Brother is too evil

Chapter 210 Peach Blossom

Chapter 210 Peach Blossom (2)
"None of the disciples accepted by Sect Master Ge are mediocre. Mr. Duanmu and Mr. Feng are astounding all over the world, and the disciple he is accepting now is also a blockbuster on this Jinding Mountain."

"However, who is the other white-clothed man next to Miss Qin? He is not inferior to Mr. Duanmu, but he is not inferior at all, even if he is a martial arts sage, and he is probably not something in the pool."

"You don't even know him?"

"Why, he's also very famous? I've only been in seclusion for half a year, so what happened to Penglai Xiandao?"

"Hey, let me tell you, he is the younger brother of the head of the Piao Miao Sect. The new disciple that Senior Wu Shan has accepted is naturally not an ordinary person. Given time, he will definitely shine in this continent."

Wherever they passed, fiery eyes fell on them, and they whispered to each other non-stop.

The three of them returned to the camp of Misty Sect, the tent was brightly lit, when they passed by Martial Uncle Wu Shan's camp, there were hearty conversations coming from inside, obviously Martial Uncle Wu Shan had guests.

"Old Wu, we have been friends for thousands of years, you must help me with this matter."

"You don't care what they do with young people's affairs. Besides, Luoyi is still young. My senior brother attaches great importance to this newly recruited closed disciple."

Hearing himself mentioned in their words, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but stop, and looked sideways slightly.

Jian Yuyan and Duanmu Changqing also stopped, their eyes flickered, they looked into the tent, guessing who the people inside were.

"Her alchemy is very good now, even her cultivation base... double cultivation will not delay her cultivation base, but can make her cultivation base improve faster. In fact, I don't want to care about young people's affairs. Yes, but Nan Tian, ​​you also watched him grow up, this child, he really likes and cares about Miss Qin, hehe, I think Miss Qin gets along very well with him..."

Hearing this, Qin Luoyi already understood who the person in the room was, it turned out to be the owner of the Zhaiyue Pavilion, Yan Nantian's father——Yan Gui!
Gritting his teeth, he scolded Yan Nantian countless times in his heart. It's just that he didn't have a positive figure to harass her all day long. He even asked his father to come to see Master Wu and openly wanted to double cultivate with her. Before he did these things, why? Why don't you ask her first?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. If Yan Nantian was in front of her right now, she really wanted to beat him up.

Her complexion was not good-looking, Jian Yuyan and Duanmu Changqing's complexion was even worse, and the look in their eyes was a little gloomy.

Especially Duanmu Changqing, he had only been away from Qin Luoyi for two months, and as soon as he arrived at Jinding Mountain, he saw Jian Yuyan holding Qin Luoyi's shoulders and saying that he liked her... Now this Yan Gui is even better , To actually want Yi'er and his son to double repair!He also said that his son and Yi'er got along well... In such a short period of time, two rivals in love appeared, and he couldn't help but feel depressed.

Early the next morning, when Qin Luoyi walked out of the tent, he saw a slender black figure standing in the distance, leaning lazily on a big tree, and when he saw her come out, a hint of charm bloomed on his handsome face. With a smile, he quickly flitted over and called her affectionately: "Junior Sister Qin."

Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, and he squinted at him, gritted his teeth secretly, walked over with a smile.

Yan Nantian looked at her graceful figure approaching with a smile, and his heart jumped wildly. Before Qin Luoyi saw him, he was always indifferent. No matter what tricks he used, he had never seen her be so enthusiastic towards him.

Could it be that her deep feelings moved her, and she was willing to accept herself?Thinking of this, he became even more excited, watching her dark eyes glow brightly.

Jian Yuyan came out, looking at Yan Nantian who had come early in the morning, his handsome expression was unpredictable.

Duanmu Changqing also came out of the tent, looked at the black figure, and at Qin Luoyi who walked over with a smile, his handsome eyebrows frowned, and a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Yan, it's been a long time. I didn't expect you to come to Jinding Mountain." Duanmu Changqing walked over quickly. Beside Qin Luoyi, he greeted Yan Nantian, and the displeasure in his eyes had already faded away.

"Hehe, so it's Brother Duanmu." Yan Nantian naturally knew Duanmu Changqing, and greeted him with a smile, then his burning eyes fell on Qin Luoyi again.

Duanmu Changqing snorted coldly to himself, the sharp light in his eyes flashed away.

Jian Yuyan also walked over gracefully.

Yan Nantian was greeted by Qin Luoyi with a smile today, he was so excited, he just wanted to find an opportunity to spend some time alone with Qin Luoyi, and cultivate their relationship. Speak with them for a while.

Seeing the three of them talking endlessly, Qin Luoyi became a little impatient, quietly tugged at Yan Nantian's sleeves, carried Jian Yuyan and Duanmu Changqing on his back, his dark eyes glistened, and smiled at Yan Nantian , pointed to the outside, and whispered: "I have something to tell you."

Although her voice was low, Jian Yuyan, who had the lowest level of cultivation, was also a martial sage, so she heard her words clearly.Not to mention Duanmu Changqing.

Jian Yuyan pursed her thin lips, Duanmu Changqing's eyes flickered with a sharp coldness, only Yan Nantian couldn't help being overjoyed.

At this moment, he no longer cared about arguing with Duanmu Changqing and Jian Yuyan, and after quickly saying goodbye to the two, Qin Luoyi left the camp of Piaomiaozong with him.

Qin Luoyi wanted to teach Yan Nantian a lesson, so he took him to a remote and inaccessible place.

"Junior Sister Qin, what do you want to say to me?" After Qin Luoyi stopped, Yan Nantian couldn't wait to ask her, a look of anticipation flashed in his evil black eyes.

Qin Luoyi looked at him, the smile on his face faded, his brows stood upright, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said angrily, "When did I say that I want to double cultivate with you? Yan Nantian, you actually asked your father to find me?" Uncle!"

Yan Nantian, who was still immersed in all kinds of joyful conjectures, did not expect that Qin Luoyi could turn his face faster than turning a book, and what she said to him was not at all what he expected.

He was taken aback at first, but fortunately he was a very smart and agile person, so he quickly came to his senses, straightened his expression, looked at her very sincerely in a deep voice and said, "Junior Sister Qin, I'm serious about you, I I really want to be with you forever."

Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth, his eyes gleamed coldly, so he really knew that his father came to look for Master Wu!

"Are you serious about me? You want to be with me forever. How many girls have you told me?" She raised her chin slightly, stared at him and said, "Miss Li Mengyao from Nanling? Xia Ruyu from the Xia family Miss? Miss Keqi of Hanyu Palace, and the oiran of Baihualou, you must have told them all."

(End of this chapter)

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