Chapter 185
The teleportation formation was activated instantly, and under their feet, the originally calm forest floor was faintly glowing with golden regular dark light, and the space also fluctuated violently.


The Hei Emperor watched Dahei disappear, and the three of Qin Luoyi were about to disappear in an instant. He couldn't help roaring, his eyes were fierce, and he rushed towards Qin Luoyi. The fierce look seemed to tear her apart. into pieces.



"Bastard, if you want to hurt my apprentice, I will definitely come back and skin you!"

The teleportation spar is crushed, and the powerful teleportation formation is activated. No matter how powerful the person holding the teleportation spar is, they will be forcibly sent out. Therefore, when Heidi rushed towards Qin Luoyi, the head of Ge Duanmu Changqing and Wu Shan roared at the same time, but they couldn't do anything, they could only watch Hei Di fiercely rush towards Qin Luoyi with red eyes.

Duanmu Changqing was filled with hatred, pain and anger, his blue hair flying, staring at Hei Di, his face as handsome as jade became extremely cold and frightening, his eyes shone with a world-destructive anger.

On the lion and tiger cliff.

Several Qingyi elders of the Piaomiao Sect stood on the edge of the cliff with their backs, staring deeply at the bottom of the cliff, unwilling to let go of the slightest change below.

Around them, there were many disciples of Piao Miao Sect, just like them, their eyes were fixed on the cliff, with a nervous and uneasy expression on their faces.

As time passed, more and more people gathered on Lion Tiger Cliff, and everyone couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

"Did Uncle Qin really fall off the lion-tiger cliff?"

"It should be. I heard that it has been down for two days, and I don't know how it is now."

"After Master Qin was accepted as a closed disciple by the head of the sect, in just over a year, he has already cultivated to the peak of Martial Saint... How could he fall for no reason?"

"You don't know yet, it didn't fall for no reason, it fell from the top of Yuzang Mountain... I went to see it just now, and the top of Yuzang Mountain was in a mess, and there was still a lot of blood. There must have been a fierce battle there before!"

"What? There is such a thing! Yuzang Mountain, our Piaomiao Sect's territory there... Who is so bold, dare to hurt Master Qin?"

"Hey, I don't know. It's been two days, and I don't know what happened to Uncle Qin. The lion and the tiger are going down the cliff, but it's very dangerous."

"It's more than dangerous... It's a dangerous place with a narrow escape! I heard that it was Martial Uncle Duanmu who first discovered Uncle Qin's fall. Uncle Duanmu only asked one of his disciples to come back to report to the head of the sect, and then he jumped without taking the teleportation spar." down."

"Yes, yes... I also heard that the head of the sect and Uncle Wu also went down from Yuzang Mountain. If you start looking from there, you should be able to find Uncle Qin and Uncle Duanmu the fastest."

"There is no teleportation array under the cliff on Yuzang Mountain... There is at least a thousand miles away from the place where there is a teleportation array. I hope nothing will happen."

"Under the lion and tiger cliff, there is no teleportation spar, but even the top monks of the Zifu have fallen... Uncle Qin, hey!"

Jian Yuyan hurried back to the Piaomiao Sect, thinking that he would see Qin Luoyi immediately, but he didn't expect to hear the bad news as soon as he entered the sect, his face turned pale, he turned around and ran towards Shihu Cliff.

Ji Xuan, who came back with him, frowned on his warm face, a worried look flashed in his black eyes, and he chased after him with his lips tightly pursed.

As soon as he arrived at the edge of the lion and tiger cliff, several rays of light flashed, and the surrounding disciples immediately let out a cry of surprise.

"It's the master coming up!"

"And Elder Wu!"

"Uncle Duanmu is here too!"

"Look, Uncle Qin! Uncle Qin is here too... There is no injury at all, it's incredible!"


Jian Yuyan's heart, which was so sad that it seemed to stop beating, came back to life the moment he saw Qin Luoyi. Regardless of the many disciples around him, he stepped forward and hugged Qin Luoyi into his arms, muttering Said: "Yi''re fine, that's great!"

If you look closely, you can still see the glittering and translucent luster in his pitch-black eyes.

Ji Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief, if he hadn't stopped him just now, Jian Yuyan would have jumped down desperately.

Standing in the crowd, Liu Qingcheng's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth secretly. He fell to the lion-tiger cliff and survived for two days. Qin Luoyi... was really lucky!
Twitching the corner of his mouth, a delicate and beautiful smile appeared on his cold face, and he flashed out, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the side of Qin Luoyi and his party, and said with great joy: "Little Junior Sister, that's great, Senior Sister just heard that You actually fell down the Lion-Tiger Cliff, but I was so worried...God bless you, luckily you are fine!"

While talking, she patted her chest, making a very happy look.

Jian Yuyan finally let go and was hugged by him. Qin Luoyi, who was a little stunned, looked at her with dark and gentle eyes, and there was a deep affection in his eyes that couldn't be melted away.

Qin Luoyi's gaze fell on Liu Qingcheng, missing the affectionate look in Jian Yuyan's eyes at this time, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Fifth Senior Sister, for your concern."

For some reason, Liu Qingcheng looked at her with a smile, but she felt that she exuded a cold and evil aura.

Headmaster Ge and Wu Shan glanced at each other, deep doubts flashed in both of their eyes, just now the Hei Di pounced on Qin Luoyi, they all thought that Qin Luoyi was doomed, but they didn't expect her to be unscathed It came up, which really surprised and delighted them.

What happened at that moment, because of the teleportation formation, even they didn't see it clearly, could it be that Heidipu was a step late, and when it was about to pounce on Qin Luoyi, Qin Luoyi had already left?
Even so, where did Dahei go?They saw with their own eyes that the moment Qin Luoyi crushed the teleportation spar, Dahei suddenly disappeared!

Both of them had many questions in their hearts, but there were so many people at this time, they both knew it was not the time to ask questions.

Duanmu Changqing stood on one side with hands hanging down, with an unfathomable expression, from the moment of shock when he saw Heidi rushing towards her from the bottom of the cliff, to the ecstasy when he saw her come up safely, but he hadn't waited for him to step forward, Jian Yuyan was already one step ahead and hugged Qin Luoyi tightly into his arms. The scene was so dazzling that he exhausted all his willpower to restrain himself from going forward to pull her out.

Elder Wei and the others asked Headmaster Ge in surprise, how could he come up so soon, Headmaster Ge had already thought up a set of rhetoric, and said it briefly, of course, he couldn't say a word about Dahei and Heidi He didn't mention it, not even mentioning that Mang Niu personally brought them to Qin Luoyi.

After returning to the main peak, Sect Leader Ge dismissed everyone, leaving only Wu Shan, Duanmu Changqing and Qin Luoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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