Brother is too evil

Chapter 168 Fierce Battle on Yuzang Mountain

Chapter 168 Fierce Battle on Yuzang Mountain (1)
It is impossible not to be curious about the green bead in her body, but the master didn't say so, so she couldn't rush to ask, but every time she went to Zangshuge, she kept paying attention to it secretly, and never found anything , now that Master took the initiative to mention it, of course she wanted to ask clearly.

"Of course there is no record in the book in Zangshuge. Only a few experts on Penglai Immortal Island and Tianxuan Continent even know about this bead. This bead has only been in the world for a few hundred years, but it has caused a shocking situation. Those who know Everyone wants it, so naturally it won't be included in the book." Sect Master Ge said with a smile.

The more people who know about it, the more people will compete for it. Qin Lingyun and Xie Ruyan have already admitted that Qin Luoyi is not their daughter, and they don't even know that she has a seal on her body, so naturally they don't know about the Hunyuan Dzi. , because this matter is of great importance, at the beginning he only made indirect remarks, but did not point it out.

In the hundreds of years in this world, there has been a shocking situation. Those who know the bead are not even willing to spread the information of the bead. What is the use of the bead against the sky? Is it because it can absorb the sun, the moon and the stars? Power?
Because he was too suspicious, Qin Luoyi unconsciously asked what was in his heart.

Headmaster Ge looked at her, sighed, and pondered for a while, thinking that she should know something, that having a treasure like the Hunyuan Dzi in hand, she didn't know whether it would be a blessing or a curse for her.

"500 years ago, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was first acquired by a 14-year-old boy on Penglai Xiandao. Next year, he cultivated to the peak of Wusheng. After he got the beads, he didn't know what the beads were for. It wasn't until he cultivated Xuanfu from the peak of Wusheng that he realized that the beads could actually help in cultivation. He was overjoyed and couldn't help telling his father the secret. However, his father had never cultivated the Profound Palace in his life, and now he had such a powerful son under his knees, and his status among the clan rose sharply. Everyone respects him very much, because his son is very likely to become the head of the clan in the future."

"After he heard about this, he was both surprised and happy. He knew the seriousness of the matter. He never dared to tell anyone, not even his wife. , the family celebrated with joy, but that night, he drank too much, slipped his words, and was known the secret. After a few days, their entire family was wiped out, and his son was not able to escape. After being beaten to death, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead disappeared, and there is no news about it."

"Almost 50 years later, on the Xuantian Continent, another young man surnamed Li suddenly rose up. In 20 years, from the beginning of the Xuanfu, he cultivated the Yufu, and was discovered again. He had a Hunyuan in his body. Dzi beads."

Qin Luoyi pursed his red lips tightly, and his heart sank... I'm afraid that the young man didn't end well either.

Headmaster Ge looked at her face that lost her smile, sighed imperceptibly, and continued: "No accident, the young man surnamed Li was also killed, and the Hunyuan Dzi disappeared again... in that 500 In the past few years, everyone who got the Hunyuan Orb, without exception, was killed by someone who snatched the treasure... There is a person whose cultivation level has even reached the peak of the Purple Mansion."

Qin Luoyi's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. A peak monk in the Zifu was killed. Why?Could it be that no one who got the Hunyuan Dzi escaped the fate of being killed?
"Those who murdered and seized the treasure, since they knew that this thing was being watched by many people, why didn't they hide and practice?"

"We all know that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead is a treasure that can be cultivated against the sky, but many people who snatch it don't know that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead also has to choose the owner." Sect Master Ge's handsome and elegant face showed a touch of sarcasm smile. "If the person carrying the Hunyuan Orb is discovered, he will inevitably be killed, and the person who starts the killing will not get the slightest benefit, but will be misunderstood by others, so he will be hunted down again... In the past 500 years, because of the chaos There are already countless people who died in vain with Yuan Tianzhu. A few decades ago, the cultivator who cultivated to the peak of the Zifu knew that it was against the sky. When Yuan Tianzhu absorbs the power of heaven, earth and stars, there will be strange phenomena, especially when advancing to the next stage, the strange phenomenon is more obvious, no matter whether it is formation or hiding underground, it can't cover up this kind of phenomenon, so in the end, he It was still discovered and then plotted against."

"How could this happen?" Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes widened, and she felt a little creepy. Damn, what's in her body is not a treasure, it's a big disaster!

"I found a very secret place for you as a teacher. When you feel that you are about to step into the Xuanfu, go there. The terrain there is very special, and it should be able to cover up your vision when you advanced to the Xuanfu. , As for the future...Master, if you think about it carefully, there should be more than ten years from cultivating in Xuanfu to Qingfu. We will use these ten years to prepare well, and maybe we can cover up the past "Master Ge didn't miss the worry in Qin Luoyi's eyes, so he couldn't help comforting her.

Qin Luoyi was depressed and smiled forcedly.

"Girl, don't worry, if you can't cover it up, you can't cover it up. My Piaomiaozong is not those casual cultivators. They want to kill my Piaomiaozong. They have to weigh whether they are enough!" Headmaster Ge patted her On his shoulders, a domineering arrogance shot out from him.

When Jie came out from his master and walked on the 99th jade step, Qin Luoyi was in a very solemn mood.Never thought that this Hunyuan Dzi Bead is such a hot thing, it has caused so many troubles in the hundreds of years since it was born, even the powerful monk who cultivated out of the Purple Mansion was killed.

The bead stayed in her Lingtai acupoint for many years. Except for the strange feeling she felt when she was promoted to the Grand Master last time, she has never received any benefits from it... She can't cover up the vision when she was promoted, and she will be afraid in the future It's all about being careful.

After walking the last step, she looked back, not only the jade steps, but the whole main peak was shrouded in a dense layer of mist, ethereal like a fairy world on earth.

Thinking of the ancient legend of the jade steps, she turned around and walked up again, thinking nothing of it, just feeling the surroundings with her heart, hoping to gain some insights.She just walked back and forth a dozen times, but she still found nothing.

He stopped and smiled self-deprecatingly.After all, it is just a legend. The Piaomiao sect has been passed down for countless generations. No one has ever heard of anyone who has obtained that mysterious inheritance. The master has lived for thousands of years. I don’t know how many times he has walked on the jade steps. A little harvest... Because of the matter of the Hunyuan Dzi, she is a little bit obsessed today.

Back at Yuqing Peak, I saw a slender white figure standing in front of her cave from a distance. Although I could only see the back side briefly, I felt that it was unparalleled and gentle.The tall and straight figure resembles the strong pine of Mu Xue, and the moon-white robe flutters in the wind, making people seem to see the white clouds in the sky, the clouds are rolling and the clouds are relaxing, so elegant and graceful.

(End of this chapter)

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