Brother is too evil

Chapter 186 Going and Returning

Chapter 186 Going and Returning (1)
"Yi'er, where's Dahei?" He looked at Qin Luoyi with burning eyes, as did Duanmu Changqing and Wu Shan.

Qin Luoyi knew that this matter could not be concealed, so he blinked with a smile, raised his wrist, revealing the simple bracelet on his wrist, with a thought, Dahei jumped out of the bracelet space.Immediately after Dahei jumped out, there was another black figure.

Dahei's expression was ugly, and Heidi's expression was even uglier. The two beasts, one white and one black, ignored the people around them, and stared at each other, full of anger.

"You actually brought them all up?" Headmaster Ge was shocked, he looked at Dahei and Heidi, and finally fixed his eyes on the jade bracelet on her wrist: "What is this?"

"This is a bracelet I got by chance. It has its own space inside and can hold anything." Seeing that Master and Uncle Wu were very curious and surprised, she simply took off the bracelet and handed it to them.

Headmaster Ge reached out to take it, looked carefully at the bracelet, then poked his consciousness in, then shook his head. He is not good at refining weapons, and he didn't notice anything unusual except that the space inside was very large.

Uncle Wu also took it and looked at it, but he also didn't see any difference, so he handed it back to Qin Luoyi, and said with a smile: "It can hold a spirit beast, this is a treasure."

Headmaster Ge nodded in agreement, especially for bringing Dahei and Heidi out of such a magical place as Shihuya, this bracelet is probably very extraordinary.

Hunyuan Dzi, the magical bracelet, the innate holy body, and the magical talent of refining eleventh-level elixir under the age of 20... This closed disciple who happened to come to the Holy Dragon Continent really made him more and more beautiful. The more shocked she is, the blessings are so profound, as long as she cultivates hard and finds a way to hide the fact that she has the Hunyuan Dzi on her body, in time, maybe she will be able to stand at the pinnacle of this continent!

Thinking of this, he looked at Qin Luoyi with vague anticipation and a trace of pride that couldn't be concealed.


When they were all paying attention to the bracelet, Dahei and Heidi screamed wildly and rushed out.

Qin Luoyi looked at their figures running out, and stroked his forehead with some headaches.

She didn't even think that the Hei Emperor's strength would be so frightening. The moment she was about to leave, he could rush straight into the bracelet space without her consent!
When Qin Luoyi came out, Dahei and Heidi were no longer on the main peak, and those two enemies had gone to nowhere.

Sighing, she turned back again. When Hei Di came out, he took away all the spiritual plants and spars that Da Hei had obtained from Shihu Cliff... I hope Da Hei and Hei Di don't fight, Hei Emperor's cultivation base is terrifying, and it is Dahei who really suffers in a fight.

Dahei had been busy for two days, and the bamboo basket was empty, so he must be very angry. In fact, why wasn't she disappointed?

But things have come to this, it is useless to be disappointed, I just hope that Hei Di will not be too serious for the sake of Dahei being the same kind as it!
"How did you fall down the Shihu Cliff?" After returning, Master Ge asked her seriously.

Qin Luoyi thought about it, did not hide anything, and told the whole thing from beginning to end.

As soon as he heard that the incident had something to do with Jian Yuyan, Wu Shan's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately called Jian Yuyan.

"You received my note. You went to Yuzang Mountain that night? You obviously didn't give you a note. We were together that day, why should I give you a note?" Jian Yuyan looked at Qin Luoyi in shock.

Qin Luoyi smiled helplessly: "I think so too, said something very important to me on the note, I think Yuzang Mountain is too far away, so I went to Rising Sun Peak again, who knows But you are gone, I just thought you had gone to Yuzang Mountain, so I rushed there too."

"Just after you left that day, Master asked me to go out to do some errands. I left the sect, but I didn't go to Yuzang Mountain at all, and I didn't leave a note for you!"

Jian Yuyan's handsome face turned livid. She never thought that the cause of the incident was because of him, and Yi'er was conspired to fall off the Lion-Tiger Cliff because of going to his unnecessary date!

Wu Shan asked Qin Luoyi when he arrived at Rising Sun Peak, he pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "I can testify to this matter, I sent him out that day, when you arrived at Rising Sun Peak, he should have not left. Inside my cave on the top of the mountain."

Qin Luoyi nodded, sighed and said, "Of course I know it's not his, but I can't figure out why someone would use his name to harm me."

Duanmu Changqing's complexion was also very ugly, he pursed his thin lips, and said, "Take out the note and have a look, maybe you can see something from it."

Jian Yuyan's dark and warm eyes flashed a strong evil spirit, and he also wanted to know who wanted to harm Yi'er.

Qin Luoyi smiled wryly, looked at Jian Yuyan and said, "That handwriting is exactly the same as yours. I have seen your handwriting, so I recognize it naturally. It is because it is too similar, so I believed it was true and went to Yuzang Mountain."

Jian Yuyan's expression changed, and there was a strong dangerous breath between his brows. He approached Qin Luoyi and said in a deep voice, "Let me see if they are really the same."

In his name, he sent a letter to Qin Luoyi, and even imitated his handwriting... let Yi'er believe it!Who is it that deliberately designed all this?And who is it that is determined to take Yi'er's life?

Sect Leader Ge's expression also became very solemn, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, show us the note."

When it came to the note, Qin Luoyi's expression became a little strange, and then he handed a blank piece of paper to Jian Yuyan.

"What is this?" Jian Yuyan was startled.

"This is the note, but now the handwriting on it is completely gone." Qin Luoyi blinked and said.

Duanmu Changqing stood beside Jian Yuyan, originally planning to read the handwriting on the note, but did not see the words at this time, but smelled a strange fragrance, with a cold light in his eyes and said: "This paper is specially made , the words written on it will disappear completely in a short time!"

Headmaster Ge took a look, Shu's face darkened, and he said angrily: "You are so careful, you want to kill my apprentice without showing any trace!"

"Yes, if Changqing hadn't accidentally discovered that the jade hairpin belonged to you, no one would have thought that you were hidden and fell under the lion and tiger cliff." Wu Shan said, "Do you know the person who plotted against you?"

Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, he looked at Duanmu Changqing, but he was meeting his unfathomable eyes, his heart skipped a beat, he quickly moved away and shook his head, saying: "I don't know."

Headmaster Ge noticed her momentary hesitation, and after everyone left, he asked her alone: ​​"You really don't know the person who attacked you?"

(End of this chapter)

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