Brother is too evil

Chapter 181: Brother 2 Appears Gentleness

Chapter 181 The Second Brother's Gentleness First Appears (1)
This strange space, although the orcs can't go out, but her hand space is not like the general storage space, it can only hold dead things, and living things can also be put out, Dahei doesn't go in and out of it once or twice up.

So after Dahei couldn't beat Heidi, and heard why Heidi was sure he couldn't go out, he deliberately compromised.He intends to find as many treasures here as possible, and when she goes out, hide in the bracelet space, take these rare treasures and walk away, mad at Hei Di.

Thinking of Dahei's plan, Qin Luoyi looked at Heidi with some pity, hey, poor Heidi, staying here, looking forward to 10,000+ years, finally looking forward to a companion, or a opposite sex, thinking that he could form a relationship Mate, in order to please it, she is more than willing to give away many treasures... When the time comes, she loses her wife and loses her army, I'm afraid I'm really going to vomit blood with anger.

Duanmu Changqing followed Qin Luoyi and was about to jump from the air, but Heidi suddenly stopped him.

"What is your relationship with that woman, and how did you come here to find her?" Hei Di asked with wide eyes.

"Why should I tell you?" Duanmu Changqing put his hands behind his back and smiled, facing the unpredictable Heidi without fear.

Hei Di stood there, his lustrous hair swaying without wind, and a contemptuous smile flashed across his face: "If you don't tell me, I'll shoot you to death. It's just the cultivation of the Yu Mansion. The last time a Zi Mansion Cultivator, this Emperor easily tore him into pieces!"

Duanmu Changqing's pupils shrank, and an unusually fierce aura shot out from his body. He sneered and said, "You want to shoot me to death? I'll accompany you anytime!"

Hei Di was furious in his heart, and he raised his black paw, and when he saw Qin Luoyi and Da Hei from the corner of his eye, he put it down again, and his tone was softer: "Forget it, I will kill you if I shoot you to death." It's like crushing an ant, Dahei said that you are like a popsicle, that woman doesn't like you, so naturally she has nothing special to do with you... I don't ask how you came down to find her."

Pointing to the snow ginseng tree on the ground to seduce him, he said, "Do you know who the man that woman likes is? If you knew... as long as you get him down this cliff, there will be more snow ginseng trees in my treasury than this snow ginseng tree." If something is ten or a hundred times more precious, you can choose three of them."

After finishing speaking, he looked at him with burning eyes. There are many things in Qin Luoyi's storage ring that are more precious than this snow ginseng fruit. With a very sensitive sense of smell, Dahei took Qin Luoyi around here these two days, no matter how hidden the treasures were, they would be discovered by Dahei, and then fell into Qin Luoyi's pocket.

Well, Qin Luoyi is Dahei's contractor, and the two are still in a soul contract. It doesn't blame Dahei. Dahei has no choice but to let Qin Luoyi, a human being, bring all these treasures with him. Let's go, it's really not reconciled!
It would be great if this man could bring the person Qin Luoyi likes, take three treasures, and exchange Qin Luoyi to keep all the things, hehe, this deal is a bargain!
Duanmu Changqing's handsome face, when he heard Dahei say that he was like a popsicle and that Qin Luoyi didn't like him at all, a look of sadness flashed in his deep black eyes, and he quietly looked at the beautiful girl standing under the snow ginseng tree. Qin Luoyi did not speak.

Hei Di became impatient: " are still not satisfied with the three things? There are some things in my treasure house that you have never seen before in your life. If you just take out one, it is priceless!"

Duanmu Changqing stared at Qin Luoyi steadfastly, his eyes complicated and deep, but he still didn't speak.

"Five! I'll let you choose five... so you should be satisfied?" There were not many snow ginseng fruits hanging on the snow ginseng tree, Hei Di gritted his teeth and added two more.

"You said that I have no special relationship with her, how would I know who she likes?" Duanmu Changqing finally turned around and looked at him coldly.

The person Qin Luoyi likes... had to get him down this cliff, and let him choose five priceless things. Although he didn't know the reason, he always felt that this strange beast had no good intentions.

"You don't know?" Hei Di finally got angry: "You don't know what I'm saving your life for?"

As soon as the black paw was raised, it was about to shoot towards Duanmu Changqing. Duanmu Changqing's handsome face was cold, and his long body was standing in the air. The surrounding spiritual power also surged instantly, and the crystal clear Yufu quickly emerged above his head.

Qin Luoyi sensed the tension of swords in the sky, and raised his chin towards Dahei.

Dahei understood, yelled, jumped down from the tree, and said happily: "The snow ginseng fruit has finally been picked, and there are still a lot of places ahead that we haven't seen, let's go, hurry up and have a look. "As soon as the voice fell, he spread his limbs and ran forward.

Heidi, who was full of evil spirit and was about to slap Duanmu Changqing fiercely, changed his face, cursed in a low voice, and ignored Duanmu Changqing, retracted his paws and jumped into the air, chasing Dahei.

Qin Luoyi smiled slightly, and followed her unhurriedly. The golden sunlight shone on her body, making her already peerless face even more beautiful.

Duanmu Changqing gracefully jumped down from the air, and walked beside her quietly, with a touch of tenderness on his handsome face.

Thinking of the two corpses he saw when he first descended the Shihu Cliff, his expression became serious again, and he asked in a deep voice, "Yi'er, how did you fall off the cliff?"

The sudden change of the intimate address made Qin Luoyi stop, blinked quickly, and then walked forward as if nothing had happened.

Duanmu Changqing's eyes darkened, she pursed her perfect thin lips, and continued: "Did those two people under the cliff fall with you?"

Qin Luoyi glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, it turned out that he had seen those two people, he curled his lips and smiled, "Yes."

The casual look made Duanmu Changqing's eyes flash with deep frustration, he simply took a step forward and stopped in front of her, looking at her with dark and deep eyes, with a serious expression: "Are they disciples of the Misty Sect?"

Ever since he knew she had fallen off the cliff, Liu Qingcheng's name had been lingering in his heart.

After arriving in the Piaomiao Sect, Qin Luoyi has been practicing all the time, and has never had any grudges with anyone, and she is a disciple of the head of the Piaomiao Sect, and ordinary people dare not disrespect her, only Liu Qingcheng... That woman admired the senior brother, she was so infatuated with her, she couldn't stand the senior brother being nice to anyone, but she was lucky enough to let the senior brother find Liu Qingcheng for the sake of Jian Yuyan, if Liu Qingcheng held a grudge, she might treat him recklessly She does bad things.

Thinking of this, the strong evil spirit in the black eyes flashed away.Gritting her teeth secretly, she swore that this matter had better have nothing to do with Liu Qingcheng, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to spare her!

(End of this chapter)

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