Brother is too evil

Chapter 177 Jumping off a Cliff to Rescue

Chapter 177 Jumping off a Cliff to Rescue (2)
The disciple in Tsing Yi turned pale: "Uncle Duanmu...Impossible, how can you be sure that it was Uncle Qin who fell!"

Uncle Qin is the closed disciple of the head of Piaomiao Zongge. I heard that his cultivation talent is astonishing. More than a year ago, when he first arrived in the sect, he was only a venerable. Now he has cultivated to the peak of Martial Saints... ...How could she come here? Who would be so courageous to fight against her?

Duanmu Changqing's sharp and painful eyes fell on Dahei's very special footprints, and then moved to the hairpin in his hand, with a hoarse and low voice: "I hope it's not her...but this jade hairpin is her."

"Ah?" The disciple in Tsing Yi opened his mouth wide and exclaimed, his expression extremely shocked. The jade hairpin he picked actually belonged to Master Qin. No wonder Master Duanmu was so sure that the person who fell was Master Qin.

"Go!" Duanmu Changqing frowned slightly, with an extremely stern expression, and said lightly: "Remember, you go directly to the head, don't delay!"


The disciple in Tsing Yi didn't dare to delay any longer, and quickly ran towards the Misty Sect. After running for a few steps, he always felt that there was something wrong with Master Duanmu's expression, and went to find the head sect. He could use the Shenhong to fly, wouldn't that be faster? Why did you leave the report to him?
Feeling very puzzled, he turned his head and saw Duanmu Changqing's slender and handsome figure descending lightly towards Shihuya.

"Uncle Duanmu, what are you going to do?" The disciple in Tsing Yi was startled, ran back in a hurry, and yelled wildly while lying on the cliff.

"Go soon? What are you still dawdling about?" Hearing his voice, Duanmu Changqing raised his head and sternly yelled at him, then ignored him, accelerated towards Ya, and in the blink of an eye, The figure became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

The disciple in Tsing Yi stood up, his hands and feet were still trembling, and he murmured in shock: "There should be no formations down here, Master Duanmu just jumped down like that, he must want to save Master Qin... But, It's too dangerous to just jump down like this... In case no one is rescued, Master Duanmu will also... Maybe Master Qin didn't fall down the mountain at all, and the hairpin just fell here accidentally, hey, forget it, Uncle Duanmu has already jumped down, I'd better hurry up and find the head of the sect." After stomping his feet, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, turned around and robbed the Piao Miao sect, using the fastest speed in his life.

After Duanmu Changqing jumped off the mountain, he landed on the ground not long after. This is not the first time he has entered the Shihuya, but it is the first time he has come to the Shihuya at the foot of Yuzang Mountain. It is dangerous and unpredictable , even he did not dare to be careless.

Looking around with sharp eyes, he soon found two collapsed thorns. Walking along the collapsed thorns, he saw two corpses with only skeletons left.His heart tightened, he held his breath and walked over.

There are traces of being torn by sharp teeth on the skeleton, and there is a large black blood stain under the body, it should not be long after death... Duanmu Changqing's heart hurts, but his observation ability is still extremely keen, and he can see right away that the two The corpse did not belong to Qin Luoyi, because the skeleton was huge, it should belong to a man, and the height was wrong, and both of them were obviously seriously injured before they fell off!
I searched around again, but found no traces of Dahei and Qin Luoyi walking by, not even traces where they should have fallen and crushed some thorns and bushes!There are only two obvious signs of collapse at the scene. Judging from the direction of running, it should be left by the two dead people.

His anxious heart slowly calmed down... Staring at the two corpses, suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, maybe... Qin Luoyi and Dahei didn't fall down at all?

"It would be great if that's the case!" He looked around and murmured happily.

However, under Shihuya, although he cannot fly under the rainbow, he can use his spiritual power to support his low-altitude flight, so that there will be very few traces left on the ground. Although he hoped that Qin Luoyi would not fall off, but I still haven't stopped looking for it, because I'm afraid that I've neglected something.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

After searching for a few miles, suddenly there was a strange noise in front of him, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he sneaked over quietly.

It was a small fox with a long tail, panting heavily while running forward, behind it, there was a wolf-shaped ferocious beast chasing after it.

With a movement of Duanmu Changqing's figure, he caught the running fox easily. The wolf didn't expect that there would be someone here, with fierce eyes, screamed and rushed towards him.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in Duanmu Changqing's black eyes, he raised his arm, and a powerful spiritual power shot out, killing it on the spot, and then without even looking at the wolf carcass, he stared coldly at the fox in his hand .

The fox trembled in fright, knowing that the cultivation level of the man in front of him was much higher than it didn't know, with a flash of his eyes, he looked at him pitifully, and begged, "Don't kill me."

Duanmu Changqing was unmoved, and still looked at it coldly: "It's fine if I don't kill you, but you have to find someone for me, and I won't kill you if I find it."

The fox's eyes lit up, and he said hastily: "You tell me, I will definitely help." The aura on this man's body was too terrifying. If it wanted to survive, it knew that it could only listen to him.

"Did a person and a spirit beast fall into it two days ago?" Duanmu Changqing tightly locked its eyes and asked.

"Yes, yes, someone fell here." The fox's eyes flickered, and he nodded hastily.

Duanmu Changqing's heart sank for a moment, and then he thought of the fox's cunning nature and was afraid that it would lie, so he continued: "Then tell me, is the person who fell down male or female, how old is it, and what does the spirit beast around her look like?" look..."

"It's a woman, very young... That spirit beast has white hair all over, and it's very beautiful..." The little fox rolled his eyes, knowing that the human in front of him didn't believe it, so he hurriedly read what he saw two days ago. Qin Luoyi and Dahei who arrived gave a detailed description of their appearance.

It was not summoned to chase that woman two days ago because its cultivation base was too low... But it still followed up quietly to take a look, and was almost angry at the bull king who poisoned them so badly. The girl who vomited blood, it was very impressive.

After hearing what the little fox said, Duanmu Changqing's expression changed, unexpectedly Qin Luoyi and Dahei fell down!
Taking a deep breath secretly, he suppressed the pain and worry in his heart, and said in a deep voice again: "Where is she now? As long as you lead me to find her, I will let you go!"

"Hey, if you ask someone else, they might not know it, so just ask me, but don't kill me, I'll take you to find her." The little fox quietly glanced at the wolf corpse not far away. , said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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