Brother is too evil

Chapter 199 Brown Candy Yan Nantian

Chapter 199 Brown Candy Yan Nantian (3)
The well-fitting and exquisite moon-white dress outlined her perfect figure very charmingly. Many male monks who were watching outside all had their eyes on her, their eyes shone with amazement, and some even whispered , asking each other about her name and sect.

Knowing that she is actually the closed disciple of Penglai Xiandao, who was famously moved in this period of time, and was exceptionally accepted by the head of Piao Miao Zongge's sect, in addition to being amazed, curiosity also appeared in her eyes.

Jian Yuyan, who was dressed in black and brocade robes, stood gracefully in the crowd with her hands behind her back, looking at Qin Luoyi with a calm and introverted but breathtaking brilliance in her warm eyes.

Beside him, stood a young man dressed in a blue brocade robe, with starry eyes and sword eyes, thick brows and frivolous eyebrows, thin lips slightly curled up, a jade face with a smile, and a hint of evil charm on his handsome face , the whole person exudes a cynical and dissolute air of a romantic son.

The two of them just stood there casually, but the extraordinary aura exuding from their bodies attracted the eyes of many monks, and the eyes of those female monks looked at them, full of admiration .

However, the eyes of both of them fell on Qin Luoyi in the field, and they seemed to be indifferent to the admiring gazes cast on themselves by other people, and they didn't even look at them.

"Sixth-grade elixir, Junior Sister Qin should be fine, right?" the man in blue murmured. He is the son of Yan Gui, the master of the Moon Pavilion, named Yan Nantian. Since the first day he came to Jinding Mountain, he saw Qin After Luoyi, he was astonished as a man of heaven, and he made no secret of his love for Qin Luoyi, wrapping around Qin Luoyi's side like brown sugar every day.

Knowing that Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan are both from the Holy Dragon Continent, and they are brothers and sisters, in order to win the beauty's heart, he took the initiative to establish a good relationship with Jian Yuyan.

Jian Yuyan frowned slightly after listening to his muttering, a dark light flashed in his eyes, he didn't speak, and got along with Yan Nantian for half a month, now when he heard him speak, he couldn't help but want to use his strength Beat his impulses away.

Jian Yuyan didn't speak, and Yan Nantian didn't care, pointing to a man in Tsing Yi who was not far from Qin Luoyi, curled his lips and said with a smile: "This Tang Changle from Jiuyou Palace is very good, but he is only in his sixties. It is already ten years ago that he can refine the eighth-rank pill. There are rumors that he can even refine the ninth-rank pill now, but he kept it secret just to win the alchemist conference. The greatest hope is to win the championship in this Alchemist Conference."

Jian Yuyan pursed her thin lips, followed the direction of his fingers, glanced lightly, and saw the Tang Changshan he was talking about. He was of medium height and not very good-looking. Maybe it was because he was able to refine the eighth-order elixir at a young age. , with an unconcealable arrogance on his body.

After only one glance, he turned his gaze away and landed on Qin Luoyi again. If you can refine the eighth-level elixir in your 60s, you can win the championship?

How can it be!

Even if he was able to refine ninth-level pills as rumored, it is impossible to beat Yi'er. As early as more than a year ago in the Holy Dragon Continent, Yi'er was able to refine eleventh-level pills.

The champion of today's alchemist conference must be her.

Yan Nantian looked at his disapproving eyes, his heart moved, he glanced at Qin Luoyi thoughtfully, then continued to point to another direction, there was a slender young man with a feminine appearance: "That's Murong from the Paradise of Paradise Absolutely, there are rumors that it is possible to refine a ninth-level elixir."

Hearing the words Dongtianfudi, Jian Yuyan looked over.

Qin Luoyi once told him about his grievances with Dongtian Paradise, and he deliberately inquired about it. Xiao Tian's master is Zhou Tian, ​​the elder of Dongtian Paradise, and the old man has cultivated to the seventh level of Yufu. He has a very high status in the school, and he has three disciples, one of them is Xiao Tian, ​​the other is Gao Yang, and the other is Murong Jue.Since he is from the Paradise of Paradise and his name is Murong Jue, he should be Zhou Tian's first disciple.

"These two people will definitely be able to enter the ice field. When the ice field is opened, only three people can enter. They will secure two spots, and the other spot, the competition will be fierce. They can't refine the eighth-order top-grade medicine, I'm afraid Unable to participate in the final round of finals... Hey, you tell me how many tiers of elixir Junior Sister Qin can refine, so that I have a bottom line in my heart."

Jian Yuyan snorted coldly, and said impatiently: "How many grades of pills can be refined, don't you know after reading it? Those two people will definitely be able to enter the ice field? It's too early for you to say these things now."

Yan Nantian rolled his eyes, then sneered and said, "Don't underestimate these two people, I said that they can enter the ice region, it is not without grounds, why not, let's take a gamble?"

When it comes to gambling, his eyes light up.

Jian Yuyan ignored him.

Yan Nantian rubbed his nose and said with a sneer: "Hey, I have to think about it. If Junior Sister Qin is frustrated and fails to refine the sixth-order elixir, she must need my comfort."

At the beginning, he made a good relationship with Jian Yuyan in order to pursue beautiful women. He was originally a very smart person, but after meeting him a few times, he could see that Jian Yuyan was clearly in love with Qin Luoyi, but he didn't know why Qin Luoyi didn't see it, Jian Yuyan also saw him jumping out, and he couldn't help but didn't confess, making him curious, he couldn't help but rejoice, and couldn't help being happy, otherwise, if Qin Luoyi found out, he would suddenly fall in love. For a day, he just said that he likes Jian Yuyan, how could he have a chance!

Jian Yuyan's perfect thin lips were pursed even tighter, her dark eyes were sparkling with fire, and she was about to speak, "Boom!", a long and long bell suddenly rang, and the first round of competition was over.

Immediately, he stopped paying attention to Yan Nantian, and his eyes fell on the field again.

Among the hundreds of alchemists, 60 made useless alchemy, and ten were too slow to make a complete alchemy. All [-] of them were eliminated.

Qin Luoyi passed the level without any suspense, and Wen Lingtian and Bai Che also passed the level smoothly.After leaving the arena, Yan Nantian quickly came up to meet him, and laughed loudly: "Junior Sister Qin, you are so powerful that you can actually refine a sixth-grade pill."

Qin Luoyi glanced at him with a half-smile, and jokingly said: "I can't make a sixth-grade pill, what am I doing here for the alchemist competition, it's embarrassing?"

Yan Nantian suddenly suppressed the evil energy in his body, and said in a very serious tone: "In order to celebrate my sister, you have successfully passed the first test, I will treat you at noon today, and go to Yuelai Building for a drink." Yuelai Building is the largest building in Jinding Mountain. Restaurant.

Qin Luoyi waved his hand quickly, and said with a smile on his lips: "Forget it, forget it, I still have two drinks, and there will be another competition in the afternoon. I'm drunk, so you can't take responsibility for not participating?"

Yan Nantian's eyes lit up, and he approached with a smile: "As long as you are willing, brother, I am naturally willing to take responsibility." The eyes that stared at her kept discharging, and there was a wave of affection on his handsome and evil face. .

(End of this chapter)

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