Brother is too evil

Chapter 165 The Ice Spirit Orb Got It

Chapter 165 The Ice Spirit Orb Got It

Unexpectedly, in just over a month, he actually joined Master Wu's sect. The method and scheming were really not simple!

"So that's what happened." He nodded, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, it's something worth celebrating, Junior Sister, are you familiar with Jian Yuyan? How did you know each other?" He asked casually, But his eyes were fixed on her face tightly, not letting go of the slightest change of expression on her face.

"It's pretty familiar. As for how we met... It's a long story to say." Qin Luoyi brushed the hair in front of her ears, and there was an unconcealable smile on the corner of her lips. Without Jian Yuyan, she couldn't join in at all. Misty Sect.

Her wide-eyed smile made Feng Feili frowned inadvertently, and then her smile became even more bewitching, and she jokingly said: "It seems that there are many stories in it." He turned around and sat down on the stool beside him, pretending to be listening attentively. look.

Qin Luoyi was stunned, and never thought that the senior brother would have such a gossip side. After thinking about it, she thought that Jian Yuyan was poisoned, and she accidentally met Xiong Sha, and then refined the pill to detoxify Jian Yuyan. Pick the important ones and talk about it.

"It turns out that little junior sister can actually make alchemy, and she saved his life. In addition to the last time in Shihuya, doesn't he already owe you two lives?" Feng Feili raised her eyebrows when she heard this. , laughing meaningfully.

Qin Luoyi smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "I was not the one who saved his life that time when Shi Huya was there. I should thank Senior Brother for detoxifying him that time... We each took what we needed." She But I got his talisman collection and the jade slip.

Thinking of the jade slip, she suddenly felt moved. Jian Yuyan is very talented in making talismans, so she might as well take out the jade slip, and they will study the talismans in the jade slip together.

He said again: "It is thanks to him that I can know Master and come to Piao Miao Sect to practice."

Feng Feili squinted her peach blossom eyes slightly, and said strangely: "How do you say that?"

Qin Luoyi worshiped under the master's sect, but Jian Yuyan eventually became a registered disciple of the Piaomiao Sect. To put it bluntly, it is a registered disciple. Fate on its own, could it be that Jian Yuyan was the one that the master originally wanted to accept, but Qin Luoyi was accepted because Jian Yuyan backed down?
He sneered secretly, based on his understanding of Master, Master was not that kind of person at all, if it wasn't someone he really valued, he would never accept him, just like Liu Qingcheng back then.

"You also know that in our Shenglong Continent, it is rare for someone to come to Penglai Xiandao to cultivate with his own strength. He knew that I wanted to come here, so he helped me thread the needle and found someone to help. It happened that Master went to Shenglong Continent again, so I The master I just met."

Because he has a good impression of the elder brother, Qin Luoyi didn't hide any other facts except that he had to join Penglai Immortal Island in order to break off his engagement with Chu Yixiu, and felt that there was nothing to hide.

It's just that after hearing these words in Feng Feili's ears, she felt that Jian Yuyan was a scheming person even more.

The next morning, after Qin Luoyi got up and cleaned up, he was about to go to the main peak to find his master and ask him to help him erase the mark on the puppet when Duanmu Changqing came.

He was dressed in a brocade black dress, which made his already tall figure even more slender and upright. It was embroidered with flowing dark patterns, which was ingenious and exquisite.

Qin Luoyi didn't want to talk to him at first, he just wanted to go around to the main peak, turned around and saw the cave that had just been built, and suddenly changed his mind.

Standing in front of him, her phoenix eyes squinted at him: "Duanmu Changqing, what are you doing here again? Let me tell you, if you dare to destroy my cave again, I will make you unable to lift it up for the rest of your life! "The words were full of threats.

Duanmu Changqing's handsome eyebrows frowned slightly, a dark light flashed in the depths of his eyes, his thin lips tightened, and he said lightly: "What can't be done, a girl, you just hang these on your mouth all day long, and you don't care about it." I'm ashamed!"

"Cut, what do I have to be ashamed of?" Qin Luoyi lifted his chin slightly, his dark eyes glowing brightly in the morning light, turned around his abdomen, and said with a smile, "If you didn't repeat it over and over again." And San wants to take my life, why should I do that?"

On Shenglong Land, she had to stab him in order to save her life. Because of the position at that time, she naturally chose to stab at his Chongmen point. When she arrived at Piaomiaozong, she knew that he had become her second son. Senior brother, she sincerely wants to resolve the grievances between them. Who would have thought that this small-bellied man would have no regard for the love between senior brothers and sisters. He destroyed her cave, and even threw her into the cold pool, intending to kill her... It's dead!

She gave him a fierce look and stopped looking at him. She was really afraid that if she looked at his hateful face again and thought about his evil deeds, she would not be able to help but make a move... Shihuya, she doesn't want to go now.

Go around him and continue down the mountain.A strange light flashed in Duanmu's long black eyes, and when she walked past him, he suddenly shot out and grabbed her wrist.

"What do you want to do again?" Qin Luoyi stared at him displeasedly while struggling, "Let go!"

Duanmu Changqing stared at her bright and pretty face, his expression was in a daze for a moment, not only did not let go, but he clenched her wrist even tighter, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

After struggling a few times, he couldn't get away, Qin Luoyi didn't move anymore, he raised the corners of his lips, and with a bright smile on his face, he leaned towards him, and stretched out his other free hand to hold him. Touching the front of his chest, he said in a very ambiguous and delicate way: "Second senior brother, I won't let go of you holding my junior sister like this. Do you still want to try again if you really don't lift or not? I saw it yesterday. Master, the old man has already left the customs, if the old man knows that we want to double cultivation, I wonder if he will be very happy?"

When she spoke, her hot breath was blowing on Duanmu Changqing's face, and there was a faint fragrance that seemed to be emanating from her body, which made Duanmu Changqing let go of her hand quickly as if she had been electrocuted.

Qin Luoyi giggled triumphantly.

Duanmu Changqing's eyes flashed with a strange indulgence, he reached out and took out the ice spirit bead, handed it to her and said: "You take this ice spirit bead, you can go to the cold pool on the top of the mountain to practice, you have already cultivated to Martial sage, if you use the diluted cold pool water to practice, the speed is too slow."

Qin Luoyi took the Ice Spirit Bead unceremoniously, and a coolness leaked from the bead. Although it was cold, it didn't make people feel uncomfortable. Instead, he felt refreshed and refreshed.

"So this is the Ice Lingzhu!" She looked over and over with interest, and then patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Second senior brother, you are right, haha, as long as my junior sister can cultivate out of Qingfu as soon as possible, Once your cultivation base is as high as yours, you will never fail to lift again, haha."

(End of this chapter)

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