Brother is too evil

Chapter 169 Fierce Battle on Yuzang Mountain

Chapter 169 Fierce Battle on Yuzang Mountain (2)
It was Jian Yuyan who hadn't seen each other for a year and a half.

Qin Luoyi and Mingyan's pretty face instantly burst into a bright smile, and her mood, which had been dignified and sinking to the bottom of the valley, soared, her phoenix eyes shone with a gleam of light, and she deliberately walked over with light steps.Just when she came to the back and stretched out her hand to pat him on the shoulder to scare him, Jian Yuyan suddenly turned around.


Seeing Qin Luoyi standing behind her, the ecstasy in Jian Yuyan's dark eyes flashed away, and her perfect thin lips evoked a dazzling smile.

"Yi'er, when did you leave customs?"

The beauty in front of me is wearing a lavender dress, which is elegant and bright, revealing an innate nobility. The light purple makes her skin, which is already better than snow, even more crystal clear. Her eyes are bright and eager, charming and pretty. , end of the style is infinite.

"Uh, I just left the customs today." Wanting to play a prank but was caught straight, Qin Luoyi blinked, put down his hand raised in mid-air in embarrassment, and pulled out a more brilliant smile at him. Smile: "Then go to the main peak to see the master, how long have you been here?"

"Just arrived." Jian Yuyan stared at her with black eyes, filled with amazement, excitement and some unknown feelings. During the year and a half of her retreat, as long as he was in the sect, he would go to Yuqing Peak every few days. Come here, but Qin Luoyi has been cultivating, and he returns disappointed every time. In a few days, he will follow his master to leave the master's gate, so he wants to come and see her again before leaving, but he unexpectedly meets her when she leaves the gate up.

On the top of Yuqing Peak, because there is a cold pool, except for the elders of the sect and the disciples of the head of the sect, no one is allowed to approach it. There is an extremely powerful formation on it, so we know that she is practicing on the top of Yuqing Peak. But he couldn't go up to see her. For more than a year, he could only silently let the yearning gnaw at his heart and let the lovesickness go crazy.

Qin Luoyi felt embarrassed and didn't dare to look him in the eyes, so she didn't notice Jian Yuyan's fiery eyes, but what surprised her was that after not seeing him for more than a year, Jian Yuyan had also cultivated to Martial Saint, and It's not the first level of Wusheng, such a tyrannical aura... At least it has reached the middle level of Wusheng!

I am really happy for him.

Opening the door, Jian Yuyan let her into the cave, and made fragrant tea. The two sat in the courtyard, drinking tea and talking comfortably. The golden sun shone on their bodies, making them feel warm and very comfortable.

"You want to leave Piaomiaozong?" When he heard that Jian Yuyan was going to follow Uncle Wu in a few days, Qin Luoyi's face was a little disappointed: "How long will it take?"

Unexpectedly, she just left the customs, and he was about to leave again.

Seeing the disappointment in her eyes, Jian Yuyan's mind shook slightly, and then he smiled and said: "Master just said to go for a walk, and visit some old friends by the way."

Qin Luoyi lowered his eyes. In this way, the return date is uncertain, and when he comes back, maybe she will also retreat.

However, Uncle Wu is willing to take him to visit his old friend, which is a good thing for Jian Yuyan. Like her, he comes from the Holy Dragon Continent. They are too strange to Penglai Xiandao, and they know too few people.

Jian Yuyan couldn't see the sadness on her face, so she stood up with a smile, and with a thought, she took out a swing frame from the storage space, placed it in the middle of the yard, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say that you want to make a swing in the yard?" What do you think of this? Like it or not..."

The bracket of the swing was made of a kind of white jade, polished extremely smooth, the dangling rope was woven with green ancient vines, and the place to sit was also woven with ancient vines, which looked very simple and natural.

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and he stood up in surprise, walked over and walked around the swing a few times: "Of course I like it, that's great, thank you." Unexpectedly, he still remembered what she said back then.Couldn't help but sat up.

Jian Yuyan smiled, and the figure of Yushu Linfeng walked up behind her, holding his hand on the rope made of ancient vines, exerting a little force, and the swing floated.

"High Point."

Qin Luoyi looked back at him, his phoenix eyes were shining, his pretty face was smiling like a flower, and the silver bell-like laughter escaped, floating in the air, his hair flying, and his purple skirt fluttering in the wind, like an elf falling into the mortal world .

"A little higher."

Duanmu Changqing's cave is not far from here. Hearing the cheerful laughter, he couldn't help walking over. When he saw that not only Qin Luoyi but also Jian Yuyan were in the courtyard, his joyful expression froze. , a dim fire flashed in his eyes.

However, neither of the two people in the courtyard noticed his arrival.

Jian Yuyan stood behind Qin Luoyi, putting all her thoughts on Qin Luoyi, lowering her head from time to time, talking to her, which made her laugh like silver bells... Such a defenseless and happy Qin Luoyi, Duanmu Changqing had never seen him before, every time she saw him, she was like a hedgehog, full of defense against him.

Clenching his fists hanging by his side, and pursing his thin lips, he took a deep look at Jian Yuyan, and then left as silently as when he came.

Jian Yuyan had already moved away from Qianlan Mountain and lived on the mountainside of Rising Sun Peak because of worshiping Uncle Wu as his teacher.The house with hundreds of square meters is like her cave, all white walls and gray tiles, training room, living room, study, everything is available.

Ji Xuan's cave is a little below the mountain, Rong Yunhe and Jian Yuyan's cave is on the mountainside, and Liu Qingcheng's cave is higher.Uncle Wu Shan also lived on the mountain, but he lived on the top of the mountain.

After leaving Yuqing Peak, Qin Luoyi followed Jian Yuyan to Rising Sun Peak for the first time, and stayed in his cave until almost dusk before leaving.


As soon as he returned to the cave, Dahei, who didn't know when he came back, suddenly rushed out of the house, looking at her excitedly and longingly, the hair on his body has returned to its former luster and whiteness, and it is no longer a year ago. It looks like wow.Because Qin Luoyi never came down from the top of the mountain, even Dahei couldn't see her.

Seeing Dahei again, Qin Luoyi was also very happy. Seeing his longing eyes, he gave a knowing chuckle, stroked the soft hair on his body, and took out a tenth-order sapphire pill from the bracelet space. into his mouth.

Ever since she was able to refine tenth-order elixirs, Dahei's mouth has been hooked, and he only likes to eat elixir above tenth order, saying that elixir below tenth order has no effect on its cultivation.

Dahei swallowed it down in one gulp, then looked at her expectantly, and said with a hey smile, "Is there any more?"

Qin Luoyi patted his head and said with a smile: "No, I'll give it to you when I practice it some other day." Turning around and walking into the house.The big black butt followed behind her.

Walking into the study, Qin Luoyi accidentally found an envelope on the desk, picked it up and saw that it was Jian Yuyan's handwriting.

Doubt flashed in the phoenix eyes, when did Jian Yuyan put this letter here? Could it be when he came over in the morning?Pursing her red lips, she took out the letter and read it.

(End of this chapter)

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