Brother is too evil

Chapter 211 Entering the Ice Region

Chapter 211 Entering the Ice Region (1)
Yan Nantian, as the powerful young master of the Yueyue Tower, has a noble status, a high talent for cultivation, and a handsome and romantic appearance. She has heard a lot of his romantic affairs when she came to Jinding Mountain this time, and even here On Jinding Mountain, he also met two of the girls. The reason why he didn't come to look for him yesterday was because the girl Li Mengyao from Nanling was by his side, and he couldn't get away.

Because of Yan Nantian's entanglement with her before, many people even secretly discussed, saying that they don't know how long Young Master Yan's enthusiasm will last this time... Shuangxiu with him?Don't say she doesn't like this playboy, just like him, knowing that he is so romantic, she will cut off that love!

Listening to Qin Luoyi counting all the women related to him, Yan Nantian was stunned at first, then thought that Qin Luoyi was jealous, and felt a little happy in his heart, and hurriedly explained: "Junior Sister Qin, I promise, From now on, I will only like you, those... are all stupid things I did before, if I had known that I would meet you in my life, I wouldn't even look at them."

While talking, he stretched out his hand to take her hand.Qin Luoyi's eyes were full of sarcasm, and he avoided it as soon as he moved his feet.

"You can watch whoever you want, I'm just warning you, if you let people talk nonsense in front of my master and uncle, I won't finish with you!"

Qin Luoyi told him to be serious, but Yan Nantian thought she was being petty, and he had listened to women's duplicity before, so he walked over again, this time wanting to hold her in his arms, so that he could talk tenderly Fan, it will definitely turn her anger into joy.

"Junior Sister Qin, as I said, I will only look at you in the future, and only like you... Forgive me for my previous foolishness."

Qin Luoyi couldn't help rolling his eyes, he didn't expect him to be so self-righteous, he quickly dodged backwards, and didn't let him succeed, he raised his wrist, and threw out a ninth-level wind blade talisman, and suddenly, a fierce gust of wind howled towards him. He hacked.

Yan Nantian was caught off guard. Fortunately, his cultivation base was high, so he was not hurt by the overwhelming wind blade. However, because he was too unexpected, two long cuts were cut on his sleeve by the wind blade. .

A look of helplessness flashed across Yan Nantian's incomparably handsome face. Through Wen Lingtian and Bai Che, he already knew that Jian Yuyan was an expert in refining talismans and could refine very high-level talismans. Don't even think about it, this talisman must be Jian Yuyan Give it to her.

Such a high-level talisman, if sold, would cost at least 10 taels of silver. Qin Luoyi...she was really willing to throw it out without even blinking.

"Junior Sister Qin, if you want to beat me and scold me to vent your anger, just say yes, I will definitely not fight back. Don't waste these talismans, they might be useful in the ice field." He stood there, motionless, The look of letting her be slaughtered.

Qin Luoyi was angry and funny, but his eyes were still cold, and he lightly reprimanded: "Don't let your father come to my uncle and master again to talk about double cultivation and marriage, otherwise, I will beat you every time I see you. , go find your friends."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left without hesitation.Originally, she wanted to give him a serious lesson, and even called Dahei and Heidi, but seeing him say this now, it was really difficult to start.

Seeing her resolutely leaving figure, Yan Nantian finally came to his senses, Qin Luoyi didn't joke.A strange light flashed in his black eyes, and he stood there for a moment before quickly chasing after Qin Luoyi in the direction where he left.

After he left, there were two figures not far away, they also disappeared in a flash, and went away quickly.

When seeing Duanmu Changqing again, Duanmu Changqing's handsome face was full of smiles, and he was obviously in a very happy mood. Looking at her, his eyes were so gentle that she felt goosebumps all over her body.

"It's getting more and more abnormal. Is he a ghost?" Qin Luoyi murmured to himself. Now Duanmu Changqing, the cold man she met for the first time, is like a different person. Let her Really not used to it.

The grievances between the two of them, it is impossible for her to release his acupoints just because he faces her with a smiling face every day, and then her head gets hot. Since she said, she will wait until her cultivation level is higher than his. , I will definitely wait until then, so I won't be fooled by him!

After listening to her talking to herself, Jian Yuyan stroked her forehead speechlessly, with a deep smile in her eyes.

For the next two days, as long as Qin Luoyi went out, Jian Yuyan and Duanmu Changqing would be by her side, Duanmu Changqing was fine, knowing that his gentleness was an illusion, but every time he faced Jian Yuyan , and the undisguised affection in his eyes, but Qin Luoyi was very uneasy, and felt that he should find an opportunity to clarify some things with him instead of procrastinating like this.

In the evening, she asked Dahei to bring a letter and asked Jian Yuyan out to the valley where Jian Yuyan confessed to her that day.

When she arrived, Jian Yuyan had already been here for a long time. She was dressed in a silver brocade robe, and her handsome silhouette looked deeper and softer under the faint moonlight. She looked at her with a pair of dark eyes full of deep affection, and said with a smile: "Yi'er, come here!" gone."

Qingyue's voice called her name, but with an inexplicable charm, it made Qin Luoyi's heart tremble on the spot.

The two stood facing each other, Jian Yuyan was dressed in fluttering silver clothes, Qin Luoyi was dressed in red, her phoenix eyes were shining, and her face as white as jade was extraordinarily bright and beautiful.

"Jian Yuyan..."


Unexpectedly, the two of them would speak at the same time. Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan were taken aback for a moment, and then they both laughed. The inexplicably tense atmosphere was suddenly relieved.

Jian Yuyan stretched out his hand, gently took Qin Luoyi's hand, and asked her to sit down on a boulder. Of course, before sitting down, he carefully took out a blanket and put it under it.

This act of always thinking about her made Qin Luoyi very heartwarming, and secretly sighed softly in his heart.

It's a pity, if such a man met before she met Gao Tianxiang, she would definitely hold him tightly in her hands, but...with Gao Tianxiang's injury first, and with Chu Yifeng's love After being entangled, she is not blessed to have such a good man.

"Jian Yuyan, let's just be like this, and be brothers and sisters forever." Looking at Jian Yuyan's handsome face, she finally said the words of rejection.If you want to say that in this world, what emotion is most likely to change is love, and the thing that is least likely to change is friendship.

Friendship can last forever, but when love is strong, it is intoxicating. Become a resentful spouse, this is the life of a mortal for decades, but a monk, life is longer, love... will only be a flash in the pan.

(End of this chapter)

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