Brother is too evil

Chapter 170 Fierce Battle on Yuzang Mountain

Chapter 170 Fierce Battle on Yuzang Mountain (3)
"Haishi...the top of Yuzang have something important to tell me." Folding the letter paper again, Qin Luoyi murmured with a bit of a smile: "What are you talking about? I didn't say it just now, but I went to Yuzang Peak to say it specifically. , making it so mysterious."

Looking out of the window, it was already dark, Yuzang Peak was quite far away, at her speed, there was no way to get there within an hour or two.

After thinking about it, she turned around and took Dahei to the Rising Sun Peak.Uh, it's not that she's lazy, it's in the middle of the night, she really doesn't want to go so far away.

Jian Yuyan was not on the Rising Sun Peak, the gate was closed, and she didn't answer her calls a few times, Qin Luoyi was depressed, could it be that he had already gone to Yuzang Peak?
Yuzang Peak is thousands of miles away from Yuqing Peak, Dahei didn't stop for a moment, and after running for an hour and a half, he finally arrived.

On the top of the mountain, there was a cyan figure standing tall, about the same height as Jian Yuyan, and similar in shape, with his hands behind his back, his back to them, standing motionless.

"Hey, what do you have to say, you have to come here in the middle of the night to say it." Qin Luoyi jumped off Dahei, with a smile in his eyes, but the words he said were slightly complaining.

But Dahei stopped suddenly, his body tensed, looking at the figure in front of him, he screamed, "You are not Jian Yuyan, who are you, what are you trying to do by tricking us here?"

Qin Luoyi was stunned, his eyes flashed, and then he stopped and looked carefully. The figure in front of him was hidden in the night. At first glance, although he looked very similar to Jian Yuyan, but on closer inspection, he could still see it. See something different.

Jian Yuyan's body proportions are perfect, but the man in front of him has wider shoulders and is slightly shorter than Jian Yuyan by an inch.Although it's just a back view, it looks a little cold, without the warmth and dignity of Jian Yuyan.

Qin Luoyi's expression changed instantly.

The handwriting is indeed Jian Yuyan's handwriting, but the person is not Jian Yuyan, what does this mean?
"Let's go." Qin Luoyi jumped onto Dahei's back and yelled softly at it. This man's cultivation level is similar to Jian Yuyan's, and he is also an intermediate martial saint, but she always feels that he has an unfathomable feeling .

Dahei reacted very quickly. Although he was unwilling, he did not hesitate. He turned around and sprinted towards the way he came. His figure was as fast as lightning.

"Haha, since you're here, save your life!" The man in Tsing Yi sneered, and finally turned around, a powerful spiritual force shot out from his body, sweeping towards them.

"Xiao Tian, ​​it's actually you!"

Sensing the killing intent behind him, Qin Luoyi, who was sitting on Dahei's back, looked back and saw clearly the face hidden in the night.

Xiao Tian of Paradise and Paradise!
"Qin Luoyi, where are my father and uncle? Did you kill them?" Xiao Tian chased after her, his proud face became a little ferocious, and he glared at her with a gloomy light.

At this time, Qin Luoyi would certainly not admit it.Staring mockingly, he smiled and said: "Xiao Tian, ​​you are sick. First you said that I killed your sister, and now you say that I killed your father and uncle. You are really strange! You are not looking for someone to come to Piao Miaozong to follow you!" Shall I confront you, I didn't find anyone but came up with such a dirty trick, hmph, you dare to come to Piao Miao Sect to kill people, if you have the ability, follow me and kill me!"

Lifting her chin slightly, she gave him a provocative smile.

Dahei's feet were like the wind.

"Qin Luoyi, you can't run away!" Xiao Tian's eyes flashed, and he didn't catch up anymore, but an inscrutable smile appeared on his face.

Qin Luoyi had a bad premonition in his heart, and so did Dahei. Without her urging, Dahei ran faster.

"Damn it, there's more than one of them here." Dahei stopped suddenly, looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, and cursed repeatedly.

Turned around and fled in another direction.

Xiao Tian stopped him, his proud face full of ridicule and anger: "Qin Luoyi, tell me... where are my father and uncles, did you kill them?"

"Junior Brother Xiao, don't talk nonsense with her. This is the Piaomiao Sect. Although it is remote, there is no guarantee that someone will pass by. Catch her first, and greet her slowly when you go back."

Another cold figure also came over, blocking Qin Luoyi and Dahei one after the other.

Xiao Tian finally calmed down a bit, nodded and said: "Then I would like to ask Brother Gao to help me, let's not get too close to her, she may have a powerful talisman on her body." While speaking, he bullied Qin Luoyi. come over.

"Haha, it's just a small skill, we two Xuanfu monks, can't we help her?" The man he called Senior Brother Gao laughed proudly.

A black mansion exuding dazzling light suddenly emerged from him, pressing towards the top of Qin Luoyi's head, that powerful aura was almost overwhelming.

At the same time, a black mansion flew out of Xiao Tian's body, shining brightly, falling from the sky.

Dahei let out a low curse, and ran away, but was suppressed by the two mansions exuding a terrifying atmosphere, and his speed was extremely slow.

Qin Luoyi's heart was also stagnant, and a frenzy flashed in his eyes. Is this the mansion where he broke through the barrier of the ninth-order peak of Martial Saints and cultivated?

The two mansions are very luxurious, just like ancient palaces. At the beginning, they were only a few inches in size, but in an instant their size increased countless times. Like Mount Tai, they fell from the sky and formed a huge giant under the mansion. The vortex seemed to crush her, but also seemed to suck her in.

"I see where you are going to run away!" Xiao Tian smiled triumphantly, the cyan mansion suddenly became brighter, and with the momentum of thunder, it pressed down on Qin Luoyi's head again.

Qin Luoyi no longer hesitated, and threw a handful of slowing talismans into the air to stop their rapid downward pressure.Dahei's eyes became fierce, and he also released the Qiankun Bell, and knocked it down hard on Xiao Tian.


The melodious bell sounded, Xiao Tian felt something was wrong, his expression changed, and the black mansion suddenly flew away from Qin Luoyi's head, blocking himself in front of him.



The powerful sound waves with unparalleled lethality hit the Xuanfu, and the originally dazzling light on the Xuanfu was suddenly dimmed. Even though separated by the powerful Xuanfu, Xiao Tian was still shocked to take a few steps back. Only then did he stabilize his figure.

"Good luck to you!"

Dahei gritted his teeth, then turned around again, and slapped Senior Brother Gao hard.The senior brother looked at the Qiankun Clock with bright eyes, and the greed in his eyes flashed away.

Seeing Dahei's movements, his expression changed, and he hurriedly recalled the mansion that was about to be on Qin Luoyi's body, and stood in front of him.

The light on the Xuanfu only dimmed for a while, and then became brighter again, but Senior Brother Gao still stood where he was, without being affected at all.

(End of this chapter)

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