Chapter 200
This is completely chicken and duck talking.

Goosebumps appeared on Qin Luoyi's body, he turned around and ignored him, treated him like an invisible person, and left with Jian Yuyan talking and laughing. Like a brown candy that can't be shaken off, he followed with a giggle.

Standing on the high platform, the Pavilion Master of the Moon Reaching Pavilion raised his eyebrows and looked at their distant figures thoughtfully.

His son's cultivation talent is not to be said, but he has a romantic nature, but it is the first time that he spares no effort to pursue a woman.For the past half month, he had limited time to stay by his side, and whenever he was free, he went to find Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi...a monk at the peak of a martial sage, with a good cultivation talent, and also a closed disciple of Sect Master Ge, who can refine sixth-order elixirs.

Although the sixth-order elixir is not uncommon, it is expensive because she has refined it at such a young age. Presumably, as long as she is given enough spiritual plants to practice her hands and has enough time to grow, her success in the future is bound to be not small.

There was a shrewd smile on the thin lips.He secretly decided in his heart that if his son really liked it, it would be an excellent thing for him to form a double cultivation with the disciple of the head of the Piao Miao Sect.

In the afternoon, there was a competition to refine seventh-level pills. After one match, nearly a hundred people were eliminated, and Qin Luoyi easily won again. Bai Che also succeeded in refining pills. Wen Lingtian's refining was very thrilling, and almost became a useless pill. In the end, he handled it well and finally passed the level.

The Pavilion Master of the Moon Picking Pavilion looked at Qin Luoyi with extremely burning eyes, and his idea of ​​marrying the Piaomiao Sect became more determined.

Yan Nantian was also very happy, but couldn't hold back his insistence, so Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan had to go to Yuelailou Xiaoqing in the evening, but they called Wen Lingtian and Bai Che before they left.

Wen Lingtian and Bai Che, if they said that they were good to Qin Luoyi before because she was the head disciple and she was unparalleled in appearance, now they sincerely admire her.

They are more than 100 years older than her, and it is also a matter of nearly a hundred years old to be able to refine seventh-level pills. I didn't expect that she would be able to refine seventh-level pills when she was only a teenager, and the pills were more successful than them. Alright, it's the seventh-order top-grade pill!

Originally, Senior Brother Song had the opportunity to participate in the competition, but he missed out on this competition just because the master master ordered Qin Luoyi. They even fought for him, and they all thought that Qin Luoyi was because he was the disciple of the master. Only then did Senior Brother Song qualify for the competition. From now on, it is obvious that she came here based on her real strength.

Because they actually doubted the fairness of the head's handling of things, the two secretly felt guilty.

Yuelai Building is full of ancient flavor and magnificent momentum. It is very famous in the area of ​​Jinding Mountains.

When they entered, there were almost no empty seats in the Yuelai Building. Many monks were drinking and talking. Of course, they were talking about the alchemy competition on the main peak of Jinding Mountain today, guessing who would be able to make it to the end. , into the magical ice field.

Since the competition lasted only two rounds, less than one-third of the people were eliminated, and there were still more than 200 people left.

Dressed in a red brocade dress, Qin Luoyi, who looked bright and beautiful, walked into the Yuelai Building, and Jian Yuyan was beside her. Yan Nantian, a man like Yan Nantian who was facing the wind from a tree and exuding elegance and nobility all over his body, immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Yuelai Building. Everyone's attention.

There were not many female alchemists competing today, and Qin Luoyi was standing at the front again, looking so bright and unparalleled, as soon as she walked into the Yuelai Building, everyone in the Yuelai Building recognized her, and many young men Amazement flashed in their eyes, while many female monks looked at her enviously, and at Jian Yuyan and Yan Nantian beside her.

Wen Lingfeng and Bai Che are also handsome and handsome. If they stood there alone, they might attract the admiring gazes of many young girls, but at this time, with Jian Yuyan and Yan Nantian present, the two of them were completely reduced to a foil, a little sad Pale.

There were almost no empty seats in the Yuelai Building, Yan Nantian was clearly prepared, when he entered the building, a servant quickly came up to greet them, and led them upstairs very attentively.On the second floor, by the window, there were a few vacant seats, and the servant took them there.

After Qin Luoyi sat down, he found that many people upstairs were very familiar, most of them were alchemists who participated in the competition today, and most of them were the ones everyone downstairs was talking about.

The wine sold in Yuelai Building is not ordinary wine, but spiritual wine. It tastes very good, but it has a bit of stamina. Qin Luoyi took a few sips before stopping the glass.

The dishes served were even more delicious in color, flavor and taste, enough to beautify a star restaurant in the modern era. Qin Luoyi's appetite was whetted after he hadn't eaten such delicious food for a long time, and he ate it very refreshingly without pretending to be reserved.

Seeing that she likes her, Yan Nantian couldn't help but narrow his eyes with a smile. He is very eloquent and knowledgeable. Every time a dish is served, he can tell a humorous allusion, which makes the atmosphere on the table very good. Harmony, when it comes to the highlights, even the people sitting next to them can't help but stop the wine glass in their hands and listen to it.

Qin Luoyi had a bright smile on her face, and while she was eating, there were people joking and joking, she was very happy and at ease.

Yan Nantian was the host, of course, he was not only patronizing to please the beauties, nor did he neglect Jian Yuyan, Wen Lingtian and Bai Che.

Jian Yuyan is Wu Shan's disciple, so if he could be favored by Wu Shan, he would not be a mediocre person with a mere appearance, and Wen Lingtian and Bai Che are both able to refine eighth-level elixir, so their achievements in the future may not be their fault. Under the master, Elder Jiang, taking advantage of this opportunity to establish a good relationship with them in advance is always beneficial and harmless.

Jian Yuyan sat on the left side of Qin Luoyi, with a warm and unparalleled smile on his handsome face, while talking, he also paid attention to Qin Luoyi's movements.

Often Qin Luoyi only needs to look at her, and he will know what she wants to eat, and then he will pick it up for her in advance.

Shrimp and other things that need to be peeled will be peeled first and then put into her bowl.

Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan have known each other for a long time, and it's not the first time Jian Yuyan has done these things. She has long been used to it. So intimate and natural.

Wen Lingtian and Bai Che have been together for nearly two months, and they understand that Jian Yuyan likes Qin Luoyi, but they are still very surprised to see him express their intimacy without hesitation.

Yan Nantian didn't ask Jian Yuyan what level of alchemist Qin Luoyi was, but he still didn't give up, so he asked again while Qin Luoyi was happy.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him with a half-smile, then changed the subject while continuing to eat.

It's not that she deliberately made Joe unwilling to say it, but that after she said it, she was really afraid of scaring him.

(End of this chapter)

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