Brother is too evil

Chapter 209 Peach Blossom

Chapter 209 Peach Blossom (1)
The Jinding Mountain competition is over, and the top three rankings have been determined. There are still ten days before the opening of the ice field. The three sects that can qualify to enter the ice field are making active preparations.

"Murongjue has lost the purple furnace and entered the ice field, you have to be very careful about him." Wu Shan was afraid that Murongjue would take revenge with resentment, and reminded Qin Luoyi that after all, Murongjue is the Qingfu. The peak cultivation base, and Qin Luoyi is the peak martial saint.

"I'm afraid he will do something, if he dares to make trouble for us, I will slap him to death." Dahei's eyes are full of calculations, it is looking for a chance to take revenge, Murong Jue sent it to the door, just right, Bingyu is his place of burial Place!

Wu Shan laughed, and patted his forehead. He actually forgot that Qin Luoyi had a strange bracelet that could hold these two strange beasts.

Coming out from Uncle Wu, he happened to meet Jian Yuyan whose eyes were as bright as stars, and Jian Yuyan took her to a secluded valley.

The warm wind blows across the face, bringing bursts of fragrant grass aroma.The trees in the valley are tall and lush, with clusters of green leaves. The sun shines through the branches, casting light shadows, and the leaves on the trees dance with the wind, making a "rustling" sound.

"Yi'er, I have something to tell you." Jian Yuyan looked at Qin Luoyi with burning eyes, and his voice was clear and melodious.

"Tell me, I'm listening." Qin Luoyi's eyes fell on a butterfly flying in front of him, and when he heard the words, he turned around and smiled at him, but he didn't notice Jian Yuyan's strangeness. After speaking, his eyes moved quickly went back.

Jian Yuyan looked at her white and jade-like side face, and suddenly reached out, held her shoulders, and with a little force, turned her body around, facing herself: "Yi'er, look at me."

Qin Luoyi, who was held by his shoulders, was startled at first, and then suddenly realized that what Jian Yuyan was going to tell him now was very important... Blinking his eyes, pursing his red lips, he looked at him quite seriously.

Jian Yuyan looked at her extremely serious face, the corners of her eyes twitched, she was angry and funny, she really wanted to hug her tightly and tell her her heart.

Seeing Jian Yuyan holding his shoulders and looking at him with burning eyes, suspicion flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.Didn't he have something to say to himself, why didn't he say it now.

Jian Yuyan looked at her, and she also looked at Jian Yuyan's handsome face... To be honest, Jian Yuyan is really good-looking, with thin red lips, delicate facial features like a knife, especially those black pupils that are slightly raised Against the backdrop of the sword eyebrows, it is obviously warm and unfathomable.

Especially when he is staring at her now, as if staring at his beloved, being stared at by this peerless handsome face with such ambiguous eyes, her heart suddenly beats a few times faster for no reason, A gleam of light flickered away.

"Yi'er, I like you. I have liked you since the first time we met..." Jian Yuyan looked into her phoenix eyes and began to confess. Now that he has decided to express his heart, he will not hesitate anymore. Yan Nantian's appearance , It really made him feel a great crisis.

When Qin Luoyi heard this, his lips parted slightly, his eyes widened, and he looked at him in disbelief.Jian Yuyan likes her...or was it love at first sight?The heartbeat that was slightly accelerated just because of looking at his handsome face made it beat faster.

He secretly took two deep breaths, and managed to get his heartbeat back to normal.Jian Yuyan is indeed a good man, handsome and gentle, and he treats her very well. If it is in modern times, there must be many people rushing for such a good man, but she... Thinking of Gao Tianxiang, her eyes dimmed, and she lowered her eyes. He lowered his eyelids, hiding the complex emotions in his eyes.

Jian Yuyan's heart was full of tenderness. After getting along for more than two years, he knew that Qin Luoyi didn't reject him, and even liked her a little. At this moment, he looked at her with surprise in his eyes, and then lowered his head, thinking that she was just shy That's all.

"Little sister."

Just when Qin Luoyi was thinking about how to reject Jian Yuyan so as not to hurt him, a familiar voice suddenly came from the front. She looked up and saw that it was Duanmu Changqing who hadn't seen her for two months.

Duanmu Changqing walked quickly from a distance, with a slender and straight body, wearing a white wide-sleeved robe embroidered with unicorn shading, her jet-black hair was neatly tied on the top of her head, her dark eyes looked bright, and there was a dark light flickering at the bottom of her eyes , but the corners of his lips curled up, which softened his indifferent and cold handsome face a lot, and his whole body exuded a noble demeanor that looked down on the world.

Both Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan looked at him, but their thoughts were different.

Jian Yuyan was at the critical moment of confessing his confession, so he never thought that Duanmu Changqing would suddenly jump out, pursed his perfect thin lips, and looked at him with a slight frown.

Given that Duanmu Changqing had already reached the elementary level of Yufu, he should have heard what he said to Qin Luoyi just now, but he still came out... Startled, a sudden thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

Could it be that Duanmu Changqing also likes clothes?
This thought just passed by in a flash, and instantly made his heart sink, his eyes dimmed, and he carefully looked at Duanmu Changqing's expression.

"Second brother."

Qin Luoyi greeted Duanmu Changqing, and naturally he couldn't say the words of rejecting Jian Yuyan now.

Duanmu Changqing looked at Qin Luoyi with an unconcealable smile, mixed with a trace of inexplicable pampering and tenderness.

Jian Yuyan is a caring person at this time, what else can't be seen?The warm black eyes instantly became sharp.

"Junior Sister, congratulations, you have actually refined a ninth-grade top-grade pill, and won the No. 1 in this alchemy competition." Duanmu Changqing said with his thin lips slightly parted, looking at her with burning eyes.

Qin Luoyi looked at the expression on his face, saw that his congratulations were sincere, so he couldn't help but smiled and said a few words of humility.

Afterwards, the topic revolved around alchemy, and Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan had a tacit understanding and did not mention the matter just now.

Duanmu Changqing also told her that she must be careful after entering the ice field. In the ice field, although some things are good, they are protected by peerless killing arrays.

Uncle Wu Shan had already said these words before, Duanmu Changqing said again, Qin Luoyi didn't care, he knew in his heart that Duanmu Changqing's instructions were just for fear that she would have an accident inside and cause him trouble, but Jian Yuyan listened, The darkness in his eyes became thicker, and he became more certain about the guess in his heart.

Until it got dark, Jian Yuyan couldn't find time to be alone with Qin Luoyi, no matter where he went, Duanmu Changqing followed, two men and one woman, the men were both handsome and unparalleled, and the women were bright and beautiful, It was another alchemy genius who had recently emerged in the past two days, and many people stopped and looked at him quietly.

"Look, that's Miss Qin from the Piaomiao Sect."

"The person following her is actually Mr. Duanmu Changqing. I heard that Mr. Duanmu is young and has already cultivated out of Yufu."

"He and Mr. Feng Feili's cultivation base are both leaders of the younger generation of Penglai Xiandao. Back then, they defeated many heaven's favored ones on Penglai Xiandao."

(End of this chapter)

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