard wall, and finally It’s the kind that can bloom.”

Qin Luoyi counted the same with his fingers, his phoenix eyes sparkled brightly, Jian Yuyan listened with a smile, a dark light flickered in his eyes.

"Uncle Qin, Uncle Jian, this room is ready, come and see what you want to display." Luo Zijun's voice came from the east of the room.

"Here we come." Qin Luoyi smiled and ran in, and Jian Yuyan followed her gracefully.

"Here is a desk."

"The chairs are here."

"Put the coffee table here."

Sure enough, there are many people and strength, but within half an hour, all the rooms were completely new, the windows were bright and clean, and even the curtains were hung up——Xie Ruyan prepared a lot of things for her, ranging from small food to large useful things. After laying it out like this, less than one-third of the contents of her bracelet were placed.

After everything was settled, Qin Luoyi brought out a lot of fruits to entertain everyone, drank some tea, and everyone laughed for a while before leaving Yuqing Peak and went to Jinyulou to celebrate Jian Yuyan's successful apprenticeship.

By the time she returned to Yuqing Peak, it was already late at night, and she usually drank spirit wine, but today she was so happy, she drank some strong wine with them, blowing a lot of wind along the way, not only did not blow away the wine , On the contrary, I feel that my face is starting to burn.

Lazily, he walked into the room, washed his face with water, and without taking off his clothes, fell on the bed and buried his face deeply in the pillow, not wanting to move.There was silence all around, except for the occasional chirping of insects, there was no other sound.

"Junior Junior Sister." Just as she was drowsy, a soft call with a low laugh suddenly came from outside the house.

Although the voice was soft, it came to Qin Luoyi's ears very clearly. She was startled suddenly and raised her head. From the open window, she could see a slender and handsome figure standing in the courtyard.

Big Brother?
Qin Luoyi blinked, sat up from the bed, still a little dizzy, she patted her cheek vigorously, then opened the door and walked out.

"Brother, it's so late, what's the matter?" Looking at the man who looked more handsome under the moonlight, Qin Luoyi asked, not sure if it was because of drinking or drowsiness, but when she opened her mouth, her voice was very different from Usually crisp, but with a strange hoarseness.

Feng Feili stared at her twinkling eyes and pink cheeks, with a deep smile in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Junior Sister, you hurt senior brother too much. You walked past senior brother just now, didn't you see me at all?" He lowered his eyelids and said very sadly.

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat, the elder brother made such an expression on his monstrous face, which made him look even more seductive and full of bewilderment.

"I drank some wine... I was a little dizzy, so I didn't see it." Swallowing secretly, she explained in a low voice.

Thinking back now, it seemed that there was something standing there just now, but this cave was originally newly built, and she was not used to anything there, so she instinctively regarded him as a pillar.

Uh... I didn't expect that it was actually a big brother!
"Did you drink?" Feng Feili's peach blossom eyes stared straight at her face: "Is it really like this, is it not on purpose?"

Qin Luoyi nodded sharply: "Really, it was definitely not intentional." If she wanted to see the elder brother, there was no reason not to greet him.But in the middle of the night, what did the elder brother come to her place for?

Feng Feili stared at her for a moment, then suddenly leaned over unexpectedly, eyes to hers, nose to hers, only a short distance away, almost touching each other.

Some of his hair was scattered behind his back, and the breeze blew, and the strands flew up. Because of his leaning action, some strands of hair lightly brushed Qin Luoyi's face, and she suddenly felt itchy on his face. The delicious ambergris fragrance also took the opportunity to get into her nostrils.

Such a close distance made Qin Luoyi sober up a lot in an instant. She wanted to reach out to brush the black hair floating on her face, but she was afraid of an accident, so she touched Feng Feili's face.

Her heartbeat began to speed up, and just as she was taking a step back without thinking about it, Feng Feili finally straightened up, and the distance between the two suddenly widened a lot.

"Well, I do smell of alcohol." Feng Feili stared at her, the corners of her lips curled into a nice curve, and the smile on the evildoer's face became joyful: "But what's so happy about my little junior sister, that she was secretly drinking by herself? I ran to drink, why didn't you call me?"

Looking at the well-kept yard around, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be a celebration of housewarming?"

His leaving made Qin Luoyi secretly heave a sigh of relief, his beating heart gradually returned to normal, and a smile rose on his pretty face: "It's not a celebration, this cave can be repaired so quickly, the first one to thank It's the big brother, how could I leave the big brother and go out to drink by myself? It's Jian Yuyan who came to Penglai Xiandao with me. He was originally a registered disciple of the Piaomiao sect. He went out this time and was accepted by Wu Shan as a disciple. I drink to celebrate his successful apprenticeship."

Jian Yuyan?

Feng Feili's eyes flickered, he had an impression of this person, and remembered that Qin Luoyi had found him specifically for him.He also met that man once, in the Piaomiaozong's Punishment Hall, the jade tree is facing the wind, he is imposing, he is an extremely outstanding man, although his cultivation base is not high, the aura exuding from him makes it difficult to ignore him, at that time He has a feeling that this man is definitely not a thing in the pool.

(End of this chapter)

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