Brother is too evil

Chapter 178 Meeting at the bottom of the cliff

Chapter 178 Meeting at the bottom of the cliff (1)
It's just that I can't stop complaining in my heart. Although it knows where the woman is, the bull king has been in a very bad mood these two days. If he knows that he is bringing a human who broke into its territory without authorization, he will go to find that woman... this man If he could let it go, King Mang Niu might beat it up for meat in his rage!No, it can't take him directly to find someone, it has to think of a way.

"Haha, this old ginseng must be thousands of years old, it's just right for alchemy."

"Purple Profound Stone... yes, it's bigger than the one we bought last time."

"Oh, there are also Qiyun fruits here!"

Accompanied by the most powerful Black Emperor of Lion Tiger Cliff, Dahei and Qin Luoyi were at ease and bold, wandering around the mountain in a very leisurely manner. After a while, they would make amazing discoveries.This Shihuyaxia is simply a treasure trove. Lingguo Lingzhi even has priceless crystals. After wandering around for two days, the harvested things are enough to pile up a small mountain.

Not only Dahei was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, but Qin Luoyi was also very excited.Two days ago, she lost a lot of talismans in order to fight that bull, and there was not much left of the spirit plants and spirit pills on her body. Now that she has these things, even if she can't get out in a short time, she doesn't have to worry. What's more, here, no one dares to attack them now.

But compared to their happiness, Hei Di felt a lot of pain in his flesh. If those things fell on the body of his other half, Da Hei, it would be fine, but it didn't!Everything went into that woman Qin Luoyi's pocket!

Until now, it still couldn't figure out, how could Dahei, as their incomparably powerful Biyan clan, be contracted by such a weak human being?
It's still a soul contract!I have to be subject to that woman for the rest of my life!If not, it would have split Qin Luoyi as early as the first day, and the magical treasure in her body could even shake it away, which really made it very curious.

It's a pity, now for Dahei's life, he has no choice but to give up!
"Snow ginseng fruit!"

After walking for dozens of miles, Dahei suddenly saw a huge snow ginseng tree in front of him, and there were many fruits like ginseng dolls hanging from the tree, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over quickly.

This snow ginseng fruit is extremely precious, and can be used to refine the twelfth-order snow sage dan, which is a treasure that can be used to nourish the essence of life. In the auction house, one snow shen dan can be sold The sky-high price of nearly ten million taels!
And the reason why its strength has regressed a lot is because its life essence was damaged during the war... With so many snow ginseng fruits, countless snow ginseng pills can be refined. In the peak period, at least half of the previous one can be recovered!
Qin Luoyi is not yet able to refine the twelfth-level elixir, but not being able to do it now does not mean that she will not be able to refine it in the future. With her alchemy talent, it will not take many years before she can refine the twelfth-level elixir.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and with a bang, I climbed up the snow ginseng tree and started to pick it up quickly.

Qin Luoyi, in fluttering white clothes, stood leisurely under the tree, with a smile on his lips, looking at Dahei who was busy on the tree, while the face of Heidi beside her was getting darker and darker.

Soon, half of the hundreds of fruits on the snow ginseng tree were picked, Dahei still showed no signs of stopping, but Heidi couldn't bear it anymore.

Leaping over to its side, he persuaded: "Enough, you can't give her all this stuff, this snow ginseng fruit can only bear fruit once in 3000 years, so we have to keep some for ourselves!"

Hearing this, Dahei lowered his paws, looked at it faintly with his dark eyes, then looked at Qin Luoyi, and then sighed: "You also know that I can't get out, and her cultivation is not high. If you don't prepare some good things for her, she will die, and I will die too!"

In fact, it doesn't want to pick it, but it has to pick it. It looks depressed, but it's almost cramp from laughing in my heart.

"Then don't let her go. It's safest to stay with me. I still have spiritual fruit here to keep her alive. You don't have to worry about her being snapped by others after she goes up!" A cold light flashed in Hei Di's eyes. , gritted his teeth.It has always felt that it is safe to keep Qin Luoyi under its nose, not to mention that there is a strange thing on her body, after going out, it must be easy to be peeped at!

Dahei sighed again, shook his head and said: "She is my contractor, as you have seen, she keeps saying she wants to go up, her attitude is so firm, if we don't let her go up, if she is upset, she will have a thought. It can blow my mind away!"

Hei Di's brows were tightly frowned, and he was very depressed... Well, this woman, not only can't he kill, but he has to confess like an ancestor!Looking at the snow ginseng fruit that it had been very precious before on the tree, he gritted his teeth and ruthlessly, and helped Dahei to pick them together.

Although it is the strongest in this field, but for 10,000+ years, because it can't break through the prohibition of the sky, it has been alone, without a companion, and the heights are extremely cold. The loneliness in it, let it I feel so sad, I finally got a companion, it's still a mother, it has to help save its life no matter what!
When they spoke, although their voices were low, Qin Luoyi heard them clearly because they were not far away. He bit his lip and turned his face sideways. It took a lot of effort to resist the urge to laugh wildly.

She never knew that Dahei could be so foolish... Two days ago, it tried its best, but it didn't hurt even a single hair of the Heidi, so it had to lose in the end.Hearing that Hei Di said that no matter how powerful the beasts are under the Lion and Tiger Cliff, no matter how powerful they are, they can only stay and can no longer go up, then he suddenly changed his attitude and became very friendly to Hei Di.

In the past two days, Hei Di has lost a lot of treasures, except that he didn't go into Hei Di's treasury to rob it openly. Under the lion and tiger cliff, as long as it looks good, Da Hei will definitely get it. Of course, the used The reasons are the same, what they say is to make her advance quickly and become stronger, so that it can stay at the foot of this lion-tiger cliff with peace of mind...

Qin Luoyi didn't stay here for long, only two short days, but he also knew a lot about Shihuya.

The Hei Emperor is here, but he is a veritable emperor, his cultivation base is so powerful that no one dares to fight against him, and the ordinary treasures on the ground are nothing. Allowed, no orc would dare to take it privately, but now, for the sake of Dahei, they are willing to give it to her!
As for Dahei... Dahei will naturally not stay here forever, and she is well aware of what it is up to.

A huge sound, accompanied by a roar like thunder, suddenly came from a distance, it was deafening, the sound was so loud that the world trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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