Chapter 171
Qin Luoyi cursed in a low voice.This senior brother's strength should be much higher than Xiao Tian's... and their strength is too weak, and they are completely unable to exert the power that this Qiankun Clock should have!

Senior Brother Gao controlled the mansion and pressed towards Qin Luoyi again, Xiao Tian suppressed the blood churning in his heart, and once again controlled the Xuan Mansion to attack them.

"Damn it, you are courting death!" Dahei screamed wildly, turned the direction of the Qiankun clock, and struck it down again.


Because of the injury just now, even though Xiao Tian called the Xuanfu back quickly this time and blocked it in front of him, the Xuanfu failed to block the attack of the Qiankun Bell, and was scattered with a bang, while he The person who was beaten was also sent flying, bleeding from the seven orifices.It's been a long time since I got up from the ground.

"Haha, he's finally dead!" Dahei laughed wildly, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

It has already used the Qiankun Clock three times, the last time, it was already very reluctant, the internal organs seemed to be shifted, the pain was severe, but luckily it finally killed that damned Xiao Tian.

Qin Luoyi threw out a handful of talismans to resist Senior Brother Gao's attack from Qingfu, then quickly took the Qiankun Bell in front of Dahei, pointed the mouth of the bell at Senior Brother Gao, and knocked it down forcefully.

The moment she got the Qiankun Clock, Senior Brother Gao's face changed, and he hurriedly recalled the Xuanfu to stand in front of him.

After a sound, the Xuanfu collapsed, Senior Brother Gao flew backwards wildly, smashed countless towering trees, and then stopped in embarrassment.

Qin Luoyi lifted his chin slightly, endured the severe pain in his body, and knocked down again, Senior Brother Gao just stood up and shot backward again.With a scream, there was a cliff behind him, and he fell straight towards the cliff.

"Haha, here is the famous Shihu Cliff of the Piaomiao Sect. If this bastard falls, he will definitely die." Dahei screamed excitedly.

Qin Luoyi also walked over, the bottom was pitch black, and the bottom could not be seen at a glance. The Shihu Cliff of the Piaomiao Sect ran across the north and south, stretching for two thousand miles. Yuzang Mountain was located on the periphery of the Piaomiao Sect. It is the lion and tiger cliff that makes people change their colors.

The two stood on the edge of the cliff, but ignored Xiao Tian who had fallen to the ground and never got up. Xiao Tian quietly came up behind them, exerted all his spiritual power, and waved a palm at them, laughing triumphantly: "Qin Luo Yi, Lion Tiger Cliff is a good place to be buried, so go down too!"

Qin Luoyi and Dahei fell straight down the cliff, not expecting that Xiao Tian was not dead yet, and could still get up to bully them, so he couldn't help but cursed aloud.

Dahei screamed again and again, and the moment he fell, he waved his claws vigorously, trying to pull him down as well.

It's a pity that after a lot of thumping, I could only see where I was falling, and my body couldn't jump up half an inch. Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he raised his slender hand. Several wind blade talismans were released, and a gust of wind swirled. He was so proud just now. Xiao Tian, ​​who was standing on the edge of the cliff, screamed and fell down instantly.

"Laugh, damn it, let me see how you still laugh!" Dahei gritted his teeth.Above the entire Lion and Tiger Cliff, not to mention the cultivators who have cultivated the Xuanfu, even the cultivators of the Purple Mansion cannot fly under the rainbow.

The Shihu Cliff of the Piaomiao Sect traverses north and south, stretching for more than two thousand miles. It is a narrow valley area that has subsided since ancient times. Here, standing on one side of the canyon, you can see the other side.

Lion Tiger Cliff is an extremely magical area. No matter how powerful a person is, they cannot fly over it with a rainbow, magic weapons, or even flying swords. It is a restricted area, and there seems to be magic below it. , can pull all the things that pass by it down.

Moreover, it is shrouded in white mist all the year round. Standing on the cliff, it is impossible to clearly see the situation below the cliff, and you can't even hear the howling of the beasts inside. It is as peaceful as a paradise.

If you really think that there is a paradise there, you are very wrong. Under the lion and tiger cliff, there are countless ferocious birds and beasts. Those who stray into it, unless their cultivation is against the sky, very few people can come out alive.

The founder of the Piao Miao Sect is one of the very few people.It is recorded in ancient books that when he was more than a thousand years old, he was already the strongest in this continent and the Xuantian Continent, and no one dared to compete with him wherever he went.

The strong are always lonely. After becoming the most powerful person in this continent, in order to improve his cultivation, the patriarch walked through many sinister places called forbidden places that cannot be approached, and Lion Tiger Cliff is one of them.

It took him three full years from entering Lion-Tiger Cliff to walking out of Lion-Tiger Cliff again. What happened during these three years is not recorded in the ancient books of Piao Miao Sect, let alone the books on Penglai Xiandao. Regarding the records in this regard, after he traveled to many places in the world, he finally decided to establish a sect here.

After establishing a sect here, he used his powerful magic power to set up many formations in some areas under the lion and tiger cliff. After going down, he narrowly escaped death.

Of course, the place where the disciples of the sect test their skills is relatively less dangerous, and the areas they enter are different depending on their cultivation level, while the place where the disciples who make mistakes are punished has a much higher risk factor.

Naturally, the skills of these disciples who entered the Lion-Tiger Cliff cannot be compared with that of the Patriarch, and it is impossible for them to walk out with their own strength.In the Piaomiao sect, there are special personnel to guard the area where the formation is set up. The disciples who go down must go to them to register first. The registration content includes the name, the number of days to go down, etc., and then they will get a white Special spar.

This spar should not be underestimated. When disciples who go down to test their skills meet life and death, or are seriously injured and can no longer hold on, they can crush the spar, and the formation hidden under the Lion-Tiger Cliff will become Can be activated to instantly teleport them to the cliff.

Of course, the crystals obtained by the disciples who are punished are different from this kind of crystals. When they are in danger, crushing the crystals will not work. The spar will trigger the formation and send them to the cliff, but those who have not been sent up will naturally never be able to come up.

The bodies of Qin Luoyi and Dahei have been falling down uncontrollably, and through the misty white mist, they can finally see clearly the bottom of the cliff.

A large piece of primeval forest, with towering ancient trees and lush greenery, has a wild and primitive aura that makes one's heart palpitate, emanating from that forest.


The first one to fall was Senior Brother Gao, because he couldn't control the rainbow in the air, and he was seriously injured due to the shock of the Qiankun Clock.

(End of this chapter)

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