Brother is too evil

Chapter 180 Meeting at the bottom of the cliff

Chapter 180 Meeting at the bottom of the cliff (3)
Not only did Duanmu Changqing not let go of her, but he hugged her even tighter.As soon as he fought against that powerful reckless ox, he was always worried, fearing that something bad happened to her.

"Tsk, so this man is here to look for her, so handsome, no wonder she has been refusing to stay here!" Hei Di looked at the two tightly hugging each other, with a sudden look on his face.

Dahei pouted disapprovingly.

"Since her date has already come down...hehe, just right, let's make a pair, the two of them make a pair, and they don't have to go up. I'll give them a piece of land and allow them to live here for the rest of their lives." A flash of inspiration flashed in Hei Di's mind, and he suddenly burst out laughing.

"They are not a couple." Hearing this, Dahei's heart tightened, and he shook his head in denial.

"Not a couple?" Hei Di was a little skeptical, how could people who were not a couple hug so tightly.

"It's really not a couple." Dahei looked at Duanmu Changqing disdainfully: "Which woman would like a man who has no temperature and is so cold... The man she likes is much more handsome than this one, and his cultivation level is not good. Much better than him."

"Really? Hey, what a pity." Hei Di glanced at the snow ginseng tree in the distance, then at Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changqing who were hugging each other, sighed in pain, and turned his eyes Seeing Mang Niu at the side, his expression became sneering again: "Hmph, you are really becoming more and more useless. Not only did you not kill anyone, but you were also injured."

Mang Niu lowered his head in shame.He knew from the bottom of his heart that if Heidi hadn't rescued him just now, he would have lost his life at the hands of that hateful human being.

After a long time, Duanmu Changqing's excited mood calmed down a little, feeling the struggle of the person in his arms, his eyes dimmed, and he finally let go of her.

As soon as Qin Luoyi was free, he quickly retreated from his side. That extremely urgent action made Duanmu Changqing's gaze even darker. Looking at her bright and jade-like face, he slowly said: "Yi'er , how did you come down to Lion Tiger Cliff?"

Qin Luoyi blinked.


Didn't they always call her Little Junior Sister before?What happened to him today, he actually changed his name to call her Yi'er, which really made her very uncomfortable?Also, are they that close?

There was a faint smile on her delicate red lips, and she said with a slightly puzzled expression: "Second senior brother, I was just about to ask you, why did you come here?"

She is not familiar with Duanmu Changqing, and the entanglement with Dongtian Paradise is a long story, and she doesn't intend to tell him.

Duanmu Changqing looked at her steadfastly, and there was a touch of tenderness in his dark eyes: "You dropped something on the edge of the cliff on the top of Yuzang Mountain." Then, he took out the jade from his sleeve. The hairpin was handed to her.

"Did you come down to find me on purpose?" Qin Luoyi took Yuchai, his expression was shocked with suspicion: "Could it be that you jumped from the lion-tiger cliff?" Only by jumping off the lion-tiger cliff can you do this I found it soon, and I met Mang Niu.

Well, if that's the case, she's really flattered!

Duanmu Changqing didn't speak, but embarrassment quickly flashed across his handsome face.

Qin Luoyi was even more shocked. He didn't expect that he really jumped off the Lion-Tiger Cliff!
"You picked my hairpin and jumped down like that...then how do we get up now?" Qin Luoyi opened his mouth and stared at him with a strange expression.

She would not be so sentimental as to think that Duanmu Changqing knew that she fell under the cliff because she was his junior sister, so she jumped down to save her desperately. She knew that she was not so attractive... After that So he did this because he was afraid that if he died here, no one would relieve his acupoints, and he would be a eunuch for the rest of his life.

His gaze moved down involuntarily, and before Duanmu Changqing noticed it, he quickly moved away again.

I was so angry and funny in my heart, I didn't expect this man to regard that glory as more important than his life!
The mang ox fought with him for a long time, not only did not hurt him, but also allowed him to condense out of the Jade Mansion during the battle, breaking through the barriers of cultivation, but, even so, with his cultivation base of the Jade Mansion just now , against the Black Emperor, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose.

"I didn't pick this jade hairpin. A disciple from the sect picked it up by chance at the top of Yuzang Mountain... I have asked him to find the master, and we will be able to go out soon." Duanmu Changqing was pitch black. Looking at her, he comforted her.

It turned out to be the case.

A flash of surprise flashed across Qin Luoyi's eyes, and she just said, how could this man jump down so desperately?

After thinking about it, she beckoned to Dahei.

Dahei ran over quickly, and Heidi followed beside it, and also ran over.

Duanmu Changqing glanced over at Heidi who was looking at him with haughty and malicious intentions, and he was full of doubts.

Dahei is an ancient alien beast, this kind of alien beast, even in the Profound Sky Continent, is extremely rare. Unexpectedly, there is actually one under the Lion-Tiger Cliff, and its cultivation is obviously very powerful... It made him even more surprised What's surprising is that Qin Luoyi is actually getting along with this tough Bi An, apparently getting along well.

Before she followed Dahei by her side, he felt it was very strange, and he never figured it out. With Qin Luoyi's cultivation, how could Dahei follow her willingly? He didn't expect this extremely dangerous liger Under the cliff, I met another one. In just two days, she obeyed her advice, and could come at her at any time... Looking at Qin Luoyi with burning eyes, he was really curious, how did she do it? of.

Qin Luoyi told Dahei and Heidi that someone from Piaomiaozong might come down soon, and then looked at Heidi with a smile.

Hei Di understood, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "This lion and tiger cliff is all my territory, don't worry, as long as someone comes down, I will know immediately, and no beast race will make things difficult for them."

The smile on Qin Luoyi's face grew stronger, she felt relieved, the Hei Emperor's strength was terrifying, and she didn't want him to get involved with Master or the people sent by Master.

Dahei heard Qin Luoyi's words, but said very reluctantly: "I'm going up so soon, I have to hurry up and prepare more things for you." After speaking, he spread his hooves and jumped down into the air, climbing When he arrived at the snow ginseng tree, he picked up the snow ginseng fruit with extremely sharp claws.

The Hei Emperor glanced at it resentfully, then looked at Qin Luoyi at the side, finally sighed, and said to Mang Niu: "If you find someone coming down, you should let me know immediately."

It's better for someone to come down now, and then take Qin Luoyi away, and delay a little longer, the treasure under the Lion and Tiger Cliff, I don't know how much it will be lost.

Mang Niu took the order very respectfully and left.

Qin Luoyi naturally didn't miss the annoyance on Hei Di's face, smiled slightly, and fell from the air.

(End of this chapter)

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