Brother is too evil

Chapter 212 Entering the Ice Region

Chapter 212 Entering the Ice Region (2)
To be brothers and sisters for a lifetime?

Qin Luoyi's words were like a hammer hitting Jian Yuyan's heart heavily, a hint of disappointment flashed quickly in his dark eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and he still looked at her warmly and gracefully.


Qin Luoyi naturally didn't miss the disappointment in his eyes, and a strange sour feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

"As the saying goes, men are like clothes, and brothers and sisters are like brothers and feet. With our relationship, we naturally can't let you be the clothes that can be changed at any time." She raised her lips and smiled, with a playful look in her eyes.

Jian Yuyan was startled for a moment, and then his eyes flashed with a strange brilliance: "Yi'er, I'm a little greedy, I want to be your siblings, but also the clothes on your body."

Qin Luoyi was stunned, the smile on his lips disappeared, a sad look appeared on his pretty face, he glanced at him, then raised his head to look at the dark night sky, and said in a low voice: "Ah, actually... I'll tell you the truth You, I already have someone I like."

Since a tactful refusal could not make Jian Yuyan give up, Qin Luoyi decided to give him a heavy dose of medicine.

"Do you have someone you like?" Jian Yuyan's heart jumped, and he couldn't help holding her shoulders with both hands: "Who is it?"

On the Holy Dragon Continent, the only person Yi'er ever liked was Chu Yixiu, but later she clearly didn't like him anymore, and even personally cut off the relationship with Chu Yixiu.When she arrived at the Misty Sect, she spent most of her time cultivating. Except for a few senior brothers, she didn't have much contact with outsiders... Thinking of this, he suddenly calmed down.

"It's Chu Yifeng, I like Chu Yifeng." Qin Luoyi glanced at him, saw the disbelief in his eyes, and quickly said Chu Yifeng's name, a complex strangeness flashed in his phoenix eyes color.

"It's him?"

Jian Yuyan's back stiffened, she didn't want to believe it at first, but she caught the sense of loss in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and thought that when she left, they had just stood on the stage to cross the void, when a figure rushed in, shouting at her Because the formation has been activated, he only glanced at it briefly, and felt that the figure was somewhat familiar, and thought it was someone from the Zhennan Palace. Now that he thought about it, that figure was clearly Chu Yifeng.

"Since you like him... why did you leave again?" Jian Yuyan asked her in a low voice, with a faint pain spreading from the bottom of her heart.

She likes Chu Yifeng...and since Chu Yifeng can catch up, it means that she is also in his heart. If so, why did she leave without hesitation?One must know that the Shenglong Continent is separated by millions of miles from Penglai Xiandao, and it is extremely difficult to meet again after leaving.

Qin Luoyi bit his lip, lowered his head slightly, and said very sadly: "The marriage contract between me and Chu Yixiu is known all over the world...Since the marriage contract is broken, I can only leave."

Hearing this, Jian Yuyan sighed softly, looked at Qin Luoyi with pity in his eyes, hugged her shoulders, hugged her into his arms, endured the pain in his heart, and comforted her softly.

Only then did she suddenly understand why she had to break off her engagement with Chu Yixiu. She must have loved Chu Yifeng very much. In order not to tarnish Chu Yifeng's reputation, she was willing to suffer lovesickness alone and leave her parents and relatives. Came to Penglai Xiandao to practice.

Qin Luoyi was embraced by Jian Yuyan, and leaned on his shoulder to comfort him, feeling a little guilty for cheating him so much.

"Yi'er, don't be sad, since you have left him, let me stay by your side in the future." After a while, Jian Yuyan let her go, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi opened his mouth, his eyes froze, he didn't expect that Jian Yuyan would not give up after she said that she had someone she liked.

"Jian Yuyan..." She frowned and continued to speak. Jian Yuyan raised her hand and pressed it on her lips, a soft luster in her dark eyes.

"Yi'er, you like him...I like you, this is not a conflict, don't reject me so quickly."

"Damn it!" Back in the tent, Qin Luoyi fell down on the bed with a "bang", buried his head in the thick pillow, his cheeks were still a little hot.

Just now, Jian Yuyan pressed his finger on her lips to prevent her from speaking, and then stared at her affectionately, which made her almost unable to bear it, and rushed forward to overwhelm him.

"Fortunately, I held back."

Qin Luoyi buried her head deeper, muttering in a low voice, although she had a crush on Jian Yuyan, she didn't intend to double cultivate with him, if she really pounced on him and ate him, things would be complicated in the future.

The next day, she went out early, avoiding Jian Yuyan and Duanmu Changqing, and took Dahei and Heidi to the depths of Jinding Mountain for a stroll.

It's just that there are too many people around Jinding Mountain during this period, and there are tens of thousands of monks. Although Jinding Mountain is full of aura, the surrounding spiritual plants with slightly higher ranks have almost been picked, and they have nothing to gain.

When I came back, it was already dark, and I didn't meet Jian Yuyan. Only Wen Lingtian was in the camp, and then she knew that Uncle Wu took Jian Yuyan out of the house in the morning, and Duanmu Changqing, who originally wanted to call her together , but when he called her, he realized that she had already gone out.

Qin Luoyi went back to the house and thought about it, and felt that what she did was too obvious, and she couldn't avoid Jian Yuyan all the time in the future, otherwise everyone would be embarrassed.

After taking a break early, after getting up the next morning, he meditated for a while, absorbing the power of the stars for half an hour, and then went out.

As soon as he walked out of the camp, he saw Jian Yuyan's tall and slender figure coming from the sunlight, imposing and handsome.

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.

"Yi'er, go to Jinding Mountain with me, the ice field will be opened early." Jian Yuyan stood in front of her, and said to her with a serious expression.

Qin Luoyi was a little surprised. According to what my uncle and Master Zuogu said, there should be a few more days. She and Jian Yuyan hurried to the top of the mountain while asking him what was going on.

"Yesterday, there was something strange about the domain gate of the ice domain. There were signs of opening. Master and I both went to see it. Master Zuogu guessed that something shocking to the world might be born inside, so that the ice domain would be opened in advance. For countless years, The door of the Ice Realm is opened on time every time, the only exception is the time thousands of years ago when Dongtian Blessed Land got the Zihuo Furnace, it opened one day earlier."

Qin Luoyi became excited. If this guess is true, such a good thing as the Zihuo Furnace can only make the ice field open one day earlier. This time, it was several days earlier. I am afraid that there is something really special. in.

The two soon came to the top of Jinding Mountain. There were many monks standing on the top of the mountain. Seeing them coming, they took the initiative to make way for them.

On the left side of the grand hall of the Alchemist Guild, there is a colorful door of light flickering faintly. Uncle Wu, Master Zuo Gu, Elder Lu, Elder Sima, and elders from several major sects are all standing there.

(End of this chapter)

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